Keijo Nissen

- 2009 Diplom-Ingenieur, Aerospace Engineering,
Technische Universität München, Germany
- WS 09/10 - SS 11: Finite Elemente
Research interests
- Computational fluid mechanics
- Information-flux methods
- Meshfree Petrov-Galerkin schemes
- Maximum-entropy methods
- Stabilization schemes in FEM
- Pressure projections (e.g. LPS)
Supervised student projects and theses (selection)
- Eine robuste und effiziente Berechnung von information-flux-Testfunktionen; Master's thesis (Diplomarbeit).
- Smooth continuous maximum-entropy approximations for arbitrarily shaped domains; term paper (Semesterarbeit)
- Development of a stable formulation of the moving least-squares scheme for convection-dominated problems; MSE research internship.
- Development of efficient non-elementbased integration methods for the meshless local maximum-entropy method; term paper (Semesterarbeit).
- Skew maximum-entropy prior functions for convection-diffusion problems; Bachelor's thesis.
- Untersuchung von Maximum-Entropy-basierten Informations-Fluss-Methoden für Konvektions-Diffusions-Reaktions-Probleme; Bachelor's thesis.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals
- Nissen K, Cyron CJ, Gravemeier V, Wall WA: Information-flux method: a meshfree maximum-entropy Petrov-Galerkin method including stabilised finite element methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Volume 241–244 (2012), Pages 225–237; DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2012.05.015
- Cyron CJ, Nissen K, Gravemeier V, Wall WA: Information flux maximum-entropy approximation schemes for convection-diffusion problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Volume 64, Issue 10–12 (2010), Pages 1180–1200; DOI: 10.1002/fld.2271
- Cyron CJ, Nissen K, Gravemeier V, Wall WA: Stable meshfree methods in fluid mechanics based on Green's functions. Computational Mechanics. Volume 46, Issue 2 (2010), Pages 287–300; DOI: 10.1007/s00466-009-0405-4
Keynote Lectures
- Nissen K, Gravemeier V, Wall WA: The information-flux method: a true Petrov-Galerkin formulation based on maximum-entropy methods applied to convection-dominated problems. 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012). Vienna, Austria, September 10-14, (2012).
Conference Proceedings
- Nissen K, Gravemeier V, Wall WA: The information-flux method: a true Petrov-Galerkin formulation based on maximum-entropy methods applied to convection-dominated problems. Proceedings 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. Pages 6425–6438, (2012).
- Nissen K, Mostert S: Exploring a Dedicated Satellite Mission for the Monitoring of Near Equatorial Forests. International Astronautical Congress 2007 (IAC), B4.4.04, Hyderabad, India, (2007).
Conference Abstracts
- Nissen K, Gravemeier V, Wall WA: Information-Flux Methods: Stable Schemes for Convection-Dominated Problems. Berlin PUM Workshop 2012. Berlin, Germany, August 22-24, (2012).
- Nissen K: Information-flux methods: a priori stable Petrov-Galerkin schemes for convection-dominated problems including stabilised finite element methods. Variational Multiscale Methods Workshop (VMS2012). Kiel, Germany, June 27-29, (2012).
- Nissen K, Cyron CJ, Gravemeier V, Wall WA: Information-flux methods: new approximation scheme for flow problems. 16th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF11). Munich, Germany, March 23-25, (2011).
- Nissen K, Cyron CJ, Gravemeier V, Wall WA: Information Flux Methods as a new approximation scheme for flow problems. Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference 8 (EFMC). Bad Reichenhall, Germany, September 13-16, (2010).
- Cyron CJ, Nissen K, Gravemeier V, Wall WA: A new approach beyond finite elements in computational mechanics, 15th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF09). Tokio, Japan, April 1-3, (2009).