The National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) has the objective to systematically index, edit, interconnect and make data from science and research available. A central goal is to establish a research data management in accordance with the FAIR principles:
NFDI4ING brings together the engineering communities and fosters the management of engineering research data. The consortium represents engineers from all walks of the profession. It offers a unique method-oriented and user-centred approach in order to make engineering research data FAIR.
Archetyp DORIS: High-performance measurement and computation with very large data
NFDI4ING has taken on the task of structuring the individual needs in engineering research data management. A broad consensus on typical methods and workflows in engineering research has been established and different archetypes are harmonisising the methodological needs. The Chair of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics is in charge of the archetype DORIS: High-performance measurement and computation.
The main goal is making HPC research data findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable. Due to the high storage demands (hundreds of TB or even PB) data are currently immobile and too large to be copied to work stations. The (post-) processing generally is done on HPC systems. Individual and custom fit software solutions that can be transferred to other systems are developed and tested within DORIS.
The main measures are:
Accessibility and access rights, data security and souvereignty.
Support for third-party users and community-based training, provision of post-processing algorithms and modules.
Metadata definitions and terminologies, support to data-generating groups.
Storage and archive for very larga data.
Reproducibility on large-scale high-performance systems.
NFDI4Ing Archetypes and Task Areas (NFDI4Ing)
Storage demand, performance and complexity of CFD (Selent et al. 2019).
Exemplary data set (Schembera et al. 2019).
Object model for engineering metadata (Selent et al. 2019).
Possible new workflows within CFD using FAIR data (LS AER).
The authors would like to thank the Federal Government and the Heads of Government of the Länder, as well as the Joint Science Conference (GWK), for their funding and support within the framework of the NFDI4Ing consortium. Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) - project number 442146713.
The authors would also thank the Competence Network for Scientific High Performance Computing in Bavaria (KONWIHR) for their funding and support within a short term project.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e.V. ( for funding this project by providing computing time on the GCS Supercomputer SuperMUCat Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e.V. ( for funding this project by providing computing time through the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC) on the GCS Supercomputer JUWELS[1] at Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC).[1] Jülich Supercomputing Centre. (2021). JUWELS Cluster and Booster: Exascale Pathfinder with Modular Supercomputing Architecture at Juelich Supercomputing Centre. Journal of large-scale research facilities, 7, A183.
Hoppe, Nils; Chiapparino, Giuseppe; Ulrich, Friedrich; Jiao, Yu; Farnbacher, Benjamin; Ralev, Radoslav; Fang, Donghao; Rosche, Eric; Wunderlich, Florian; Sosa Rodriguez, Angel; Stemmer, Christian: HOMER - HPMC tool for Ontology-based Metadata Extraction and Re-use. 2025, (other entry) more…BibTeX
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Journal Articles
Chiapparino, Giuseppe; Farnbacher, Benjamin; Hoppe, Nils; Ralev, Radoslav; Sdralia, Vasiliki; Stemmer, Christian: From Ontology to Metadata: A Crawler for Script-based Workflows. Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 2024 more…BibTeX
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Journal Articles
Arndt, Susanne; Farnbacher, Benjamin; Fuhrmans, Marc; Hachinger, Stephan; Hickmann, Johanna; Hoppe, Nils; Horsch, Martin Thomas; Iglezakis, Dorothea; Karmacharya, Ashish; Lanza, Giacomo; Leimer, Sophia; Munke, Johannes; Terzijska, Džulia; Theissen-Lipp, Johannes; Wiljes, Cord: Metadata4Ing: An ontology for describing the generation of research data within a scientific activity. Zenodo, 2022 more…BibTeX
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Conference Papers
Giuseppe Chiapparino , Benjamin Farnbacher , Christian Stemmer: Metadata Crawling for (HPMC) Simulations. NFDI4Ing Conference 2022 (online), 2022 more…BibTeX
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