
Focal Period award - PRedicting macroscOpic behavior from MIcroscopic Simulators (PROMISe)

TUM-IAS has awarded our proposal on PRedicting macroscOpic behavior from MIcroscopic Simulators (PROMISe) with a Focal Period grant. This represents a collaborative effort between the following groups:

 • Focus group: Complex Systems Modeling and Computation (Hans Fischer Senior Fellow: Prof. I. Kevrekidis, Hosts: Prof. O. Junge, Prof. K. Krischer)

• Focus group: Physics with Effective Field Theories (Hans Fischer Senior Fellow: Andreas Kronfeld, Hosts: Prof. N. Brambilla, Prof. A. Vairo).

• Focus group: Uncertainty Quantification and Predictive Modeling (Hans Fischer Senior Fellow: Prof. N. Zabaras, Host: Prof. P.S. Koutsourelakis )

The coordinator of the project is Prof.  Koutsourelakis who can be contacted for additional details.