- Fundamental Study of Diesel-Piloted Natural Gas Direct Injection Under Different Operating Conditions. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 141 (9), 2019, 091006 more… BibTeX
- Influence of the Spacial and Temporal Interaction Between Diesel Pilot and Directly Injected Natural Gas Jet on Ignition and Combustion Characteristics. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 140 (10), 2018, 102811-8 more… BibTeX
- FlexDi - Flexible direkteinspritzende Motoren für die Schifffahrt. Forschungsband: Maritime Technologien der nächsten Generation, Weiss-Druck GmbH & Co.KG, 2018Statustagung Maritime Technologien 2018 more… BibTeX
- Fundamental Study of Diesel-Piloted Natural Gas Direct Injection Under Different Operating Conditions. Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Fall Technical Conference, 2018ICEF2018 more… BibTeX
- Numerical Analysis of the Combustion Process in Dual-Fuel Engines with Direct Injection of Natural Gas. Proceedings of the ASME 2018 Internal Combustion Fall Technical Conference, 2018 more… BibTeX
- Predicting Ignition and Combustion of a Pilot Ignited Natural Gas Jet Using Numerical Simulation Based on Detailed Chemistry. Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Fall Technical Conference, 2017ICEF2017 more… BibTeX
- Influence of the Spatial and Temporal Interaction Between Diesel Pilot and Directly Injected Natural Gas Jet on Ignition and Combustion Characteristics. Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Fall Technical Conference, 2017 more… BibTeX
- Planar Flame Front Visualization Using a Cassegrain Sensor. 16th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, 2014 more… BibTeX
Dipl.-Ing. (Univ.) Georg Fink
Technical University of Munich
Chair of Thermodynamics (Prof. Sattelmayer)