
National Organizing Committee

Volker Mehrmann, TU Berlin, Germany (NOC Chair)
Paul Kotyczka, TU Munich, Germany (NOC Co-Chair)


International Program Committee

Yann Le Gorrec, UBFT FEMTO Besançon, France (IPC Chair)
Bernhard Maschke, University of Lyon, France (IPC Co-Chair)
Arjan van der Schaft, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (IPC Co-Chair)

Alessandro Astolfi, UK
Ravi Banavar, India
Christopher Beattie, USA
Anthony Bloch, USA
María de Diego Antón, Spain
Alejandro Donaire, Australia
Herbert Egger, Germany
Gerardo Espinosa-Pérez, Mexico
Timm Faulwasser, Germany
Kenji Fujimoto, Japan
François Gay-Balmaz, France
Sören Hohmann, Germany
Nicolas Hudon, Canada
Birgit Jacob, Germany
Bayu Jayawardhana, The Netherlands
Dimitri Jeltsema, The Netherlands
Laurent Lefèvre, France
Robert Mahony, Australia
Lorenzo Marconi, Italy
Sonia Martinez, USA
Denis Matignon, France
Thomas Meurer, Germany
Romeo Ortega. Mexico
Christophe Prieur, France
Hector Ramírez, Chile
Witold Respondek, France
Pierre Rouchon, France
Joachim Rudolph, Germany
Oliver Sawodny, Germany
Daniel Sbarbaro, Chile
Jacquelien Scherpen, The Netherlands
Markus Schöberl, Austria
Rodolphe Sepulchre, UK
Rafal Wisniewski, Denmark
Hiroaki Yoshimura, Japan
Hans Zwart, The Netherlands



Alessandro Macchelli, University of Bologna, Italy