Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael W. Gee

Department of Engineering Physics and Computation
School of Engineering and Design
Technische Universität München
Parkring 35, 85748 Garching, Germany
Room 3.2.22, 3rd floor
Phone +49 (0)89 289 15239
Phone +49 (0)89 289 10366 (administrative assistant)
Fax +49 (0)89 289 10360
Google Scholar Profile
- 2021-2024 Academic Program Director "Interdisciplinary Engineering"
- 2013-2020 Member Fachbereichsrat, Munich School of Engineering (MSE), TUM
- 2016-2019 Dean of Studies, Munich School of Engineering, TUM
- 2013--2019 Member Fachbereichsrat, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, TUM
- Member of the German Association for Computational Mechanics (GACM)
- Member of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)
- Reviewer for IJNME, CMAME, SISC, SINUM, IJNMBE, Applied Numerical Mathematics, J. Biomechanics, J. Biological Physics, Ann. Biomed. Eng., Biomechanics and Mechanobiology, J Endovasc. Therapy, J. Royal Soc. Interface, J. Mech. Behavior of Biomed. Materials and various funding agencies.
PhD students (co-)advised
- Claus Kratzer, "Blood Coagulation", 2023-today
- Tahar Arjoune, "Computational Modeling of Congenital Heart Defects", 2021-today
- Christian Bilas, "Data-Driven Models and Signaling Networks for Cardiac Growth", 2020-2024
- Lukas Rinderer, "Nonlinear Topology Optimization", 2020-today
- Mikhail Zverlov, "Meshfree Methods", 2019-today
- Willem Schüttler, "Multiphysical Modeling of Atherosclerosis", 2018-today
- Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schein, "Reduced order modeling", 2017-2023
- Dr.-Ing. Lukas Bruder, "UQ in AAA", 2017-2022
- Dr.-Ing. Marina Bassilious, "Shape similarity and variability in AAA", 2014-2022
- Dr.-Ing. André Hemmler, "In silico stent placement", 2014-2019
Arburg Preis 2021, Julius Springer Award 2020, Klee-Preis 2021 - Dr.-Ing. Robert Wohlfahrt, "A Multiphysics-Control Model of a Vascular Assist Device", 2013-2021
- Dr.-Ing. Moritz Thon, "A Multiscale Model of Atherosclerosis", 2013-2018.
Lee Segel Price 2019 - Dr.-Ing. Lasse Jagschies, "Electrophysiology and Control of a Novel Vascular Assist Device", 2012-2018.
- Dr.-Ing. Marc Hirschvogel, "A Novel Vascular Assist Device", 2012-2018.
- Dr.-Ing. Matthias Mayr, "Time Integration & Efficient Solution Methods in Fluid-Structure Interaction", 2011-2016.
Robert J. Melosh Medal 2017 - Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Kehl, "Patient specific rupture risk and analysis of mechano-biological interaction in abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA)", 2011-2017.
Arburg Preis 2018 - Dr.-Ing. Jonas Biehler (as co-advisor), "Uncertainty in Computational Mechanics", 2010-2017.
- Dr.-Ing. Susanna Tinkl (as co-advisor), "Inverse Methods for Growth & Remodeling in Soft Biological Tissue", 2009-2014.
- Dr.-Ing. Tobias Wiesner (as co-advisor), "Algebraic Multigrid for Convection Dominated Problems", 2009-2014.
- Dr.-Ing. Hamman de Vaal (as co-advisor), "Computational Modeling of Aortic Manipulation during Cardiopulmonary Bypass Heart Surgery", 2009-2014.
- Dr.-Ing. Andreas Maier (as co-advisor), "Risk Evaluation for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Rupture", 2008-2012.
- Dr.-Ing. Mahmoud Ismail (as co-advisor), "Reduced dimensional models in fluid-structure interaction", 2008-2014.
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Popp (as co-advisor), "Finite Deformation Computational Contact", 2007-2012.
- Prof. Dr. Markus Gitterle (as co-advisor), "Computational Thermodynamic Frictional Contact in Turbine Blade Joints", 2006-2012.
(some titles are working titles)
- Max Weber-Programm des Freistaats Bayern
- Frank Hirschvogel Stiftung
- Garching Atomics
- MOONOO (My favorite graphics designer)
- Institut für Baustatik und Baudynamik, Universität Stuttgart
- I'm a fan of xkcd , especially these three
- No, I am NOT a magician, nor do I build and sell classical guitars