Brokof, P.; Douglas, C.M.; Polifke, W.: The role of hydrodynamic shear in the thermoacoustic response of slit flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40 (1-4), 2024, 105362 more…BibTeX
Varillon, G.; Kaiser, T.L.; Brokof, P.; Oberleithner, K.; Polifke, W.: Linear analysis of a swirling jet with a realistic swirler model. International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 16 (3), 2024, 186-199 more…BibTeX
Brokof, P.; Varillon, G.; Inoue, Y.; Polifke, W.: Towards a momentum potential theory for reacting flows. International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 16 (3), 2024, 65-79 more…BibTeX
Brokof, P.; Varillon, G.; Polifke, W.: Structural sensitivity analysis to identify driving flow regions of intrinsic thermoacoustic instabilities. ICNC 2024, 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 2024, 14 more…BibTeX
Brokof, P.; Guzmán-Iñigo, J.; Morgans, A.S.; Son, M.; Armbruster, W.; Hardi, J.S.: Injection-Coupling Instabilities in the BKD Combustor: Acoustic Analysis of the Isolated Injectors. AIAA Journal 61 (6), 2023, 2581-2590 more…BibTeX
Brokof, P.; Varillon, G.; Inoue, V.; Polifke, W.: Towards a Momentum Potential Theory for Reacting Flows. Symposium on Thermoacoustics in Combustion: Industry meets Academia (SoTiC 2023), 2023 more…BibTeX
Varillon, G.; Brokof, P.; Polifke, W.: Global Linear Stability Analysis of a Slit Flame Subject to Intrinsic Thermoacoustic Instability. Proceedings of the 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV23), 2023, 9 Seiten more…BibTeX
Varillon, G.; Kaiser, T.L.; Brokof, P.; Oberleithner, K.; Polifke, W.: A comprehensive linearised flow model for swirling jets. Symposium on Thermoacoustics in Combustion: Industry meets Academia (SoTiC 2023), 2023 more…BibTeX
Brokof, P.; Fournier, G.; Polifke, W.: Linear time-continuous state-space realization of flame transfer functions by means of a propagation equation. The 51st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, 2022Internoise 2022more…BibTeX