
Dr. Mirko Bothien from Ansaldo Energia has been offered a IAS Rudolf Diesel Industry Fellowship

Technology-driven thermo-fluid dynamics research

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kolb wurde zum Honorarprofessor an der Technischen Universität München ernannt.

Thomas Sattelmayer has been selected as the recipient of the 2017 Global Power & Propulsion Society (GPPS) Innovation Award.

Our Master student Simon Tartsch wins a WATT Master Thesis Award

Global Power and Propulsion Society

Global Power and Propulsion Society Interview

Norbert Heublein was awarded "best tutorial 2017" by the student body of mechanical engineering for his tutorial in thermodynamics 1. After Mr. Brückner-Kalb in 2007 and Mr. Kathan in 2008 and 2009, Mr. Heublein constitutes another golden generation of teaching assistants, igniting students'…

Syngas instead of hydrogen

Participation of the Thermodynamics Institute at the TurboExpo 2017