Dr.-Ing. Georg Hammerl

- Email: georg.hammerl(at)tum.de
- Nonlinear Finite Element Method (SS 14, SS 15)
Research Interests
- Multiphyics / coupled problems
- Cavitation
- Particle methods
- Thermo-Fluid-Structure Interaction (TFSI)
- Project: "Fluid-structure interaction in rocket nozzles" (within SFB-TR 40 of DFG (German Research Foundation): Technologische Grundlagen für den Entwurf thermisch und mechanisch hochbelasteter Komponenten zukünftiger Raumtransportsysteme)
- Nested Parallelism
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals
- Menner, M.*; Hammerl, G*; Wall, W.A. (2018): Analytical integration of 0 th , 2 nd , and 4 th order polynomial filtering functions on unstructured grid for dispersed phase fraction computation in an Euler-Lagrange approach, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 98: 147-157 (*co-first authorship) (DOI)
- Pasquariello, V.; Hammerl G.; Örley, F.; Hickel S.; Danowski, C.; Popp, A.; Wall, W.A.; Adams, N.A. (2016): A cut-cell finite volume – finite element coupling approach for fluid–structure interaction in compressible flow, Journal of Computational Physics, 307: 670-695 (DOI)
- Hammerl, G.; Wall, W.A. (2015): A four-way coupled Euler–Lagrange approach using a variational multiscale method for simulating cavitation. 9th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2015), Lausanne, Switzerland, December 6 - 10, 2015; Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 656: 012125 (DOI)
International Conference Proceedings and Abstracts
- Hammerl, G.; Wall, W.A. (2015): A particle based parallel four-way coupled Euler-Lagrange approach for simulating cavitation. Abstract at Particle Simulations 2015, Erlangen, Germany, September 21 - 24, 2015
- Pasquariello, V.; Hickel, S.; Adams, N.A.; Hammerl, G.; Wall, W.A.; Daub, D.; Willems, S.; Gülhan, A. (2015): Coupled simulation of shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction over a flexible panel. in: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference For Aerospace Sciences, Kraków, Poland, June 29 - July 3, 2015
- Hammerl, G.; Wall, W.A. (2013): A parallel approach for large scale particle systems modeling cavitation. Abstract at Particles 2013, Stuttgart, Germany, September 18 - 20, 2013
- Hammerl, G.; Danowski, C.; Grilli, M.; Pasquariello, V.; Popp, A.; Yoshihara, L.; Hickel, S.; Adams, N.A.; Wall, W.A. (2013): Thermo-fluid-structure interaction with dual mortar coupling. Abstract at COUPLED PROBLEMS 2013, Ibiza, Spain, June 17 - 19, 2013
- Grilli, M.; Hickel, S.; Adams, N.A.; Hammerl, G.; Danowski, C.; Wall, A.W. (2012): An innovative approach to thermo-fluid-structure interaction based on an immersed interface method and a monolithic thermo-structure interaction algorithm. AIAA paper 2012-3267, 42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- Hammerl, G.; Danowski, C.; Grilli, M.; Adams, N.A.; Wall, W.A. (2012): A thermo-fluid-structure interaction approach based on an immersed interface method and on a monolithic thermo-structure interaction approach, in: Proceedings of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences Young Investigators Conference, Aveiro, Portugal, April 24 - 27, 2012
Book Contributions
- Hammerl G., Seitz A., Verdugo F., Wall W.A., Daub D., Willems S., Gülhan A. (2016): FSI of rocket nozzles – On the influence of simplified modeling of structural boundary conditions for an FSI experiment & scalable solvers for strongly coupled problems, in: DFG Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio 40, Annual Report 2016, N.A. Adams et al. (Eds.), München, Germany
- Pasquariello V., Hammerl G., Daub D., Willems S., Hickel S., Wall W.A., Gülhan A., Adams, N.A. (2015): Coupled simulation of shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction over a flexible panel, in: DFG Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio 40, Annual Report 2015, N.A. Adams et al. (Eds.), München, Germany
- Pasquariello V., Örley F., Hickel S., Adams, N.A., Hammerl, G., Danowski, C., Popp A., Wall, W.A. (2014): A combined Finite Volume - Finite Element approach for fluid-structure interactions using a cut-cell Immersed Boundary method, in: DFG Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio 40, Annual Report 2014, N.A. Adams et al. (Eds.), München, Germany
- Hammerl, G., Danowski, C., Grilli, M., Adams, N.A., Wall, W.A. (2012): An innovative approach to thermo-fluid-structure interaction based on an immersed interface method and a monolithic thermo-structure interaction algorithm, in: DFG Sonderforschungsbereich / Transregio 40, Annual Report 2012, N.A. Adams et al. (Eds.), München, Germany
PhD Thesis
- Hammerl, G.: A Multipurpose Euler-Lagrange Framework for the Numerical Simulation of Particle and Dispersed Flow Problems, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Supervised Student Projects
- Michael Nettinger: Analysis and improvement of the fluid-particle coupling in an Euler-Lagrange framework (Semesterarbeit, 2016)
- Christoph Paul Schmidt: Implementation and analysis of the Rayleigh-Plesset equation for cavitation problems including adaptive time stepping (Semesterarbeit, 2015)
- Markus Koschi: Better consistency of residual-based stabilization for linear finite elements applied to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (Semesterarbeit, 2015)
- Daniel Neumann: Iterative Approach for CFD-based Aeroelastic Computations in the Frequency Domain and Applications to Design Optimization (Master thesis, 2014, in cooperation with Stanford University, USA)
- Datong-Paul Zhou: Implementation of a Hybrid Particle Level Set Method within a Finite Element Framework (Bachelor thesis, 2014)
- Niklas Fehn: Particle contact simulations with the discret element method (Bachelor thesis, 2013)
- Marcel Menner: Efficient integration for fluid-particle coupling within an Euler-Lagrange approach (Bachelor thesis, 2013)
- Andreas Venzke: Surface Reconstruction of Complex Geometries using the Point Cloud Library (PCL) (MSE research internship, 2012)
- Dominik Häring: High-Fidelity Modeling and Simulation of the Aeroelastic Behavior of a HALE (High Altitude Long Endurance) System (Diploma thesis, 2012, in cooperation with Stanford University, USA)
- 2011-2016 Research Associate at the Institute for Computational Mechanics (Lehrstuhl für Numerische Mechanik), TU München, Germany.
- 2011 Diplom-Ingenieur Maschinenwesen (Diploma in Mechanical Engineering), TU München, Germany