Dr.-Ing. Johannes Kremheller
PhD Thesis
- Continuum-based Computational Approaches for Modeling Tumor Growth, PDF
Research Interests
- Nichtlineare Finite-Element-Methoden (SoSe 2019 - 2021)
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals
Kremheller, J., Brandstaeter, S., Schrefler, B. A., Wall W. A. (2021): Validation and parameter optimization of a hybrid embedded/homogenized solid tumor perfusion model, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 37(8):e3508, DOI
Steinbrecher, I., Mayr, M., Grill, M. J., Kremheller, J., Meier, C., Popp, A. (2020): A mortar-type finite element approach for embedding 1D beams into 3D solid volumes, Computational Mechanics, 66(6):1377–1398, DOI
Wirthl B.*, Kremheller J.*, Schrefler B.A., Wall W. A. (2020), Extension of a multiphase tumour growth model to study nanoparticle delivery to solid tumours, PLOS ONE, 15(2):e0228443, DOI (*co-first authorship)
Kremheller, J., Vuong, A.-T., Schrefler, B. A., Wall, W. A. (2019): An approach for vascular tumor growth based on a hybrid embedded/homogenized treatment of the vasculature within a multiphase porous medium model, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 35:e3253, DOI
Kremheller, J., Vuong, A.-T., Yoshihara, L., Wall, W. A., Schrefler, B. A. (2018): A monolithic multiphase porous medium framework for (a-)vascular tumor growth, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 340:657-683, DOI
Hesse, S. H., Leidinger, L. F., Kremheller, J., Lukaszewicz, D., Duddeck, F. (2018): Shape optimization with the level-set-method using local volume constraints, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 57:115-130, DOI
Seitz, A., Farah, P., Kremheller, J., Wohlmuth, B.I., Wall, W.A., Popp, A. (2016): Isogeometric dual mortar methods for computational contact mechanics, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 301:259-280, DOI
International Conference Contributions with Abstract
J. Kremheller, A.-T. Vuong, B. A. Schrefler, W. A. Wall, A Hybrid Embedded/Homogenized In-Silico Approach for Tumor Growth and Mass Transport Inside Tumors, 14th WCCM & ECCOMAS Congress 2020, Virtual Congress, January 11 - 15, 2021
W. A. Wall, J. Kremheller, A.-T. Vuong, B. A. Schrefler. A Multiscale Method for Embedding One-dimensional Fluid or Solid Models in Three-dimensional Continua with Application to Vascular Tumor Growth, 15th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Austin, Texas, United States, July 28 - August 1, 2019
J. Kremheller, A.-T. Vuong, W. A. Wall, B. A. Schrefler. An embedded multiscale method for vascular tumor growth, Gordon Research Conference on Physical Science of Cancer, Galveston, United States, February 10 - 15, 2019
Raffaella Santagiuliana, Johannes Kremheller, Pietro Mascheroni, Lena Yoshihara, Wolfgang A. Wall, Paolo Decuzzi, Bernhard A. Schrefler. Advances of a General Model for Tumor Growth and Drug Delivery, 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics - WCCMXIII, New York, United States, July 23 - 27, 2018
J. Kremheller, A.-T. Vuong, L. Yoshihara, W. A. Wall, B. A. Schrefler. A novel five-phase model for (a-)vascular tumor growth within a flexible computational framework, 6th International Conference on Computational Mechanics - ECCM2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 11 - 15, 2018
Presentations and invited talks
J. Kremheller, B. Wirthl, A.-T. Vuong, W. A. Wall, B. A. Schrefler, An embedded multiscale method for vascular tumor growth and drug delivery, Houston Methodist Research Institute, Houston, 18 February, 2019
J. Kremheller, A.-T. Vuong, L. Yoshihara, W. A. Wall, B. A. Schrefler. A flexible in-silico framework for modeling (a-)vascular tumor growth, Focal Period Workshop on Advanced Computational Modeling for Tumor Growth Prediction, TUM Institute for Advanced Study, Garching bei München, 24 - 25 September, 2018
Supervised Student Projects
- Modeling of drug delivery and hyperthermia treatment in a multiphase tumor growth model, Master's Thesis, Barbara Wirthl, 2018
- Investigations of the influence of anisotropy on (a-)vascular tumor growth with a computational model, term paper, 2019
- Output Monitoring Routines for Parameter Studies in a Finite Element Tumour Growth Model, Bachelor's Thesis, 2019 (co-supervised with Barbara Wirthl)
- Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Multiphase Model for Avascular Tumor Growth, Master's Thesis (Physics), 2020 (co-supervised with Jonas Nitzler)
- Visualization of three-dimensional vascular tumor growth, Visualization Techniques in Computational Mechanics, 2020
- A study of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in a multiphase tumor growth model, MSE research internships, 2020 (co-supervised with Barbara Wirthl)
- Modelling of blood vessel compression in a computational tumor growth model, Master's Thesis, 2020 (co-supervised with Barbara Wirthl)
- Heterogeneous Multiscale Method in Markovian event-based models - With applications in tumor modeling, Master's Thesis (in progress, in co-operation with Martin Kronbichler and Prof. Engblom, Uppsala University)
- Visualization of three-dimensional blood vessel networks inside a tumor, Visualization Techniques in Computational Mechanics, 2020
- An anisotropic poro-mechanical formulation for lung tissue, Master's Thesis, 2021 (co-supervised with Carolin Geitner)
Modelling of gas exchange and blood flow in lung tissue, Master's Thesis, 2021 (co-supervised with Carolin Geitner)
2017 - 2021 Research Associate at the Institute for Computational Mechanics (Lehrstuhl für Numerische Mechanik), TUM, Germany
2016 Master of Science (M.Sc.), Mechanical Engineering, TUM, Germany
2014 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Engineering Science, TUM, Germany