Janina Datz, M.Sc.

- Room 1204
- Email: janina.datz@tum.de
- Phone: +49 (0) 89 289 15253
- Fax: +49 (0) 89 289 15301
Cooperation with the German Heart Center Munich, Cardiology Department (Prof. Dr. Schunkert)
as a part of the project The future of medicine, AI - Heart Center by German Heart Center and Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI)
Research Interests
- Computational biomechanics for interventional cardiology
- Solid mechanics, mixed-dimensional contact mechanics
- Modelling of coronary artery disease
- Physics-informed simulation of coronary angioplasty with stent placement
- Personalized, predictive, preventative medicine
- Praktikum Numerische Biomechanik, SS 2022, SS 2023, SS 2024
- Various projects for Visualisierungstechniken in der Numerischen Mechanik
Supervised Student Projects
- Development of a Prestressing Algorithm for Computational Finite Element Simulations of Biomechanical Geometries Applied to Coronary Arteries, Lena Heiß, Term Paper, 2024. In cooperation with Amadeus Gebauer.
- Constitutive behavior of the coronary arteries; material models and characteristic parameters (literature review and simulations), Coraline Staub--Milants, student assistant, 2024.
- Modeling the influence of perivascular adipose tissue on coronary artery mechanics using finite element simulations, Hannah Sampels, Bachelor's Thesis, 2024.
- Investigating the correlation between stent malapposition in coronary angioplasty and specific plaque characteristics using physics-based finite element simulations, Lukas Schnaß, Term Paper, 2024.
- Development of a framework to determine the initial configuration of coronary catheters for computational angioplasty simulations, Anastasiia Sudneva, Master's Thesis, 2023.
- Patient-specific modeling of diseased coronary arteries using coronary CT angiography data, Bachelor's Thesis, 2023.
- Assessment and organization of Coronary CT Angiography imaging data and segmentation of the coronary arteries, Caroline Gramm, student assistant, 2023.
- Computational Investigation of Disease Patterns in Tricuspid Regurgitation using a Lumped-Parameter Cardiovascular Model, Katharina Franitza, Master's Thesis, external project, 2022.
- Patient-specific Assessment of High-Risk Locations for Atherosclerosis in Coronary Arteries using a Novel Discontinuous Galerkin Fluid Dynamics Solver, Caroline Gramm, Bachelor's Thesis, 2022. In cooperation with Dr.-Ing. Niklas Fehn.
- Development of an Elasto-plastic Section Constitutive Law for the Geometrically Exact Beam Theory, Lea Häusel, Term Paper, 2021. In cooperation with Dr.-Ing. Christoph Meier.
- Developing a Framework for Harminic Lifting of Fibers on Patient Specific Artery Geometries, Luisa Heimlinger, MSE Research Internship, 2021. In cooperation with Amadeus Gebauer.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals
- Adolf R, Krinke I, Datz JC, Cassese S, Kastrati A, Joner M, Schunkert H, Wall WA, Hadamitzky M, Engel LC. Specific calcium deposition on pre-procedural CCTA at the time of percutaneous coronary intervention predicts in-stent restenosis in symptomatic patients (2024). Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcct.2024.09.010)
- Datz JC, Steinbrecher I, Meier C, Hagmeyer N, Engel LC, Popp A, Pfaller MR, Schunkert H, Wall WA. Patient-specific coronary angioplasty simulations - a mixed-dimensional finite element modeling approach (2024). Submitted (Arxive pre-print)
Conference contributions
- Datz JC, Steinbrecher I, Engel LC, Schunkert H, Popp A, Pfaller MR, Wall WA. Patient-specific coronary angioplasty simulations with mixed-dimensional contact mechanics for stent-artery interaction. INdAM Workshop on Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of the Cardiovascular System, 2024, Rome (Proceedings)
- Datz JC, Steinbrecher I, Hagmeyer N, Pfaller MR, Engel LC, Schunkert H, Popp A, Wall WA. Personalized computational artery models for coronary stent implantation. 10th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, 2023, Vienna (Proceedings)
- since 2020 Research Associate at the Institute for Computational Mechanics (Lehrstuhl für Numerische Mechanik), Technical University of Munich, Germany
- 2020 Master of Science (M.Sc.), Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Germany
- 2018 Research Practicum, Mechanical and Manufracturing Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
- 2017 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Germany