Foto von Benedikt Biller

M.Sc. Benedikt Biller

Title of the Masterthesis:

Evaluation of Turbulent Combustion Models for LES in the Context of Thermoacoustic Instabilities

Research area:

Simulation of particle-laden supersonic flows

Scientific Supervisor:

Dr.-Ing. Nico Fleischmann, Prof. Dr. -Ing. Niklaus Adams



Journal Articles

  • Hoppe, Nils; Fleischmann, Nico; Biller, Benedikt; Adami, Stefan; Adams, Nikolaus A.: A systematic analysis of three-dimensional Riemann problems for verification of compressible-flow solvers. Computers & Fluids 278, 2024, 106298 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


Journal Articles

  • Biller, Benedikt; Hoppe, Nils; Adami, Stefan; Adams, Nikolaus A.: Jetting mechanisms in bubble-pair interactions. Physics of Fluids 34 (7), 2022, 076111 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Biller, Benedikt; Hoppe, Nils; Adami, Stefan; Adams, Nikolaus A.: Jetting mechanisms in bubble-pair interactions. 2022, (other entry) more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )