At the Turbo Expo 2016 in Seoul the Institute of Thermodynamics was awarded another prize. The publication of Georg Baumgartner, Lorenz Boeck and Thomas Sattelmayer entitled "Experimental Investigation of the Transition Mechanism From Stable Flame to flashback to a Generic Premixed Combustion System With High Speed Micro-PIV and Micro-PLIF combined With Chemiluminescence Imaging " presented at Turbo Expo in Montreal 2015 was chosen by the IGTI Combustion, Fuels and Emissions Committee CFE as the Best Technical Paper of the year. Meanwhile, this paper has also been published in the ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. Scientists of the Institute of Thermodynamics have received this award for the sixth time. Research of the Institute of Thermodynamics on flame flashback received this prize for the second time and also the prestigious ASME Gas Turbine Award in 2011.