Not only the skills of the engineers contribute to the economic success of Germany, but also undoubtedly, and in a special way, the quality of the non-academic education. Therefore, the Chair of Thermodynamics does not only teach students and doctoral students, but also offers apprenticeships. This is only possible because the Chair of Thermodynamics has both a mechanical and an electrical / electronic workshop with qualified employees.
After several trainees of our workshops have achieved outstanding degrees in the past, we are particularly pleased with the excellent performance of Tomislav Marjanovic, who has finished his apprenticeship with the best final examination of approx. 100 and we wish him all the best for his next professional career. Many thanks also to the head of our mechanical workshop Jens Hümmer, who was responsible for the training of Tomislav Marjanovic, and to the other workshop staff who participated in Tomislav’s education. This is a great success for our mechanical workshop, which gives it another boost to get involved with future generations of apprentices.