Dr.-Ing. Marina Bassilious

- Room GHB 3.2.23, 3rd floor (map)
- Email: bassilious(at)mhpc.mw.tum.de
- Phone: +49 (0) 89 289 10365
- office hours: by arrangement
- Engineering Mechanics I (MSE) (WS 2015/16 - WS 2016/17 - WS 2017/18)
- Engineering Mechanics II (MSE) (SS 2016 - SS 2017)
- World of Engineering (MSE) (WS 2017/18 - SS 2018)
- TUMKolleg (MW) (WS 2017/18- SS 2018 - WS 2018/19)
Research interests
- Modeling of cardiovascular system (heart, abdominal aortic aneurysm)
- Rupture risk assessment of abdominal aortic aneurysms
- Morphology analysis with Statistical shape models
- Inverse analysis of growth parameters
- since 10/2015 Research Associate at the Mechanics & High Performance Computing Group (Fachgebiet Mechanik auf Höchstleistungsrechnern), Technische Universität München, Germany
- 03/2015 Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Technische Universität München, Germany