
During this workshop we will present updates and current developments within research data management (RDM) in engineering science. Our focus will be on large and immobile data which is generated on (national) tier 1 computing centres (HLRS, JSC, LRZ). We will introduce RDM-tools and report newest…

The Center for Hypersonics at the University of Queensland, Australia, the Chair of Aerodynmics and Fluid Mechanics at the Technical University of Munich and the team at DLR Moraba are running an online workshop to strengthen the connection between researchers here in Queensland and in Bayern…

In diesem 3-stündigen Workshop bieten wir Updates zum Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM) in den Ingenieurwissenschaften mit einem Fokus auf großen, nicht mobilen Daten, die z.B. an lokalen Rechenzentren erzeugt werden. Dabei stellen wir FDM-Tools vor und berichten über die aktuellen Entwicklungen und…

In a first for the chair Nikolaus Adams, Ludger Paehler, and Steffen Schmidt were able to gain approval for their 250 million CPU-hour Gauss supercomputing project named "Bayesian Inference of the Reactive Shock-Bubble Interaction - Probabilistic Programming at Scale." Over the next year they will…

Dear Students, In summer semester 2020 we offer a new block seminar named 'Boundary-Layer Theory' from May 11th to May 22nd 2020. Please note the registration period and exam schedule in TUM Online. For more information,…

Professor Adams and professor Munz of the university of Stuttgart are jointly organizing a summer workshop on scientific machine learning, focussing on fluid mechanics as model problem, as part of the Ferienakademie. The course will take place from the 20th of September until the 2nd of October,2020…
