Akademischer Oberrat am Lehrstuhl für Aerodynamik und Strömungsmechanik, Technische Universität München, April 2016
Ernennung zum Privatdozenten mit der Erteilung der Lehrbefugnis im Fachgebiet Strömungsmechanik an der TU München, September 2013
Habilitation an der Fakultät für Maschinenwesen an der TU München, Juni 2013
Akademischer Rat am Lehrstuhl für Aerodynamik, Technische Universität München, Juni 2006
Leiter Gruppe Automobilaerodynamik am Lehrstuhl für Aerodynamik, Technische Universität München, seit Januar 2006
Promotion (Dr.-Ing.) am Lehrstuhl für Aerodynamik, Technische Universität München, Oktober 2005
Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Lehrstuhl für Aerodynamik, Technische Universität München, Januar 2005
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Strömungsmechanik, Technische Universität Dresden, Juli 2001–Dezember 2004
Diplom Maschinenbau, Angewandte Mechanik, Technische Universität Dresden, März 2000
Sachbearbeiter und Musterprüfer für Luftfahrzeugantriebsanlagen, Wehrtechnische Dienststelle für Luftfahrzeuge- und Musterprüfwesen für Luftfahrtgerät der Bundeswehr (WTD61) Manching, Januar 1995–Juni 2001
FH-Diplom Maschinenbau, Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Dezember 1994
Research Focus
Stationäre und instationäre Um- und Durchströmung von Fahrzeugen
Experimentelle Untersuchung verzögerter turbulenter Plattengrenzschichten mit Ablösung über glatten und gerillten Oberflächen
Numerische Untersuchung der instationären Strömungsmechanik in rotierenden Systemen mit Wärme- und Stoffübertragung
Journal Articles
Wawrzyniak, David; Winter, Josef; Schmidt, Steffen; Indinger, Thomas; Janßen, Christian F.; Schramm, Uwe; Adams, Nikolaus A.: A quantum algorithm for the lattice-Boltzmann method advection-diffusion equation. Computer Physics Communications 306, 2025, 109373 more…BibTeX
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Journal Articles
Schlichter, Philipp; Reck, Michaela; Pieringer, Jutta; Indinger, Thomas: Surrogate model benchmark for kω-SST RANS turbulence closure coefficients. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 246, 2024, 105678 more…BibTeX
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Conference Papers
Schlichter, Philipp; Sebald, Jonas; Pieringer, Jutta; Indinger, Thomas: Enhancing RANS Simulations Through Neural Network-Optimized Closure Coefficients. Volume 2: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFDTC); Micro and Nano Fluid Dynamics (MNFDTC); Flow Visualization, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2024ASME 2024 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM 2024; 2024 Heat Transfer Summer Conference and the ASME 2024 18th International Conference on Energy Sustainability more…BibTeX
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Sleight, Matthew; Adami, Stefan; Indinger, Thomas: Study of the Flow Around a High Voltage Battery Module to Be Applied in Leak Testing. Volume 1: Fluid Applications and Systems (FASTC); Fluid Measurement and Instrumentation (FMITC); Fluid Mechanics (FMTC); Multiphase Flow (MFTC), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2024ASME 2024 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM 2024; 2024 Heat Transfer Summer Conference and the ASME 2024 18th International Conference on Energy Sustainability more…BibTeX
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Wawrzyniak, David; Winter, Josef; Schmidt, Steffen; Indinger, Thomas; Schramm, Uwe; Janßen, Christian; Adams, Nikolaus A.: UNITARY QUANTUM ALGORITHM FOR THE LATTICE-BOLTZMANN METHOD. World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress, Scipedia S.L., 2024 more…BibTeX
Journal Articles
Reck, Michaela; Hilhorst, René; Hilbert, Marc; Indinger, Thomas: Race Car Flow Field Analysis using Autoencoders and Clustering. International Journal of Automotive Engineering 14 (2), 2023, 35-42 more…BibTeX
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Conference Papers
Philipp Schlichter, Michaela Reck, Jutta Pieringer, Thomas Indinger: Benchmark of Aerodynamic Surrogate Models on Varying Training Datasets. 2023 JSAE Annual Congress (Spring), 2023 more…BibTeX
Reck, Michaela; Hilbert, Marc; Hilhorst, René; Indinger, Thomas: Comparison of Deep Learning Architectures for Dimensionality Reduction of 3D Flow Fields of a Racing Car. SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE International, 2023 more…BibTeX
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Conference Papers
Sebald, Jonas; Reiss, Jan; Kiewat, Marco; Indinger, Thomas: Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Time-Resolved Flow Field Data of a Full-Scale Open-Jet Automotive Wind Tunnel. SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE International, 2021 more…BibTeX
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Journal Articles
Sebald, Jonas; Reiß, Jan; Kiewat, Marco; Indinger, Thomas: Comparison of Time-Resolved Experimental and Numerical Data in the Wake of a Full-Scale Passenger Car. International Journal of Automotive Engineering 11 (4), 2020, 185-192 more…BibTeX
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Conference Papers
Niedermeier, C.A., Janssen, C.F., Indinger, T.: Massively-parallel multi-GPU simulations for fast and accurate automotive aerodynamics. 6th ECCOMAS European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems, ECCM 2018 and 7th ECCOMAS European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2018, International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE, 2020 more…BibTeX
Reiß, Jan; Sebald, Jonas; Haag, Lukas; Zander, Vincent; Indinger, Thomas: Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Isolated, Treaded and Rotating Car Wheels. SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE International, 2020 more…BibTeX
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Journal Articles
Aleksandra Pachalieva, Christoph A. Niedermeier, Thomas Indinger: Massively Parallel GPU Implementation of the Lattice-Boltzmann Method for the Simulation of Coupled Aero-Thermodynamic Systems. International Journal of Automotive Engineering (2019 Volume 10 Issue 1 ), 2019, Pages 125-132 more…BibTeX
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Reiß, Jan; Haag, Lukas; Indinger, Thomas: CFD investigation on fully detailed and deformed car tires. International Journal of Automotive Engineering 10 (4), 2019, 324-331 more…BibTeX
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Conference Papers
Matsumoto, Daiki; Nakae, Yusuke; Niedermeier, Christoph; Tanaka, Hiroshi; Indinger, Thomas: Application of Dynamic Mode Decomposition to Influence the Driving Stability of Road Vehicles. SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE International, 2019 more…BibTeX
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Journal Articles
Kiewat, M. , Matsumoto,D.; Haag,L.; Zander,V.; Indinger, T.: Online Dynamic Mode Decomposition Methods for the Investigation of Unsteady Aerodynamics of the DrivAer Model (Second Report): Application on Velocity Fields. International Journal of Automotive Engineering (Vol. 9, Issue 2), 2018, pp. 72-78 more…BibTeX
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Matsumoto,D.; Kiewat,M.; Haag,L.; Indinger, T.: Online Dynamic Mode Decomposition Methods for the Investigation of Unsteady Aerodynamics of the DrivAer Model (First Report): Validation of DMD Methods for Surface Forces. International Journal of Automotive Engineering (Vol. 9, Issue 2), 2018, pp. 64-71 more…BibTeX
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Conference Papers
Collin, C.; Mueller, J.; Islam, M.; Indinger, T.: On the influence of Underhood Flow on External Aerodynamics of the DrivAer Model. Progress in Vehicle Aerodynamics and Thermal Management, 2018FKFS Conference [11th., Stuttgart, 2017], pp. 207-215 more…BibTeX
PACHALIEVA Aleksandra, NIEDERMEIER Christoph, INDINGER Thomas: Numerical Simulation of Coupled Aero-Thermodynamic Systems based on the Lattice-Boltzmann Method. 2018 JSAE Annual Congress Congress (Spring), 2018 more…BibTeX
Journal Articles
Collin, C.; Indinger, T.; Müller, J.: Moving Ground Simulation for High Performance Race Cars in an Automotive Wind Tunnel. International Journal of Automotive Engineering (JSAE) (Vol. 8), 2017, pp. 15-21 more…BibTeX
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Haag, L.; Blacha, T.; Indinger, T.: Experimental Investigation on the Aerodynamics of Isolated rotating Wheels and Evaluation of Wheel rotation Models Using Unsteady CFD. International Journal of Automotive Engineering (JSAE) (Vol. 8, No. 1), 2017, pp. 7-14 more…BibTeX
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Matsumoto, D.; Haag, L.; Indinger, T.: Investigation of the Unsteady External and Underhood Airflow of the DrivAer model by Dynamic Mode Decomposition Methods. International Journal of Automotive Engineering (JSAE) (Vol. 8, No. 2), 2017, pp. 55-62 more…BibTeX
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Conference Papers
Haag, L., Kiewat, M., Indinger, T., Blacha, T.: Numerical and experimental investigations of rotating wheel aerodynamics on the DrivAer model with engine bay flow. ASME 2017 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM 2017, 2017Waikoloa; United States; 30 July 2017 through 3 August 2017; Code 131290more…BibTeX
Kiewat, M.; Haag, L.; Indinger, T.; Zander, V.: Low-memory reduced-order modelling with dynamic mode decomposition applied on unsteady wheel aerodynamics. ASME 2017 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM 2017; Waikoloa; United States; 30 July 2017 through 3 August 2017; Code 131290, 2017 more…BibTeX
Journal Articles
Collin, C.; Mack, S.; Indinger, T.; Müller, J.: A Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of Open Jet Wind Tunnel Interferences using the DrivAer Reference Model. SAE International Journal Passenger Cars - Mech. Syst. (Vol. 9, No. 2), 2016, pp. 657-679 more…BibTeX
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Conference Papers
Gestrich, M.; Adami, S.; Aoki, T.; Indinger, T.: Parallel Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics on a GPU Supercomputer. International Conference on Parallel Computational fluid Dynamics (ParCFD), 2016 more…BibTeX
Gestrich, M.; Aoki, T.; Adami, S.; Indinger, T.: A large-scale SPH Two-Phase Flow Simulation unsing mulitple GPUs. Computational Mechanics Division Conference (CMD), 2016 more…BibTeX
Journal Articles
Frasquet, C. P.; Indinger, T.: Schwere Nutzfahrzeugkonfigurationen unter Einfluss realitätsnaher Anströmbedinungen. FAT-Schriftenreihe 281, 2015 more…BibTeX
Schnepf, B.; Schütz, T.; Indinger, T.: Further Investigations on the Flow Around a Rotating, Isolated Wheel with Detailed Tread Pattern. SAE International Journal Passenger Cars - Mech. Syst. (Vol. 8, No. 1), 2015, pp. 261-274 more…BibTeX
Schnepf, B.; Tesch, G.; Indinger, T.: On the Influence of Ride Height Changes on the Aerodynamic Performance of Wheel Designs. International Journal of Automotive Engineering (JSAE) (Vol. 6, No. 1), 2015, p.p. 23-29 more…BibTeX
Conference Papers
Miao, L.; Mack, S.; Indinger, T.: Experimental and numerical investiagtion of automotive aerodynamics using DrivAer model. International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies [17th], 2015ASME International Design Engineering Technical conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conferencemore…BibTeX
Books / Contributions to Collections
Indinger, T.; Schnepf, B.: Unsteady CFD for Automotive Aerodynmics. In: Wagner, S.; Bode, A.; Satzger, H.; Brehm, M. (Ed.): High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering. Bonitasprint, 2014 more…BibTeX
Journal Articles
Huber, S.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N.; Schuetz, T.: Experimental and Numerical Study of Heat Transfer at the Underbody of a Production Car. SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles 7 (1), 2014, Pages 89-101 more…BibTeX
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Schnepf, B.; Indinger, T.: Unsteeady CFD for Automotive Wheel Aerodynamics. inSIDE Autoumn (Vol. 12, No. 2), 2014 more…BibTeX
Conference Papers
Huber, S.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N.A.; Jaroch, M.: Approach to an iteratively coupled thermal and aerodynamic design process for production cars. IMECHE - International Vehicle Aerodynmics Conference, 2014, pp. 115-124 more…BibTeX
Peichl, M.; Mack, S.; Indinger, T.; Decker, F.: Numerical Investiagtion of the Flow Around a Generic Car Using Dynamic Mode Decomposition. ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting , 2014 more…BibTeX
Peichl, M.; Indinger, T.: Modal Investigation of the Flow around a generic Car. 2014 more…BibTeX
Journal Articles
Bäder, D.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N.A.; Unterlechner, P.; Wickern, G.: Interference effects of cooling airflows on a generic car body. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 119, 2013, Pages 146-157 more…BibTeX
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Frasquet, C.P.; Indinger, T.: Numerische Untersuchungen zur Aerodynamik von Nutzfahrzeugkombinationen bei realitätsnahen Fahrbedingungen unter Seitenwindeinfluss. FAT-Schriftenreihe (260), 2013 more…BibTeX
Heft, A.I.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N.A.: Document Systematic optimization of the cooling duct system of electric vehicles. AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference [31st.], 2013 more…BibTeX
Conference Papers
Heft, A.I.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N.A.: Systematic optimization of the cooling duct system of electric vehicles. AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference [31st], 2013San Diego, CA; United States; 24. - 27. June more…BibTeX
Schnepf, B.; Tesch, G.; Indinger, T.: Investigations on the Flow Around Wheels Using Different road Simulation tools. Progress in Vehicle Aerodynamics and Thermal Management, 2013Proceedings of the 9th FKFS Conferencemore…BibTeX
Journal Articles
Indinger, T.; Devesa, A.: Verbrauchsreduktion bie Nutzfahrzeug-Kombinationen durch aerodynamische Massnahmen. Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift (ATZ) (114), 2012, pp. 628-634 more…BibTeX
Wojciak, J.; Schnepf, B.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N.: Study on the Capability of an Open Source CFD Software for Unsteady Vehicle Aerodynamics. SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicle (5 (1)), 2012, pp. 196-207 more…BibTeX
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Conference Papers
Bäder, D.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N. A.; Unterlechner, P.:: Aerodynamic Investigation of Vehicle Cooling-Drag,. SAE 2012 World Congress,, 2012April 23-26, 2012, Detroit, Michigan, USA, Paper 2012-01-0170more…BibTeX
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Devesa, A., Indinger, T.: Fuel Consumption Reduction by Geometry Variations on a Generic Tractor-Trailer Configuration. SAE 2012 World Congress,, 2012 more…BibTeX
Heft, A. I.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N. A.: Introduction of a New Realistic Generic Car Model for Aerodynamic Investigations. SAE 2012 World Congress, 2012 more…BibTeX
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Heft, A.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N. A.: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the DrivAer Model. ASME 2012 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, 2012, pp. 41-51 more…BibTeX
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Heinzelmann, B.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N.; Blanke, R.: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Under Hood Flow with Heat Transfer for a Scaled Tractor-Trailer. SAE 2012 World Congress, 2012, pp. 42-56 more…BibTeX
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Mack, S.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N.; Blume, S.; Unterlechner, P.: The Interior Design of a 40% Scaled DrivAer Body and First Experimental Results. ASME 2012, 2012, pp. 75-90 more…BibTeX
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Mack, S.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N.; Unterlechner, P.: The Ground Simulation Upgrade of the Large Wind Tunnel at the Technische Universität München. SAE 2012 World Congress, 2012 more…BibTeX
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Journal Articles
Bäder, D.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N. A.; Unterlechner, P.; Wickern, G.: Interference Effects of Cooling Air-Flows with External Aerodynamics. International Journal of Automotive Engineering (JSAE) 2, 2011, Pages 115–121 more…BibTeX
Devesa, A.; Indinger, T.: Verbrauchsreduktion an Nutzfahrzeugkombinationen durch aerodynamische Maßnahmen. FAT-Schriftenreihe 237, Forschungsvereinigung Automobiltechnik e.V. (FAT),, 2011 more…BibTeX
Han, L. H.; Indinger, T.; Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A.: Wavelet-based adaptive multi-resolution solver on heterogeneous parallel architecture for computational fluid dynamics. Computer Science - Research and Development 26 (3-4), 2011, Pages 197–203 more…BibTeX
Conference Papers
Bäder, D.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N. A.; Unterlechner, P.; Wickern, G.: Interference Effects of Cooling Air-Flows with External Aerodynamics. JSAE Annual Congress, ( International Journal of Automotive Engineering, Paper 324-20115236), 2011May 18.-20., 2011, Pacifico, Yokohama, Japan, more…BibTeX
Bäder, D.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N. A.; Decker, F.: Comparison of Numerical Simulations with Experiments of Bluff Bodies including Under-Hood Flow. SAE 2011 World Congress, , 2011April 12.-14., Detroit, Michigan, USA, , Paper 2011-01-0171 more…BibTeX
Heft, A. I.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N. A.: Investigation of Unsteady Flow Structures in the Wake of a Realistic Generic Car Model. AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference [29th.] , 2011 more…BibTeX
Theissen, P.; Wojciak, J.; Heuler, K.; Demuth, R.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N.: Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Vehicle Aerodynamics under Time-Dependent Flow Conditions - Part 1,. SAE 2011 World Congress, , 2011April 12.-14., Detroit, Michigan, USA, Paper 2011-01-0177 more…BibTeX
Wojciak, J.; Adams, N.; Indinger, T.; Theissen, P.; Demuth, R.: Investigation of Unsteady Vehicle Aerodynamics under Time-Dependent Flow Conditions. AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference´[29th.], , 2011June 27.-30., Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,, Paper AIAA 2011-3349 more…BibTeX
Wojciak, J.; Theissen, P.; Heuler, K.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N.; Demuth, R.: Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Vehicle Aerodynamics under Time-Dependent Flow Conditions - Part 2. SAE 2011 World Congress,, 2011April 12-14, 2011, Detroit, Michigan, USA more…BibTeX
Theissen, P.; Demuth, R.; Wojciak, J.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N.A.: Unsteady Aerodynamic Phenomena under Time-Dependent Flow conditions for Different Vehicle Shapes. MIRA International Vehicle Conference [8th], 2010 more…BibTeX
Wojciak, J.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N.A.; Theissen, P.; Demuth, R.: Experimental Study of On-Road Aerodynamics during Crosswind Gusts. MIRA International Vehicle Conference [8th], 2010 more…BibTeX
Indinger, T.; Adams, N.A.: Technologische Grundlagen für die zukünftigen Herausforderungen in der Fahrzeugaerodynamik. 2010 more…BibTeX
Books / Contributions to Collections
Buschmann, M.H.; Kempe, T.; Indinger,T.; Gad-el-Hak, M.: Normal and cross-flow Reynolds stresses: differences between confined and semi-confined flows. In: Hanjalic, K.; Nagano, Y.; Jakirlic, S. (Ed.): Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer. Begell House, 2009, pp. 1-7 more…BibTeX
Journal Articles
Buschmann, M.H.; Indinger, T.;: Near-wall behavior of turbulent wall-bounded flows. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow (Vol. 30 (5)), 2009, pp. 1007-1015 more…BibTeX
Riegel, E.; Indinger, T.; Adams, N.: Implementation of a Lattice-Boltzmann Method for numerical Fluid Mechanics using the nVIDIA CUDA Technology. Computer Science-Research and Development (Vol. 23 (3-4)), 2009, pp. 241-247 more…BibTeX
Conference Papers
Niedermeier, C.; Grün, N.; Indinger, T.: Single- and multi-objective aerodynamic optimization of a simplified vehicle test body using evolutionary algorithms and artificial neural networks. EUROMECH Colloquium, 2009, pp. 218-229 more…BibTeX
Conference Papers
Adams, N.A.; Hickel, S.; Indinger, T.: Pressure-induced massive separation of turbulent boundary-layer flows. AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibibit [38th], 2008 more…BibTeX
Adams, N.A.; Indinger, T.: Perspektiven der numerischen Strömungssimulation in der Automobilaerodynamik. Fahrzeug-Aerodynamik - Neue Herausforderungen für die Aerodynamik im Entwicklungsprozess, 2008 more…BibTeX
Indinger, T.; Hickel, S.; Adams, N.A.: Experimental study and large-eddy simulation of a turbulent boundary layer with massive separation induced by an adverse pressure gradient. Boundary and Interior Layers - Computational & Asymptotic Methods, 2008 more…BibTeX
Indinger, T.; Stemmer, C.: Large Scale CFD for Complex flows. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering. 2008 more…BibTeX
Indinger, T.: Einfluss eines positiven Druckgradienten auf turbulente Grenzschichten an glatten und gerillten Oberflächen – Strömungsmechanik. Volume 1. Strömungsmechanik. Der Andere Verlag, 2005 more…BibTeX
Shevchuk, I.V.; Indinger, T.: Transient Conjugate Heat Transfer of a Disk Rotating in Still Air. International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, 2005, pp. 1-6 more…BibTeX
Journal Articles
Indinger, T.; Buschmann, M.H.; Grad-el-Hak, M.: Turbulent boundary layer in the vicinity of separation. Bulletin of the American Physical Society (Vol. 49, No. 9), 2004, p. 38 more…BibTeX
Indinger, T.; Shevchuk, V.: Transient laminar conjugate heat transfer of a rotating disk: theory and numerical simulations. International Jouranl of Heat and Mass Transfer (Vol. 47/14-16), 2004, pp. 3577-3581 more…BibTeX
Conference Papers
Indinger, T.; Hickel, S.; Adams, N.A.: 3D-Measurements in an Adverse-Pressure-Gradient Turbulent Boundary Layer over Smooth and Ribbed Surfaces. International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics [21st.], 2004 more…BibTeX
Indinger, T.; Shevchuk, I.V.: Self-Similar Solution and Numerical Simulations of Transient Conjugate Heat Transfer of a Rotating Disk. Annular scientific conference of the GAMM [75th], 2004 more…BibTeX
Conference Papers
Indinger, T.: Einfluss von Oberflächenstrukturen von aerodynamisch hoch belasteten Verdichter- und Turbinengittern. STAB Workshop, 2003 more…BibTeX