
The Executive Committee of the Global Power and Propulsion Society (GPPS) has unanimously awarded Thomas Sattelmayer with the GPPS Fellow Membership.

Also in 2020 the Willy Messerschmitt Prize will go to a former PhD student of the Chair of Thermodynamics

Golden Teaching Award for Thermodynamics I Tutor and Central Exercises

Two prizes for former Ph.D. students of the Thermodynamics Institute

Three new doctoral students have joined us since the turn of the year.

Price for Mayameen Reda

Wolfram Ullrich passes his doctoral examination with flying colours

Helga Bassett feiert am 1.11.2019 ihr 25. Jubiläum an der TU-München

Golden Teaching Award 2019 (Second Prize) for Jan Kaufmann

Major Achievement of the Engine Combustion Group at the Thermodynamics Institute