Mariella Kast presents her Bachelor's thesis on "Application of biomechanical numerical analysis on experimental data"
The slides of the presentation can be found here
This thesis follows a model-based approach to elastography such that the inverse problem statement is solved as an…
Maximilan Koschade presents his Semester thesis on "Polynomial Chaos Expansion and Active Bayesian Machine Learning for Uncertainty Quantification in the Context of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations"
We first introduce the basics of both intrusive and non-intrusive Polynomial…
Maximilian Soepper presents his Bachelor's thesis on "Analysis of Optimization Algorithms in the Presence of Noisy Gradients for the Identification of Model Parameters of Multiscale Simulations"
Prof. Koutsourelakis gave an invited talk on "Machine Learning meets Physical Modeling" during the workshop on "Exposome and Big Data on Geospatial Exposure and Health" that took place in Zeist, The Netherland in January 7 & 8, 2016.
Prof. Koutsourelakis gives an invited talk on "Predictive Coarse-Graining" (joint work with M. Schoeberl and N.Zabaras) during the International Symposium on "Predictive Multiscale Materials Modelling" that took place in the Isaac Newton Institute, between Dec. 1st and 4th 2015. Videos and slides…