NANOSHOCK - Manufacturing Shock Interactions for Innovative Nanoscale Processes

Group News
- December, 2020: New paper in Journal of Computational Physics by N. Fleischmann, S. Adami and N.A. Adams
Our paper "A shock-stable modification of the HLLC Riemann solver with reduced numerical dissipation" is accepted for the Journal of Computational Physics.
See https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2020.109762
- September, 2020: New paper in Journal of Computational Physics: X by N. Fleischmann, S. Adami and N.A. Adams
Our paper "On an inconsistency of the arithmetic-average signal speed estimate for HLL-type Riemann solvers" is accepted for the Journal of Computational Physics: X.
See https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2020.109762
- July, 2020: New paper in International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer by J.W.J. Kaiser, S. Adami, I.S. Akhatov and N.A. Adams
Our paper "A semi-implicit conservative sharp-interface method for liquid-solid phase transition" is accepted for the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.
See doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.119800.
- Oct 9th, 2019: Neue Forschungskooperation zwischen Oerlikon AM GmbH, Linde und TUM AER
- See >> More
- Oct 4th, 2019: New paper in Journal of Computational Physics by N.Fleischmann, S. Adami, X.Y. Hu and N.A. Adams
Our paper "A low dissipation method to cure the grid-aligned shock instability" is accepted for the Journal of Computational Physics.
See doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2019.109004
- Sep 2019: New paper in Journal of Computational Physics:X by J. Kaiser, N. Hoppe, S. Adami and N.A. Adams
Our paper "An adaptive local time-stepping scheme for multiresolution simulations of hyperbolic conservation laws" is accepted for the Journal of Computational Physics:X.
See https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compfluid.2019.04.004
- July 30th - August 2nd, 2019: Participation at "TSFP 11"
We present our work at the 11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena in Southampton, UK. We are looking forward to meet you!- Kaiser et al., Three-dimensional direct numerical simulation of shock-induced bubble collapse near gelatin.
- Winter et al., Numerical investigation of 3D drop-breakup mechanism using a sharp-interface level-set method.
- July 15-19th, 2019: Participation at "HPCS 2019"
We present our work at the 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation in Dublin, Ireland. We are looking forward to meet you!- Hoppe et al., Node-Level Optimization of a 3D Block-Based Multiresolution Compressible Flow Solver with Emphasis on Performance Portability
July 19th, 2019: New paper in Computers & Fluids by N.Fleischmann, S. Adami and N.A. Adams
Our paper "Numerical symmetry-preserving techniques for low-dissipation shock-capturing schemes" was accepted for publication in Computers & Fluids (Volume 189, 15 July 2019, Pages 94-107).
See https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045793018308399
- July 15-19th, 2019: Participation at "ICIAM 2019"
We present our work at the International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics in Valencia, Spain as part of the minisymposium Cartesian CFD methods- Paula et al., A sharp-interface phase-change model based on level set and homogeneous relaxation using the multiresolution framework ALPACA
- July 14-19th, 2019: Participation at "ISSW32"
We present our work at the 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves in Singapore.
We are looking forward to meet you!- Fleischmann et al., A Simple Low-Dissipation Roe-Scheme Modification to Cure Shock Instabilities at High Mach Numbers
- May 19-24th, 2019: Participation at "ICMF 2019"
We present our work at the 10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
We are looking forward to meet you!- Kaiser et al., Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Aerodynamic Fragmentation in the Rayleigh-Taylor Piercing Regime
- Winter et al., Direct Numerical Simulation of the Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability at a V-Shaped Air-Helium Interface
- April 14th, 2019: New paper in Physical Review Fluids by T. Paula, S. Adami and N.A. Adams
Our paper "Analysis of the early stages of liquid-water-drop explosion by numerical simulation" was accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 044003.
See https://journals.aps.org/prfluids/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.044003
- February 18-22nd, 2019: Participation at "GAMM 2019"
We present our work at the 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in Vienna, Austria. We are looking forward to meet you!- Bogdanov et al., Numerical investigation of the liquid-jet formation during water-hammer experiments.
- Lunkov et al., Numerical investigation of simultaneous multi-bubble collapse scenarios with varying initial size.
- February 5th, 2018: Participation at "GAMM 2018"
We present our work at the 89th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM e.V.) We are looking forward to meet you!- Hoppe et al., A hybrid parallelization strategy for a modular multiresolution compressible flow solver, S 22
- Fleischmann et al., Investigation of the symmetry-breaking behavior of low dissipation WENO schemes, S 18
- Winter et al., Numerical simulation of compressible multiphase flows using the new T-ENO scheme with a sharp-interface level-set method, S 11
- Paula et al., Numerical simulation of initial stages of liquid water drop explosion, S 11
- Adami et al., Numerical simulation of bubble-collapse-driven penetration of biomaterial-surrogate liquid-liquid interfaces, S 11
- December 15th, 2017: Release
We are please to announce the release of the first open-source version of our research code "ALPACA".
Git-Access is granted on request via mail.
- November 18-19th, 2017: Invited talk
Invited talk of Prof. Adams at the AmeriMech Symposium "Interfaces and Mixing Non-Equilibrium Transport Across the Scales", Denver, USA.
Title: "Droplet breakup as multi-scale computing challen
- September 6th, 2017: Award
Thomas Paula, M.Sc., received the "Willy Messerschmitt Studienpreis" for his Master's Thesis "Liquid water drop explosion simulations using a sharp-interface method".
Thomas is now a PhD student in the Nanoshock group and continuing his exciting work on highly energetic manipulations of drop dynamics.
Congratulations Thomas and welcome aboard...
- July 6-9th, 2017: Nanoshock goes TSFP 2017
We present our work at the Tenth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena in Chicaco, USA.- S. Pan, S. Adami, X.Y. Hu, N.A. Adams, Shock-bubble Interaction Near a Compliant Tissue-like Material
- J. Kaiser, S. Adami, N.A. Adams, Direct Numerical Simulation of Shock-Induced Drop Breakup with a Sharp-Interface-Method