Fan, Yu; Zhang, Shuoguo; Li, Xiaoliang; Zhu, Yujie; Hu, Xiangyu; Adams, Nikolaus A.: A hybrid method for insoluble surfactant dynamics. Journal of Computational Physics 522, 2025, 113602 mehr…BibTeX
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Wang, Zhentong; Haidn, Oskar J.; Hu, Xiangyu: An algorithm for the incorporation of relevant FVM boundary conditions in the Eulerian SPH framework. Computer Physics Communications 307, 2025, 109429 mehr…BibTeX
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Ye, Mai; Ma, Hao; Ren, Yaru; Zhang, Chi; Haidn, Oskar J.; Hu, Xiangyu: DRLinSPH: an open-source platform using deep reinforcement learning and SPHinXsys for fluid-structure-interaction problems. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 19 (1), 2025 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Bo; Adams, Nikolaus; Hu, Xiangyu: Towards high-order consistency and convergence of conservative SPH approximations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 433, 2025, 117484 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Shuaihao; Wang, Feng; Hu, Xiangyu; Lourenço, Sérgio D.N.: A unified transport-velocity formulation for SPH simulation of cohesive granular materials. Computers and Geotechnics 181, 2025, 107139 mehr…BibTeX
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Fan, Yu; Li, Xiaoliang; Zhang, Shuoguo; Hu, Xiangyu; Adams, Nikolaus A.: Analysis of the particle relaxation method for generating uniform particle distributions in smoothed particle hydrodynamics. arXivLabs, 2024 mehr…BibTeX
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Fan, Yu; Zhang, Shuoguo; Hu, Xiangyu; Adams, Nikolaus A.: A generalized hybrid method for surfactant dynamics. arXivLabs, 2024 mehr…BibTeX
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Rezavand, Massoud; Hu, Xiangyu: Numerical simulation of two-phase slug flows in horizontal pipelines: A 3-D smoothed particle hydrodynamics application. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids 104, 2024, 56-67 mehr…BibTeX
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Salis, Nicolò; Hu, Xiangyu; Luo, Min; Reali, Alessandro; Manenti, Sauro: 3D SPH analysis of focused waves interacting with a floating structure. Applied Ocean Research 144, 2024, 103885 mehr…BibTeX
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Tang, Xiaojing; Wu, Dong; Wang, Zhentong; Haidn, Oskar; Hu, Xiangyu: Simulating plate and shell structures with anisotropic resolution using adaptive smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 167, 2024, 105886 mehr…BibTeX
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Tang, Xiaojing; Wu, Dong; Wang, Zhentong; null, Oskar Haidn; Hu, Xiangyu: An Explicit Multi-Time Stepping Algorithm for Multi-Time Scale Coupling Problems in SPH. Communications in Computational Physics 36 (5), 2024, 1219-1261 mehr…BibTeX
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Wang, Zhentong; Zhang, Bo; Haidn, Oskar J.; Hu, Xiangyu: A fourth-order kernel for improving numerical accuracy and stability in Eulerian SPH for fluids and total Lagrangian SPH for solids. Journal of Computational Physics 519, 2024, 113385 mehr…BibTeX
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Wang, Zhentong; Zhang, Chi; Haidn, Oskar J.; Hu, Xiangyu: An efficient truncation scheme for Eulerian and total Lagrangian smoothed particle hydrodynamics methods. Physics of Fluids 36 (7), 2024 mehr…BibTeX
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Wu, Dong; Tang, Xiaojing; Zhang, Shuaihao; Hu, Xiangyu: Unified non-hourglass formulation for total Lagrangian SPH solid dynamics. Computational Mechanics, 2024 mehr…BibTeX
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Wu, Dong; Zhang, Chi; Hu, Xiangyu: An SPH formulation for general plate and shell structures with finite deformation and large rotation. Journal of Computational Physics 510, 2024, 113113 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Bo; Zhang, Chi; Hu, Xiangyu: Automated regression test method for scientific computing libraries: Illustration with SPHinXsys. Journal of Hydrodynamics 36 (3), 2024, 466-478 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Bo; Zhang, Chi; Hu, Xiangyu: Target-driven splitting SPH optimization of thermal conductivity distribution. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 227, 2024, 125476 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Shuaihao; Wu, Dong; Hu, Xiangyu; Choi, Clarence E.; Lourenço, Sérgio D. N.: An Efficient SPH Framework for Modeling Binary Granular Mixtures and Implications for Granular Flows. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2024 mehr…BibTeX
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Ren, Yaru; Khayyer, Abbas; Lin, Pengzhi; Hu, Xiangyu: Numerical modeling of sloshing flow interaction with an elastic baffle using SPHinXsys. Ocean Engineering 267, 2023, 113110 mehr…BibTeX
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Ren, Yaru; Lin, Pengzhi; Zhang, Chi; Hu, Xiangyu: An efficient correction method in Riemann SPH for the simulation of general free surface flows. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 417, 2023, 116460 mehr…BibTeX
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Su, Hongmin; Cai, Jinsheng; Pan, Shucheng; Hu, Xiangyu: Reformulated Dissipation for the Free-Stream Preserving of the Conservative Finite Difference Schemes on Curvilinear Grids. Journal of Scientific Computing 96 (3), 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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Sun, Yijie; Yu, Yongchuan; Zhu, Yujie; Zhang, Chi; Sun, Zhongguo; Hu, Xiangyu: A conservative particle splitting and merging technique with dynamic pattern and minimum density error. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 150, 2023, 246-258 mehr…BibTeX
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Wang, Zhentong; Zhang, Chi; Haidn, Oskar J.; Hu, Xiangyu: An Eulerian SPH method with WENO reconstruction for compressible and incompressible flows. Journal of Hydrodynamics 35 (2), 2023, 210-221 mehr…BibTeX
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Wu, Dong; Zhang, Chi; Tang, Xiaojing; Hu, Xiangyu: An essentially non-hourglass formulation for total Lagrangian smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 407, 2023, 115915 mehr…BibTeX
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Yu, Yongchuan; Zhu, Yujie; Zhang, Chi; Haidn, Oskar J.; Hu, Xiangyu: Level-set based pre-processing techniques for particle methods. Computer Physics Communications 289, 2023, 108744 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Shuaihao; Hu, Xiangyu; Lourenço, Sérgio D. N.: Modelling of water droplet dynamics on hydrophobic soils: a review. E3S Web of Conferences 382, 2023, 18005 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Shuoguo; Zhang, Wenbin; Zhang, Chi; Hu, Xiangyu: A Lagrangian free-stream boundary condition for weakly compressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Journal of Computational Physics 490, 2023, 112303 mehr…BibTeX
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Rezavand, Massoud; Zhang, Chi; Hu, Xiangyu: Generalized and efficient wall boundary condition treatment in GPU-accelerated smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Computer Physics Communications 281, 2022, 108507 mehr…BibTeX
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Tang, Xiaojing; Zhang, Chi; Haidn, Oskar; Hu, Xiangyu: An integrative SPH method for heat transfer problems involving fluid-structure interaction. Acta Mechanica Sinica 39 (2), 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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ZHANG, Chi; ZHU, YuJie; WU, Dong; WANG, Qiang; HU, XiangYu: Smoothed particle method for fluid-structure interaction. SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica &Astronomica 52 (10), 2022, 104702 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Chi; Zhu, Yu-jie; Wu, Dong; Adams, Nikolaus A.; Hu, Xiangyu: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics: Methodology development and recent achievement. Journal of Hydrodynamics 34 (5), 2022, 767-805 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Chi; Zhu, Yujie; Lyu, Xiuxiu; Hu, Xiangyu: An efficient and generalized solid boundary condition for SPH: Applications to multi-phase flow and fluid–structure interaction. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids 94, 2022, 276-292 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Chi; Zhu, Yujie; Lyu, Xiuxiu; Hu, Xiangyu: An efficient and generalized solid boundary condition for SPH: Applications to multi-phase flow and fluid–structure interaction. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids 94, 2022, 276-292 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Chi; Zhu, Yujie; Yu, Yongchuan; Wu, Dong; Rezavand, Massoud; Shao, Songdong; Hu, Xiangyu: An artificial damping method for total Lagrangian SPH method with application in biomechanics. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 143, 2022, 1-13 mehr…BibTeX
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Chen, Li-Wei; Cakal, Berkay A.; Hu, Xiangyu; Thuerey, Nils: Numerical investigation of minimum drag profiles in laminar flow using deep learning surrogates. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 919, 2021 mehr…BibTeX
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Haitao Li; Xiaokun Chen; Jun Deng; Xiangyu Hu; Qiuhong Wang; Xiaowei Zhai: Numerical simulation on formation mechanism of pulverized coal cloud and flame dynamic behaviors during the explosion process in an open vessel. China Coal Society, 2021, Volume 46, Issue 8, Pages 2600 - 2613 mehr…BibTeX
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Ji, Zhe; Fu, Lin; Hu, Xiangyu; Adams, Nikolaus: A feature-aware SPH for isotropic unstructured mesh generation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 375, 2021, 113634 mehr…BibTeX
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Lyu, Xiuxiu; Zhu, Yujie; Zhang, Chi; Hu, Xiangyu; Adams, Nikolaus A.: Modeling of Cavitation Bubble Cloud with Discrete Lagrangian Tracking. Water 13 (19), 2021, 2684 mehr…BibTeX
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Um, Kiwon; Hu, Xiangyu; Wang, Bing; Thuerey, Nils: Spot the Difference. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 18 (2), 2021, 1-15 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Chi; Rezavand, Massoud; Zhu, Yujie; Yu, Yongchuan; Wu, Dong; Zhang, Wenbin; Wang, Jianhang; Hu, Xiangyu: SPHinXsys: An open-source multi-physics and multi-resolution library based on smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Computer Physics Communications 267, 2021, 108066 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Chi; Wang, Jianhang; Rezavand, Massoud; Wu, Dong; Hu, Xiangyu: An integrative smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for modeling cardiac function. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 381, 2021, 113847 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Chi; Wei, Yanji; Dias, Frederic; Hu, Xiangyu: An efficient fully Lagrangian solver for modeling wave interaction with oscillating wave surge converter. Ocean Engineering 236, 2021, 109540 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhu, Yujie; Zhang, Chi; Hu, Xiangyu: A consistency-driven particle-advection formulation for weakly-compressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Computers & Fluids 230, 2021, 105140 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhu, Yujie; Zhang, Chi; Yu, Yongchuan; Hu, Xiangyu: A CAD-compatible body-fitted particle generator for arbitrarily complex geometry and its application to wave-structure interaction. Journal of Hydrodynamics 33 (2), 2021, 195-206 mehr…BibTeX
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Fleischmann, Nico; Adami, Stefan; Hu, Xiangyu Y.; Adams, Nikolaus A.: A low dissipation method to cure the grid-aligned shock instability. Journal of Computational Physics 401, 2020, 109004 mehr…BibTeX
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He, Yi; Jiao, Dongsheng; Pei, Gang; Hu, Xiangyu; He, Liqun: Experimental study on a three-dimensional pulsating heat pipe with tandem tapered nozzles. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 119, 2020, 110201 mehr…BibTeX
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Li, Haitao; Chen, Xiaokun; Deng, Jun; Shu, Chi-Min; Kuo, Chia-Ho; Yu, Yongchuan; Hu, Xiangyu: CFD analysis and experimental study on the effect of oxygen level, particle size, and dust concentration on the flame evolution characteristics and explosion severity of cornstarch dust cloud deflagration in a spherical chamber. Powder Technology 372, 2020, 585-599 mehr…BibTeX
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Li, Haitao; Deng, Jun; Chen, Xiaokun; Shu, Chi-Min; Kuo, Chia-Ho; Hu, Xiangyu: Influence of ignition delay on explosion severities of the methane–coal particle hybrid mixture at elevated injection pressures. Powder Technology 367, 2020, 860-876 mehr…BibTeX
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Li, Haitao; Deng, Jun; Chen, Xiaokun; Shu, Chi-Min; Kuo, Chia-Ho; Zhai, Xiaowei; Wang, Qiuhong; Hu, Xiangyu: Transient temperature evolution of pulverized coal cloud deflagration in a methane–oxygen atmosphere. Powder Technology 366, 2020, 294-304 mehr…BibTeX
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Li, Haitao; Deng, Jun; Chen, Xiaokun; Shu, Chi-Min; Kuo, Chia-Ho; Zhai, Xiaowei; Wang, Qiuhong; Hu, Xiangyu: Qualitative and quantitative characterisation for explosion severity and gaseous–solid residues during methane–coal particle hybrid explosions: An approach to estimating the safety degree for underground coal mines. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2020 mehr…BibTeX
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Li, Haitao; Deng, Jun; Shu, Chi-Min; Kuo, Chia-Ho; Yu, Yongchuan; Hu, Xiangyu: Flame behaviours and deflagration severities of aluminium powder–air mixture in a 20-L sphere: Computational fluid dynamics modelling and experimental validation. Fuel 276, 2020, 118028 mehr…BibTeX
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Ma, Hao; Zhang, Yu-xuan; Haidn, Oskar J.; Thuerey, Nils; Hu, Xiang-yu: Supervised learning mixing characteristics of film cooling in a rocket combustor using convolutional neural networks. Acta Astronautica 175, 2020, 11-18 mehr…BibTeX
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Rezavand, Massoud; Zhang, Chi; Hu, Xiangyu: A weakly compressible SPH method for violent multi-phase flows with high density ratio. Journal of Computational Physics 402, 2020, 109092 mehr…BibTeX
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Vacondio, Renato; Altomare, Corrado; De Leffe, Matthieu; Hu, Xiangyu; Le Touzé, David; Lind, Steven; Marongiu, Jean-Christophe; Marrone, Salvatore; Rogers, Benedict D.; Souto-Iglesias, Antonio: Grand challenges for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics numerical schemes. Computational Particle Mechanics, 2020 mehr…BibTeX
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Vacondio, Renato; Altomare, Corrado; De Leffe, Matthieu; Hu, Xiangyu; Le Touzé, David; Lind, Steven; Marongiu, Jean-Christophe; Marrone, Salvatore; Rogers, Benedict D.; Souto-Iglesias, Antonio: Grand challenges for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics numerical schemes. Computational Particle Mechanics 8 (3), 2020, 575-588 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Chi; Rezavand, Massoud; Hu, Xiangyu: Dual-criteria time stepping for weakly compressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Journal of Computational Physics 404, 2020, 109135 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Chi; Rezavand, Massoud; Hu, Xiangyu: A multi-resolution SPH method for fluid-structure interactions. Journal of Computational Physics, 2020, 110028 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhe Ji; Lin Fu; Xiangyu Hu; Nikolaus Adams: A consistent parallel isotropic unstructured mesh generation method based on multi-phase SPH. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 363, 1 May 2020, Article number 112881, 2020 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhu, Yujie; Hu, Xiangyu: An L2-norm regularized incremental-stencil WENO scheme for compressible flows. Computers & Fluids 213, 2020, 104721 mehr…BibTeX
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Fu, L.; Hu, XY, Adams, N.A.: Improved Five- and Six-Point Targeted Essentially Nonoscillatory Schemes with Adaptive Dissipation. AIAA Journal (Vol. 57, Issue 3), 2019, pp. 1143-1158 mehr…BibTeX
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Fu, Lin; Han, Luhui; Hu, Xiangyu Y.; Adams, Nikolaus A.: An isotropic unstructured mesh generation method based on a fluid relaxation analogy. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 350, 2019, 396-431 mehr…BibTeX
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Fu, Lin; Ji, Zhe; Hu, Xiangyu Y.; Adams, Nikolaus A.: Parallel fast-neighbor-searching and communication strategy for particle-based methods. Engineering Computations 36 (3), 2019, 899-929 mehr…BibTeX
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Ji, Z.; Fu, L.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.: A Lagrangian Inertial Centroidal Voronoi Particle method for dynamic load balancing in particle-based simulations. Computer Physics Communications, 2019 mehr…BibTeX
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Ji, Z.; Fu, L.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.: A new multi-resolution parallel framework for SPH. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (Vol. 346), 2019, pp. 1156-1178 mehr…BibTeX
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Lin Fu; Xiangyu Hu; Nikolaus A. Adams: A Targeted ENO Scheme as Implicit Model for Turbulent and Genuine Subgrid Scales. Communications in Computational Physics 26 (2), 2019, 311-345 mehr…BibTeX
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Wang, Jian-Hang.; Pan, S.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.: Partial characteristic decomposition for multi-species Euler equations. Computers and Fluids (Vol. 181), 2019, pp. 364-382 mehr…BibTeX
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Wang, Jian-Hang; Pan, Shucheng; Hu, Xiangyu Y.; Adams, Nikolaus A.: A split random time-stepping method for stiff and nonstiff detonation capturing. Combustion and Flame 204, 2019, 397-413 mehr…BibTeX
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Wang, Jian-Hang; Pan, Shucheng; Hu, Xiangyu Y.; Adams, Nikolaus A.: A species-clustered splitting scheme for the integration of large-scale chemical kinetics using detailed mechanisms. Combustion and Flame 205, 2019, 41-54 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, Chi.; Xiang, G.M.; Wang, B.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.: A weakly compressible SPH method with WENO reconstruction. Journal of Computational Physics 392, 2019, 1-18 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhu, Yujie; Hu, Xiangyu: Free-stream preserving linear-upwind and WENO schemes on curvilinear grids. Journal of Computational Physics 399, 2019, 108907 mehr…BibTeX
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N. Fleischmann, S. Adami, X.Y. Hu, N.A. Adams: A Simple Low-Dissipation Roe-Scheme Modification to Cure Shock Instabilities at High Mach Numbers. Proc. of the 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW32), 2019 mehr…BibTeX
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Fu, L., Hu, X.Y., Adams, N.A.: A new class of adaptive high-order targeted ENO schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws. Journal of Computational Physics Vol. 374, 2018, pp. 724-751 mehr…BibTeX
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Han, LH ; Hu, XY: SPH modeling of fluid-structure interaction. JOURNAL OF HYDRODYNAMICS Vol. 30 (Issue 1), 2018, pp. 62-69 mehr…BibTeX
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Lyu, X.; Pan, S.; Hu, X.; Adams, N.A.:: Numerical investigation of homogeneous cavitation nucleation in a microchannel. PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS 3 (6), 2018, 064303 mehr…BibTeX
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Pan, S.; Adami, S.; Hu, X.; Adams, N.: Phenomenology of bubble-collapse-driven penetration of biomaterial-surrogate liquid-liquid interfaces. Physical Review Fluids (Vol. 3, Issue 2 ), 2018, Article Number 114005 mehr…BibTeX
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Pan, S.; Han, L.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.: A conservative interface-interaction method for compressible multi-material flows. Journal of Computational Physics (Vol. 371), 2018, pp. 870-895 mehr…BibTeX
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Pan, S.; Hu, X.; Adams, N.A.: A consistent analytical formulation for volume estimation of geometries enclosed by implicitly defined surfaces. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Vol. 40 (Issue 3), 2018, A1523-A1543 mehr…BibTeX
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Pan, S.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.: High-resolution method for evolving complex interface networks. Computer Physics Communications Vol. 225, 2018, pp. 10-27 mehr…BibTeX
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Pan, S.; Lyu, X.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.: High-order time-marching reinitialization for regional level-set. Journal of Computational Physics Vol. 354, 2018, pp. 311-319 mehr…BibTeX
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Wang, B.; Xiang, G.; Hu, X.Y.: An incremental-stencil WENO reconstruction for simulation of compressible two-phase flows. International Journal of Multiphase Flow Vol. 104, 2018, pp. 20-31 mehr…BibTeX
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Um, K.; Hu, X.; Thuerey, N.: Liquid Splash Modeling with Neural Networks. Symosium on Computer Animation , 2018Computer Graphics Forum , pp. 171-182 mehr…BibTeX
Fu, L., Hu, X.Y., Adams, N.A.: Single-step reinitialization and extending algorithms for level-set based multi-phase flow simulations. Computer Physics Communications 221, 2017, 63-80 mehr…BibTeX
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Fu, L., Hu, X.Y., Adams, N.A.: Targeted ENO schemes with tailored resolution property for hyperbolic conservation laws. Journal of Computational Physics 349, 2017, 97-121 mehr…BibTeX
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Fu, L., Litvinov, S., Hu, X.Y., Adams, N.A.: A novel partitioning method for block-structured adaptive meshes. Journal of Computational Physics 341, 2017, 447-473 mehr…BibTeX
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Fu, L.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.:: A physics-motivated Centroidal Voronoi Particle domain decomposition method,. Journal of Computational Physics 335, 2017, pp. 718-735 mehr…BibTeX
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Um, K., Hu, X., Thuerey, N.: Perceptual evaluation of liquid simulation methods. ACM Transactions on Graphics 36 (4), 2017, Article number 143 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, C.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.:: A weakly compressible SPH method based on a low-dissipation Riemann solver,. Journal of Computational Physics 335, 2017, pp. 605-620 mehr…BibTeX
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Zhang, C.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.:: A generalized transport-velocity formulation for smoothed particle hydrodynamics,. Journal of Computational Physics, 337, 2017, pp. 216-232, mehr…BibTeX
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Fu, L., Hu, X.Y., Adams, N.A.: Implicit large eddy simulations with a high-order TENO scheme. 10th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, TSFP 10, 2017 Swissotel ChicagoChicago; United States; 6 July 2017 through 9 July 2017; Code 130996mehr…BibTeX
Pan, S.; Adami, S.; Hu, X.; Adams, N.A.: Shock-bubble Interaction Near a Compliant Tissue-like Material. International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena [TSFP 10], 2017 mehr…BibTeX
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Fu, L. ; Hu, X.Y.; , Adams, N.A.: A family of high-order targeted ENO schemes for compressible fluid simulations;. Journal of Computational Physics Volume 305, 2016 mehr…BibTeX
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Hu, X.Y.:: Simple gradient-based error-diffusion method;. Journal of Electronic Imaging, , 2016 mehr…BibTeX
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Luo, J.; Hu, X.Y. ; Adams, N.A.: Efficient formulation of scale separation for multi-scale modeling of interfacial flows. Journal of Computational Physics Volume 308, 2016, Pages 411-420; mehr…BibTeX
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Luo, J.; Hu, X.Y. ; Adams, N.A.: Curvature boundary condition for a moving contact line. Journal of Computational Physics Volume 310, 2016 mehr…BibTeX
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Schranner, F.S.; Hu, X. ; Adams, N.A.: On the convergence of the weakly compressible sharp-interface method for two-phase flows. Journal of Computational Physics Volume 324, 2016, Pages 94-114 mehr…BibTeX
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Han, L.H.; Hu, X.Y. ; Adams, N.A.: Scale separation for multi-scale modeling of free-surface and two-phase flows with the conservative sharp interface method. Journal of Computational Physics Volume 280, 2015, Pages 387-403 mehr…BibTeX
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Hu, X.Y. ; Wang, B.; Adams, N.A.: An efficient low-dissipation hybrid weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme. Journal of Computational Physics Volume 301, 2015, Pages 415-424 mehr…BibTeX
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Litvinov, S.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.: Towards consistence and convergence of conservative SPH approximations. Journal of Computational Physics Volume 301, 2015, Pages 394-401 mehr…BibTeX
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Luo, J. ; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.: A conservative sharp interface method for incompressible multiphase flows. Journal of Computational Physics Volume 284, 2015, Pages 547-565 mehr…BibTeX
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Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.: A SPH Model for Incompressible Turbulence. IUTAM [18th.], 2015, pp. 66-75 mehr…BibTeX
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Han, L. H.; Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A.: Adaptive multi-resolution method for compressible multi-phase flows with sharp interface model and pyramid data structure. Journal of Computational Physics (262), 2014, pp. 131-152 mehr…BibTeX
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Litvinov, S.; Hu, X.; Ellero, M.; Adams, N.: Mesoscopic simulation of the transient behavior of semi-diluted polymer solution in a microchannel following extensional flow. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 16 (Issue 1-2 ), 2014, Pages 257-264 mehr…BibTeX
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Tritschler, V. K.; Olson, B. J.; Lele, S. K.; Hickel, S.; Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A.: On the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability evolving from a deterministic multimode planar interface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (755 / 2), 2014, pp. 429-462 mehr…BibTeX
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Tritschler, V.K.; Avdonin, A.; Hickel, S.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.: Quantification of initial-data uncertainty on a shock-accelerated gas cylinder. Physics of Fluids 026101, 2014 mehr…BibTeX
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Adami, S.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.: A transport-velocity formulation for smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Journal of Computational Physics 241 , 2013, Pages 292–307 mehr…BibTeX
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Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A.; Shu, Chi-Wang: Positivity-preserving method for high-order conservative schemes solving compressible Euler equations. Journal of Computational Physics 242, 2013, Pages 169–180 mehr…BibTeX
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Litvinov, S.; Hu, X. Y.; Ellero, M.; Adams, N. A.: Mesoscopic simulations of the transient behavior of semi-diluted polymer solutions in a microchannel following extensional flow. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics , 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Schranner, F.S.; Hu, X.Y. ; Adams, N.A.: A physically consistent weakly compressible high-resolution approach to underresolved simulations of incompressible flows. Computers and Fluids Volume 86, 2013, Pages 109-124 mehr…BibTeX
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Tritschler, V.K.; Hu, X.Y.; Hickel, S.; Adams, N.A.: Numerical simulation of a Richtmyer-Meshkov instability with an adaptive central-upwind sixth-order WENO scheme. Physica Scripta 88 (T155) Art.-no. 014016, 2013 mehr…BibTeX
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Tritschler,V. K.; Hickel, S.; Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A.: On the Kolmogorov inertial subrange developing from Richtmyer-Meshkov instability. Physics of Fluids 25 (7), 2013, 071701 mehr…BibTeX
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Schranner, Felix S.; Hu, Xiangyu Y.; Adams, Nikolaus A.: Long-Time Evolution of the Incompressible Three-Dimension Taylor-Green Vortex at Very High Reynolds Number. International Symplosium on Turbulence and Shear-Flor Phenomena (TSFP-8), 2013 mehr…BibTeX
So, K.; Chantrasmi, T.; Hu, X.Y.; Stemmer, C.; Iaccarion, G.; Adams, N.A.: Uncertainty quantification of shock-bubble interaction through the stochastic collocation method. EUROMECH Colloquium, 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Adami, S.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.: A generalized wall boundary condition for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Journal of Computational Physics Volume 231 (21), 2012, Pages 7057-7075 mehr…BibTeX
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Lauer, E.; Hu, X. Y., Hickel, S. , Adams, N.A.: Numerical investigation of collapsing cavity arrays. Physics of Fluids (24 / 5), 2012, Art.-No. 052104 mehr…BibTeX
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Lauer, E.; Hu, X. Y.; Hickel, S.; Adams, N.A.: Numerical modelling and investigation of symmetric and asymmetric cavitation bubble dynamics. Computers and Fluids 69, 2012, pp. 1-19 mehr…BibTeX
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Tritschler, V. K.; Hu, X. Y.; Hickel, S.; Adams, N. A.: Numerical simulation of a Richtmyer–Meshkov instability with an adaptive central-upwind sixth-order WENO scheme. Physica Scripta, 2012 mehr…BibTeX
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Adami, S.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.: Contact line hydrodynamics with SPH. 7th SPHERIC Workshop, 2012Prato, Italy, May 29-31mehr…BibTeX
Han L. H.; Hu X. Y.; Adams N.A.: Multi-scale modeling for multi-phase (interfacial) turbulent flows. International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements [9th.], 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Hu X.Y.; Adams N. A.: Early-time interface instabilities in high intensity aero-breakup of liquid drop. International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics [23rd.], 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Hu X.Y.; Lauer, E.; Adams, N. A.: Numerical investigation of collapsing cavity arrays. International Symposium on Cavitation [8th.], 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A.: A SPH model for incompressible turbulence. SPHERIC Workshop [7th.] , 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Litvinov S.; Ellero, M.; Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N.A..: Dissipative particle dynamics simulation of transient flow of dilute polymer solutions confined in a channel. International Workshop on Numerical Methods for Non-Newtonian Flows [17th.], 2012 mehr…BibTeX
So K.; Hu X. Y.; Adams, N. A.: Anti-Diffusion Interface Sharpening Technique for Two-Phase Compressible Flow Simulations. International Conference on Numerical Methods in Multiphase Flow [1st.], 2012, pp. 4304-4323 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (
Adami, S.; Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N.A.: Numerical investigation of complex multiphase flows with Lagrangian particle methods. 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Adami, S.; Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N.A.: Simulating 3D turbulence with SPH. Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, 2012, mehr…BibTeX
Adami, S.; Hu, X.; Adams, N.: Contact line hydrodynamics with SPH – 7th SPHERIC Wporkshop, Prato, Italy. Lehrstuhl für Aerodynamik, 2012, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Adami, S.; Hu, X.; Adams, N.: Simulating three-dimensional turbulence with SPH – Proceedings of the 2012 Summer Program. Stanford University, 2012, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Han, L. H.; Indinger, T.; Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A.: Wavelet-based adaptive multi-resolution solver on heterogeneous parallel architecture for computational fluid dynamics. Computer Science - Research and Development 26 (3-4), 2011, Pages 197–203 mehr…BibTeX
Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A.: Scale separation for implicit large eddy simulation. Journal of Computational Physics 230 (19), 2011, Pages 7240-7249 mehr…BibTeX
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Litvinov, S.; Hu, X. Y. ; Adams, N. A.: Numerical simulation of tethered DNA in shear flow. Journal Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 2011 mehr…BibTeX
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So, K. K.; Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.: Anti-diffusion method for interface steepening in two-phase incompressible flow. Journal of Computational Physics 230, 2011, Pages 5155–5177 mehr…BibTeX
Adami, S.; Hu, X. ; Adams, N.: A new surface-tension formulation for multi-phase SPH using a reproducing divergence approximation;. Journal of Computational Physics 229(13), 2010, Pages 5011-5021 mehr…BibTeX
Adami, S.; Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N.: A conservative SPH method for surfactant dynamics. Journal of Computational Physics 229(5), , 2010, Pages 1909-1926 mehr…BibTeX
Litvinov, S.; Ellero, M.; Hu, X. ; Adams, N.: A splitting scheme for highly dissipative smoothed particle dynamics. Journal of Computational Physics 229(15),, 2010, Pages 5457-5464 mehr…BibTeX
Litvinov, S.; Ellero, M.; Hu, X.; Adams, N.A.: Particle-layering effect in wall-bounded dissipative particle dynamics. Phys. Rev. E, American Physical Society, 82(6),, 2010, 066704 mehr…BibTeX
Meyer, M.; Devesa, A.; Hickel, S.; Hu, X. ; Adams, N.: A conservative immersed interface method for Large-Eddy Simulation of incompressible flows. Journal of Computational Physics 229,, 2010, Pages 6300-6317 mehr…BibTeX
Adami, S.; Hu, X.; Adams, N.: 3D drop deformation and breakup in simple shear flow considering the effect of insoluble surfactant – 5th SPHERIC Workshop, Manchester, UK, 23.-25.6. Lehrstuhl für Aerodynamik, 2010, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
So, K.K.; Chantrasmi, T.; Hu, X.Y.; Witteveen, J.A.S.; Stemmer, C.; Iaccarino, G.; Adams, N.A.: Uncertainty analysis for shock-bubble interaction: Proceedings of the 2010 CTR Summer Program. 2010 mehr…BibTeX
Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A.: A constant-density approach for incompressible multi-phase SPH. Journal of Computational Physics; (228:2082-2091), 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Hu, X.Y.; Adams, N.A.; Iaccarino, G.: On the HLLC Riemann solver for interface interaction in compressible multi-fluid flow. Journal of Computational Physics; (2278:6572-6589), 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Litvinov, S.; Ellero, M.; Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A.: Self-diffusion coefficient in smoothed dissipative particle dynamics. Journal of Computational Physics; (130:021101), 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Litvinov, S.; Ellero, M.; Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A.: Smoothed dissipative particle dynamics model for polymer molecules in suspension. Physical Review E (77:066703), 2008 mehr…BibTeX
Hu., X. Y.; Adams, N. A.: An incompressible mult-phase SPH method. Journal of Computational Physics (227), 2007, pp. 264-278 mehr…BibTeX
Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A.: Angular-momentrum conservative SPD for incompressible viscous flows. Physical Fluids (18, 101702), 2006 mehr…BibTeX
Hu, X.; Adams, N. A.: A multi-phase SPH method for macroscopic and mesoscopic flows. Journal of Computational Physics (213), 2006, pp. 844-861 mehr…BibTeX
Hu., X. Y.; Khoo, B. C.; Adams, N. A.; Huang, F. I: A conservative interface method for compressible flows. Journal of Computational Physics; (219), 2006, pp. 553-578 mehr…BibTeX
Hu, X. Y.; Khoo, B. C.: Kinetic energy fix for low internal energy flows. Journal of Computational Physics (193), 2003, pp. 243-259 mehr…BibTeX
Hu, X. Y.; Guo, C.M.; Zhang, D.L.: Theoretical analysis on dynamic mechanism of cellular detonation. Shock Waves (11), 2002, pp. 475-480 mehr…BibTeX
Hu, X. Y.; Zhang, D. L.: An numerical simulation on the explosion of mixtured gas with elementary reaction model. Journal of Safety and Environmental Engineering (in chinese) (1), 2002, pp. 5-12 mehr…BibTeX
Hu, X. Y.; Zhang, D. L.: Numerical simulation of gaseous detonation pof H2-O2 mixture with detailed chemical reaction model. Explosion and Shock (in chinese) (22), 2002, pp. 1-8 mehr…BibTeX
Hu, X. Y.; Zhang, D. L.: The variation of the gaseous detonation wave through the cell. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (in chinese) (21), 2001, pp. 286-291 mehr…BibTeX
Hu, X. Y.; Zhang, D. L.: Study on dynmic mechanism of cellular structure. High-pressure Physics (in chinese) (15), 2001, pp. 205-214 mehr…BibTeX
Hu, X. Y.; Huang, F. L.: Simplified equation of states of porous explosives and its application in DYNA2D code. Explosion and Shock (in chinese) (19), 1999, pp. 55-58 mehr…BibTeX