
Prof. N. Zabaras (Cornell University, Director of MPDC Laboratory, will be visiting FKM during the week of April 7 2014.  During his visit Prof. Zabaras will: - Present a seminar on "An Information Theoretic Approach towards Predictive Materials Modeling" on Monday, April…

"Comparison of Different Optimization Algorithms for Nonlinear Inverse Problems in Biomechanics" Abstract:  The aim of this study is to examine the effect on accuracy, efficiency  and robustness of using the exact Newton method in comparison to other optimization routines, which are the conjugate…

The new lecture will be offered this winter semester and will be in English. It is held Tuesdays from 1.30-4.00 pm. More specific information will follow soon and can also be found at TUM-online. If you have specific questions please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Details can be found here

We are looking forward to the day of the students on the 2. Juli! Feel free to step by between pm and ask questions. We are happy to tell you more what we do, which classes we offer and what our research areas are. You can find more information at

In the new term we offer a new lecture for master and ph.d. - students. The topic is 'Computational Bayesian strategies for inverse problems'. The schedule and room will be announced soon.

The hompage of our research group, the continuum mechanics group, is in the works and will be accessible in a few weeks. You can look forward to it!