
Bachelor/Semester/Master thesis:

We are currently looking for M.Sc. students to work on the topic of "Inverse Materials Design".  This is an interdisciplinary topic that combines computational modeling of physical systems with adavnaced machine learning techniques. More details can be found here.



Ph.D. Positions:  

No PhD positions are currently available


Post-Doc Positions:

A) A Post-Doc position is available on Data-driven Modeling of Materials and Engineering Physics. Application deadline: December 1st 2022. More details cn be found here


B) Our group also supports postdoctoral applications through: 


  1.  Research Opportunities program for Postdocs at TUM

    Twice a year, the TUM Talent Factory organizes the Research Opportunities Week, which is designed to recruit talented young researchers for postdoc positions at TUM. We invite 50 postdocs for a five day stay at TUM, which is financed by the Postdoc Mobility Fellowship. There they will have the chance to meet exceptional academics, explore the research facilities at TUM, and talk to experts in their fields.

    The most talented participants of the Research Opportunities Week are then offered a TUM University Foundation Fellowship to spend one year as a postdoc at TUM with the expectation that they will, with the support of the TUM Talent Factory, apply for further funding to stay at TUM.

     More information can be found  here

  2. Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers.

          More information can be found here 


3. Walter Benjamin Programme of DFG

          More information can be found here


Literature recommendations for new graduate students