Dr.-Ing. Peter Katzy
Technical University of Munich
Chair of Thermodynamics (Prof. Sattelmayer)
Hasslberger, J.; Katzy, P.; Boeck, L.; Sattelmayer, T.: Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in a Full-Scale Konvoi-Type Pressurized Water Reactor. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 3 (4), 2017, 041014 more… BibTeX
Hasslberger, J.; Katzy, P.; Sattelmayer, T.: On the effect of pressure on intrinsic flame instabilities in lean hydrogen-air mixtures - Part I: Detailed chemistry based direct numerical simulation. 26th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS), 2017 more… BibTeX
Katzy, P.; Hasslberger, J.; Sattelmayer, T.: On the effect of pressure on intrinsic flame instabilities in lean hydrogen-air mixtures - Part II: Experimental investigation based on OH-PLIF technique. 26th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS), 2017 more… BibTeX
Boeck, L.; Katzy, P.; Hasslberger, J.; Kink, A.; Sattelmayer, T.: The GraVent DDT database. Shock Waves Volume 26 (5), 2016, pp. 683-685 more… BibTeX
Hasslberger, J.; Katzy, P.; Boeck, L.; Sattelmayer, T.: Massively Parallelized Simulation of Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in a Konvoi-Type Pressurized Water Reactor. 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, 2016ICONE24-60093 more… BibTeX
Katzy, P.; Boeck, L.; Hasslberger, J.; Sattelmayer, T.: Application of High-Speed OH-PLIF Technique for Improvement of Lean Hydrogen-air Combustion Modeling. Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE24-60130), 2016 more… BibTeX