Christoph Schmidt, M.Sc.

- Room: 1235
- Email:
- Phone: +49 (0) 89 289 15303
- Finite Elemente (WS 18/19)
- Einführung in aktuelle Forschungsthemen der Numerischen Mechanik - lectures on all-solid-state-batteries
(WS 19/20; WS 20/21; WS 21/22; WS 22/23; WS 23/24)
Articles in peer-reviewed international journals
- S. Sinzig, C.P. Schmidt, W.A. Wall, Anaysis of the validity of P2D models for solid-state batteries in a large parameter range, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2024. 10.1149/1945-7111/ad9a05
- A. Satheesh, C.P. Schmidt, W.A. Wall, C. Meier, A novel mesh regularization approach based on finite element distortion potentials: Application to material expansion processes with extreme volume change, Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng, 2024. 10.1016/j.cma.2024.117444
- C.P. Schmidt, S. Sinzig, W.A. Wall, An Electro-Chemo-Mechanic Model Resolving Delamination between Components in Complex Microstructures of Solid-State Batteries, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2024. 10.1149/1945-7111/ad76dc
- S. Sinzig, C.P. Schmidt, W.A. Wall, A Conservative and Efficient Model for Grain Boundaries of Solid Electrolytes in a Continuum Model for Solid-State Batteries, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2024. 10.1149/1945-7111/ad36e4
- C.P. Schmidt, S. Sinzig, V. Gravemeier, W.A. Wall, A three-dimensional finite element formulation coupling electrochemistry and solid mechanics on resolved microstructures of all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries, Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng, 2023. 10.1016/j.cma.2023.116468
- A. Satheesh, C.P. Schmidt, W.A. Wall, C. Meier, Structure-preserving invariant interpolation schemes for invertible second-order tensors, Int J Numer Methods Eng, 2023. 10.1002/nme.7373
- S. Sinzig, C.P. Schmidt, W.A. Wall, An Efficient Approach to Include Transport Effects in Thin Coating Layers in Electrochemo-Mechanical Models for All-Solid-State Batteries, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2023. 10.1149/1945-7111/ad0264
- S. Sinzig, T. Hollweck, C.P. Schmidt, W.A. Wall, A Finite Element Formulation to Three-Dimensionally Resolve Space-Charge Layers in Solid Electrolytes, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2023. 10.1149/1945-7111/acc692
- C. Schneider, C.P. Schmidt, A. Neumann, M. Clausnitzer, M. Sadowski, S. Harm, C. Meier, T. Danner, K. Albe, A. Latz, W.A. Wall, B.V. Lotsch, Effect of Particle Size and Pressure on the Transport Properties of the Fast Ion Conductor t-Li7SiPS8, Adv. Energy Mater., 2023. 10.1002/aenm.202203873
- R. Fang, C.P. Schmidt, W.A. Wall, A coupled finite element approach to spatially resolved lithium plating and stripping in three-dimensional anode microstructures of lithium-ion cells, J. Comput. Phys., 2022. 10.1016/
International Conference Contributions with Abstract
- C.P. Schmidt, G. Robalo Rei, W.A. Wall, Method Driven Optimization of the Composite Electrode Composition of Solid-State Batteries, 37th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Stresa, Italy, 9-12 June, 2024
- C.P. Schmidt, S. Sinzig, G. Robalo Rei, W.A. Wall, A Computational Model for All-Solid-State Batteries Coupling Electrochemistry and Solid Mechanics on Resolved Microstructures Enabling Optimization of Battery Electrode Design, 244th ECS Meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden, 8-12 October, 2023
- C.P. Schmidt, S. Sinzig, W.A. Wall, A Computational Approach for 3D Resolved Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Analysis of ASSB Including Contact Effects, 18th Symposium on Modeling and Experimental Validation of Electrochemical Energy Technologies (ModVal 2022), Schloss Hohenkammer, Germany, 14 - 16 March, 2022
- C.P. Schmidt, V. Gravemeier, W.A. Wall, A computational framework for fully resolved three-dimensional electro-chemo-mechanical analysis of all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries comprising contact effects, 16th Symposium on Modeling and Experimental Validation of Electrochemical Energy Technologies (ModVal 2019), Braunschweig, Germany, 12 - 13 March, 2019
- C.P. Schmidt, R. Fang, V. Gravemeier, W.A. Wall. A three-dimensional, coupled model for fully resolved finite element simulations of all-solid-state lithium-ion cells, 6th International Conference on Computational Mechanics - ECCM2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 11 - 15 June, 2018
Supervised Student Projects
- Erzeugung und Vernetzung künstlicher Mikrostrukturen zur Simulation elektrochemischer Prozesse in Lithium-Ionen-Batterien, Bachelor's Thesis, 2017
- On the Modeling and the Simulation of Interdependencies between Electro-Chemistry and Nonlinear Structural Mechanics inside All-Solid-State-Batteries, Master's Thesis, 2018
- Erzeugung und Vernetzung von Anordnungen zylindrischer Lithium-Ionen-Batterien mit Untersuchung der Thermo-Struktur-Interaktion durch die Finite-Elemente-Methode, Bachelor's Thesis, 2019
- Photo-realistic visualization of an All-Solid-State-Battery, ViP, 2020
- The implementation and validation of a visco-plastic material model for Lithium for application to all-solid-state lithium-ion battery simulations, Master's Thesis, 2020
- Towards Uncertainty Quantification in All-Solid-State-Batteries, Master's Thesis, 2020
- Modeling and Simulation of the Electrochemical Double Layer in All-Solid-State Batteries, Bachelor's Thesis, 2020
- Visualization and 3D printing of the complex cathode-microstructure of a battery, ViP, 2021
- Modeling and Simulation of Electrochemical Transport Parameters in All-Solid-State Batteries, Bachelor's Thesis, 2021
- Implementation of Electro-Mechanical Coupling Phenomena at the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface in All-Solid-State Batteries, Term Paper, 2022
- Quantifying Parameter Variations' Impact on Composite Anode Lithium-Ion Cell Performance, RI, 2023
- Development and implementation of a constitutive model for Lithium in All-Solid-State Batteries, Term Paper, 2023
- Simulationsgestützte Topologieoptimierung von Festkörperelektrode, Term Paper, 2023
- 4C Webviewer V2, ViP, 2024
- Continuum Modeling and Calibration of Viscoplasticity in the Context of the Lithium Anode in Solid State Batteries, Master's Thesis, 2024
- since 2017 research associate at the Institute for Computational Mechanics (Lehrstuhl für Numerische Mechanik), Technical University of Munich, Germany
- 2016 Master of Science (M.Sc.), Automotive and Combustion Engine Technology, Technical University of Munich, Germany