

Journal Articles

  • Betz, J.; Betz, T.; Fent, F.; Geisslinger, M.; Heilmeier, A.; Hermansdorfer, L.; Herrmann, T.; Huch, S.; Karle, P.; Lienkamp, M.; Lohmann, B.; Nobis, F.; Ögretmen, L.; Rowold, M.; Sauerbeck, F.; Stahl, T.; Trauth, R.; Werner, F.; Wischnewski, A.: TUM autonomous motorsport: An autonomous racing software for the Indy Autonomous Challenge. Journal of Field Robotics, 2023, pp. 1-27 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


Journal Articles

  • Wischnewski, A.; Herrmann, T.; Werner, F.; Lohmann, B.: A Tube-MPC Approach to Autonomous Multi-Vehicle Racing on High-Speed Ovals. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (Vol. 8, Issue 1), 2022, pp. 368-378 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )

Conference Papers

  • Wischnewski, A.; Geisslinger, M.; Betz, J.; Betz, T.; Fent, F.; Heilmeier, A.; Hermansdorfer, L.; Herrmann, T.; Huch, S.; Karle, P.: Indy Autonomous Challenge Autonomous Race Cars at the Handling Limits. 12TH INTERNATIONAL MUNICH CHASSIS SYMPOSIUM 2021 (CHASSIS.TECH PLUS), Springer Vieweg, 2022Proceedings, pp. 163-182 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


Journal Articles

  • Christ, F.; Wischnewski, A.; Heilmeier, A.; Lohmann, B.: Time-optimal trajectory planning for a race car considering variable tyre-road friction coefficients. Vehicle System Dynamics (Vol. 59, Issue 4), 2021, pp. 588-612 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wischnewski,A.; Euler,M.; Gümüs,S.; Lohmann,B.: Tube model predictive control for an autonomous race car. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


Conference Papers

  • Wischnewski, A.; Betz, J.; Lohmann, B.: Real-Time Learning of Non-Gaussian Uncertainty Models for Autonomous Racing. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control [59th, 2020, South Korea] , IEEE, 2020, pp. 609-615 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wischnewski, A.; Betz, J.; Lohmann, B.: A Model-Free Algorithm to Safely Approach the Handling Limit of an Autonomous Racecar. IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE)[2019], IEEE, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )

Conference Papers / Poster

  • Wischnewski, A.; Lohmann, B.: Lernende Verfahren zur Konstruktion von erreichbaren Mengen im fahrdynamischen Grenzbereich. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium [54.], 2020 more… BibTeX


Journal Articles

  • Christ, F.; Wischnewski, A.; Heilmeier, A.; Lohmann, B.: Time-optimal trajectory planning for a race car considering variable tyre-road friction coefficients. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2019, S. 1-25 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heilmeier, A.; Wischnewski, A.; Hermansdorfer, L.; Betz, J.; Lienkamp, M.; Lohmann, B.: Minimum curvature trajectory planning and control for an autonomous race car. International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility (Vol. 58, Issue Number 10), 2019, pp. 1497-1527 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )

Conference Papers

  • Betz, J.; Wischnewski, A.; Heilmeier, A.; Nobis, F.; Stahl, T.; Hermansdorfer, L.; Lienkamp, M.: A software architecture for an autonomous racecar. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2019[89th, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2019] more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Rowold, M.; Wischnewski, A.; Lohmann, B.: Constrained Bayesian Optimization of a Linear Feed-Forward Controller. IFAC Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Control Systems, ALCOS [13´th, 2019, Winchester, United Kingdom], Elsevier B.V., 2019IFAC-PapersOnLine, pp. 1-6 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wischnewski, A.; Stahl, T.; Betz, J.; Lohmann, B.: Vehicle Dynamics State Estimation and Localization for High Performance Race Cars. IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles IAV [10th, Gdansk, Poland, 2019], Elsevier, 2019IFAC-PapersOnLine, pp. 307-312 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


Conference Papers

  • Betz, Johannes; Wischnewski, Alexander; Heilmeier, Alexander; Nobis, Felix; Stahl, Tim; Hermansdorfer, Leonhard; Lohmann, Boris; Lienkamp, Markus: What can we learn from autonomous level-5 Motorsport? 2018, 2018 more… BibTeX

Students projects

S=Semesterthesis, B=Bachelorthesis, M=Masterthesis

Art Title Status / finished at
M Gaussian Process Regression Learning-MPC for Autonomous Driving 18.09.21
M Holistic parameter optimization for the planning and control software of an autonomous race car 15.05.21
M Robust MPC for Autonomous Driving with State Contraints


M Entwicklung eines kombinierten Längs- und Querreglers für ein autonomes Rennfahrzeug


M Nonlinear robust MPC for autonomous racing 01.09.20
S Effects of Curvature Feedback on Path Tracking Control Quality 18.05.20
M Mengenbasierter Beobachterentwurf für ein autonomes Rennfahrzeug 12.05.20
M Robuste Modellprädiktive Regelung eines Autonomes Fahrzeuges 23.04.20
M Regelung von Driftarbeitspunkten für autonome Fahrzeuge im fahrdynamischen Grenzbereich 02.03.20
S Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Driving at the Handling Limits 01.12.19
S Design of a Tracking Controller for Autonomous Vehicles using Reinforcement Learning Methods 01.12.19
S Gaussian Processes based Model Predictive Control of Overtaking Maneuvers for Autonomous Vehicles 15.01.20
M Learning of a nonlinear vehicle model with uncertainty quantification 11.11.19
M Planung von zeitoptimalen Trajektorien für ein autonomes Rennfahrzeug 29.03.19
M Learning to Drive - Improving Feedback Control Laws for a Racecar 15.04.19
M Learning to Drive - Improving Feed Forward Control Laws for a Racecar 14.02.18
B Design of a Modular State Estimator for a Racecar 01.03.19
B Large Scale Testing for Automotive Control Systems 17.04.19
B Development of a Testing Platform for Control Algorithms using an Autonomous Model Car 01.11.18
S Flachheitsbasierte Trajektorienplanung für Fahrzeuge im Motorsport 03.09.18
M Datengestützte Identifikation eines Modells für ein Rennsportfahrzeug 14.07.18
S Ego motion estimation of the Roborace vehicle 07.07.18


Curriculum Vitae

2015 B.Eng. Mechatronik (Automotive Systems Engineering) - DHBW Stuttgart
2017 M.Sc. Elektro- und Informationstechnik - Universität Duisburg-Essen
since Dec. 2017 Research Assistant at the Chair of Automatic Control - TU München