Alexander Eder defends his dissertation with Summa Cum Laude
Alexander J. Eder defended today his dissertation "Prediction of Flame Dynamics and Thermoacoustic Interactions in Partially Premixed Combustors" with Summa Cum Laude.
A 20 min presentation of the main results is found on the TFD YouTube channel.
The work was financially supported as a transfer project by DFG, with Claus Lahiri and André Fischer from Rolls Royce Deutschland as industrial project partners. Collaboration with Nicolas Noiray and his team at ETH was most rewarding and brought many rewards - such as a Best Paper Award by ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers).
Thanks to Andrea Giusti and Bruno Schuermans for serving as external examiners on the committee. Harald Klein chaired the defense.
Congratulations to Alexander, and many thanks for the excellent research and exemplary team work during his time as a doctoral student in the TFD group.