Computational Mechanics for Car Body Design

Lecturer (assistant)
Duration2 SWS
TermSommersemester 2024
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline


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The participants should develop an understanding of computational mechanics as the background of simulation methods for modern car body development.


* Introduction into the functional requirements of modern car body structures * Review of Finite Element Methods (FEM) with focus on their usage for car body design * FEM 1: NVH simulations (NVH = noise, vibration and harshness) * Material modeling (metals, polymers, foams, composites) * FEM 2: Crash simulations * Occupant protection (multi body systems and meshless methods) * FEM 3: Human models for crash * FEM 4: Metal Forming simulations * Optimisation of car body structures * Half-day visit to a crash test facility * Student presentations


Basic knowledge of Finite Element Methods, Structural Analysis, Engineering Mechanics and Dynamics
