
Registration is now open for the symposium that will held at the Institute of Advanced Study at the Technical University Munich (Germany) 18-21 May 2015 on: Big Data and Predictive Computational Modeling The symposium is sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Study, Technical University of…

A new journal club is offered by our group designed for ph.d.-students of our faculty, but also others are welcome. More details can be found in Moodle under 'Journal Club Uncertainty Quantification'.

A post-doctoral position is available immediately in the group. The research efforts of the group center around the computational modeling of stochastic aspects with particular emphasis in solids/materials. Topics investigated include uncertainty propagation in physical and engineered systems,…

Research Opportunities program for Postdocs at TUM . Next application deadline 31. October 2014. More information can be found here. 

Jonathan Roth is a bachelor student at the Munich School of Engineering (MSE) who completed  his Bachelor's Thesis in our group on Reduced Basis Methods for Parametric PDEs. To see some of his results, take a look at his presentation

Wir suchen 1 - 2 motivierte StudentInnen zur Durchführung von verschiedenen Aufgabenstellungen im Bereich Lehre und Forschung. Falls Sie bereits erste Erfahrungen im Programmieren (Matlab, C++), mit FEM und/oder Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie haben, melden Sie sich bitte bei Michael Kraus…

More information can be found here.

Please contact Michael Kraus for additional information

Kommen Sie vorbei und sehen Sie, was wir machen!

Felix Bott is a bachelor student at the Munich School of Engineering (MSE) who completed  a research internship in our group on atomistic modeling of solids. To see some of his results, take a look at his poster and video postervideo