Dr.-Ing. Fabian Bräu

- Room 1227
- Email: braeu(at)lnm.mw.tum.de
- Phone: +49 (0) 89 289 15236
- Fax: +49 (0) 89 289 15301
- Biomechanik - Grundlagen und Modellbildung (SS 18)
- Nichtlineare Kontinuumsmechanik (WS 17/18)
- Biomechanik - Grundlagen und Modellbildung (SS 17)
- Praktikum Numerische Biomechanik (SS 16)
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals
R.C. Aydin, F.A. Braeu, C.J. Cyron (2019) General Multi-Fidelity Framework for Training Artificial Neural Networks with Computational Models. Frontiers in Materials 6:61 (doi: 10.3389/fmats.2019.00061)
Braeu FA, Aydin RC, Cyron CJ (2018) Anisotropic stiffness and tensional homeostasis induce a natural anisotropy of volumetric growth and remodeling in soft biological tissues, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology: 1-19
- Aydin RC, Brandstaeter S, Braeu FA, Steigenberger M, Marcus RP, Nikolaou K, Notohamiprodjo M, Cyron CJ (2017) Experimental characterization of the biaxial mechanical properties of porcine gastric tissue. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (DOI: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2017.07.028)
Braeu FA, Seitz A, Aydin RC, Cyron CJ (2016) Homogenized constrained mixture models for anisotropic volumetric growth and remodeling (doi: 10.1007/s10237-016-0859-1)
Peer-Reviewed Proceedings Articles
- Cyron CJ, Braeu FA, Seitz A, Aydin RC (2017) A homogenized constrained mixture model for anisotropic volumetric growth and remodeling in intracranial aneurysms, 5th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering, Pittsburgh, USA
Fabian A. Bräu, Ian C. Campbell, Baptiste Coudrillier, C. Ross Ethier. A Parametrized Model of the Lamina Cribrosa for studying Oxygen Transport, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference - SB3C 2015, Utah, USA, 17-20 June, 2015
International Conference Contributions
- F. A. Bräu, R. C. Aydin, C. J. Cyron. On the micromechanical foundations of the anisotropy of volumetric growth in soft biological tissues, 6th European Conference on Computational Mechancis - ECCM-ECFD 2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 11 - 15 June, 2018
Cyron CJ, Braeu FA, Seitz A, Aydin RC, A homogenized constrained mixture model for anisotropic volumetric growth and remodeling in intracranial aneurysms, 5th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 10. - 12. April 2017 (eingeladener Vortrag)
Cyron CJ, Braeu FA, Aydin RC, Homogenized constrained mixture models: a new approach to growth and remodeling of soft biological tissues, 88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Weimar, Deutschland, 6. - 10. März 2017
- Cyron CJ, Bräu FA, Aydin RC, A homogenized constrained mixture model for mechano-regulated growth and remodeling in soft tissue, 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Seoul, South Korea, July 24 – 29, 2016
- F. A. Bräu, R. C. Aydin, C. J. Cyron. A Homogenized Constrained Mixture Model for Volumetric Growth and Remodeling in Blood Vessels, 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering - ECCOMAS2016, Crete Island, Greece, 5 - 10 June, 2016
Supervised Student Projects
- Automatization of a Remeshing Procedure for Finite Element Methods with Gmsh, Term Paper, 2018
- An Updated Lagrangian Finite Element Formulation for Adaptive Mesh Smoothing in Aneurysm Growth, Master Thesis, 2017
- A Growth and Remodeling Formulation for a Membrane Finite Element, Master Thesis, 2016
- Implementation of a Nonlinear Membrane Finite Element, Term Paper, 2015
- since 2015 Research Associate at the Institute for Computational Mechanics (Lehrstuhl für Numerische Mechanik), Technische Universität München, Germany
- since 2015 Research Associate as a member of the Emmy Noether Group "Vascular Growth & Remodeling in Aneurysms" (Head: Dr.-Ing. Christian J. Cyron), Technische Universität München, Germany
- 2015 Master of Science (M.Sc.), Mechanical Engineering, Technische Universität München, Germany
Fabian A. Bräu, Ian C. Campbell, Baptiste Coudrillier, C. Ross Ethier. A Parametrized Model of the Lamina Cribrosa for studying Oxygen Transport, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference - SB3C 2015, Utah, USA, 17-20 June, 2015