Discrete-Time Geometric Modeling and Control of Flexible Robots (Link)
Journal Articles
Herrmann, M.; Kotyczka, P.: Relative-kinematic formulation of geometrically exact beam dynamics based on Lie group variational integrators. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (Vol. 432, Part A, 117367), 2024 more…BibTeX
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Conference Papers / Poster
Herrmann, M.; Kotyczka, P.: Zeitdiskrete dynamische Modellierung geometrisch exakter Balken in absoluten und relativen Variablen. 58. Reglungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, 2024 more…BibTeX
Journal Articles
Betz, J.; Betz, T.; Fent, F.; Geisslinger, M.; Heilmeier, A.; Hermansdorfer, L.; Herrmann, T.; Huch, S.; Karle, P.; Lienkamp, M.; Lohmann, B.; Nobis, F.; Ögretmen, L.; Rowold, M.; Sauerbeck, F.; Stahl, T.; Trauth, R.; Werner, F.; Wischnewski, A.: TUM autonomous motorsport: An autonomous racing software for the Indy Autonomous Challenge. Journal of Field Robotics, 2023, pp. 1-27 more…BibTeX
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Conference Papers
Herrmann, M.; Kotyczka, P.: Efficient Discrete-Time Dynamics of Geometrically Exact Beams Based on Relative Kinematics. 11th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Lissabon, IDMEC - Instituto de Engenharia Mecanica, 2023Multibody2023more…BibTeX
Conference Papers / Poster
Herrmann, M.; Kotyczka, P.: Zeitdiskrete dynamische Modellierung geometrisch exakter Balken auf Basis von relativer Kinematik. GMA-Fachausschuss 2.13, 2023 more…BibTeX
Conference Papers
Wischnewski, A.; Geisslinger, M.; Betz, J.; Betz, T.; Fent, F.; Heilmeier, A.; Hermansdorfer, L.; Herrmann, T.; Huch, S.; Karle, P.: Indy Autonomous Challenge Autonomous Race Cars at the Handling Limits. 12TH INTERNATIONAL MUNICH CHASSIS SYMPOSIUM 2021 (CHASSIS.TECH PLUS), Springer Vieweg, 2022Proceedings, pp. 163-182 more…BibTeX
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Conference Papers
Herrmann, M.; Kotyczka, P.: Koordinatenfreie Modellierung und Regelung eines dreiachsigen Roboterarms. GMA-Fachausschuss 1.30 Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik, 2021 more…BibTeX
Herrmann, M.; Tiwari, D.; Kotyczka, P.; Banavar, R.: Coordinate-Invariant Modeling and Control of a Three-DOF Robot Manipulator. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Elsevier, 20217th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control, Berlin, pp. 230-236 more…BibTeX
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