Felix Bott

- Room: GHB 3.2.24, 3rd floor
- Email: bott(at)mhpc.mw.tum.de
- Phone: +49 (0) 89 289 10364
Research interests
Mesh free discretisation schemes for solid mechanics problems
- Moving Kriging Collocation
- Peridynamics
- Probabilistic Numerics (probabilistic meshless methods)
Probabilistic methods for uncertainty quantification and inverse analyses
Publications and conference contributions
- Bott, F.S., Gee, M.W.: A strong form based moving Kriging collocation method for the numerical solution of partial differential equations with mixed boundary conditions. Int J Numer Methods Eng. 2020; 1–27. https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.6553
- Bott, F.S., Gee, M.W.: Investigating the Potential of a Mesh-Free, Moving Kriging Based Collocation Scheme for Solid Mechanics Problems, VIII International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Sitges, Spain, June 03-05, 2019
- Engineering Mechanics 2 (MSE) (main assistant: SS ’18, SS ’19)
- Engineering Mechanics 1 (MSE) (main assistant: WS ’18/19)
Supervised student projects/ theses
- Peridynamics-Based Continuum Models and Their Numerical Solution, Master's Thesis, WS ’18/19
- Visualization of Eigenmodes in Linear(ized) Dynamical Systems, MSE Research Internship, SS ’19
- Realisation of Video Visualisations of Impact Phenomena in Matlab, MSE Researchinternship SS ’19
- Experimental Determination and Mathematical Modelling of Guidewire- and Sheath Bending Stiffnesses for Endovascular Interventions, Bachelor's Thesis, WS ’19/20
- Supervision of Student assistant projects concerned with the realisation of novel teaching materials in Engineering Mechanics
since 09.2020 | Research associate, PainLabMunich, Rechts der Isar Hospital, Technische Universität München |
04.2018 - 03.2020 | Research associate and teaching assistant, Mechanics & High Performance Computing Group, Technische Universität München |
02.2019 | Master de Sciences, Technologies, Santé, Mention Mechanique: Modélisation Mulitphysique Mulitéchelle des Matériaux et des Structures |
04.2018 | Master of Science (M.Sc.): Mechanical Engineering, Technische Universität München |