Eder, A.J.; Merk, M.; Hollweck, T.; Fischer, A.; Lahiri, C.; Silva, C.F.; Polifke, W.: Model-Based Inference of Flame Transfer Matrices From Acoustic Measurements in an Aero-Engine Test Rig. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 147 (3), 2025, 031022 (10 Seiten) more…
Eder, A.; Merk, M.; Hollweck, T.; Fischer, A.; Lahiri, C.; Silva, C.F.; Polifke, W.: Model-based inference of flame transfer matrices from acoustic measurements in an aero-engine test rig. ASME Turbo Expo 2024 Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, 2024 more…
Eder, A.; Fischer, A.; Lahiri, C.; Merk, M.; Staufer, M.; Eggels, R.; Silva, C.F.; Polifke, W.: Identification of the dynamics of a turbulent spray flame at high pressure. Symposium on Thermoacoustics in Combustion: Industry meets Academia (SoTiC 2023), 2023 more…
Fischer, F. V.; Polifke, W.: Formulation and Validation of an LES Model for Ternary Mixing and Reaction Based on Joint Presumed Discrete Distributions. In: Bockhorn, Henning; Mewes, Dieter; Peukert, Wolfgang; Warnecke, Hans-Joachim (Ed.): Micro and Macro Mixing - Analysis, Simulation and Numerical Calculation. Springer Verlag, 2010, 185-204 more…
Fischer, V.; Polifke, W.: Modelling and validation of an LES model for ternary mixing based on joint probability discrete distributions using mixing models. ProcessNet Jahrestreffen der Fachausschüsse Computational Fluid Dynamics, Mischvorgänge und Extraktion, 2009 more…
Fischer, F. V.; Muralidharan, B.; Polifke, W.: Simulation of ternary mixing in a co-annular jet in crossflow. JSME Int. J., J. of Fluid Science and Technology 4 (2), 2009, 379-390 more…
Fischer, V.; Polifke, W.: Modellierung der Varianz- und Kovarianztransportgleichung für Large-Eddy-Simulation (LES) mit Vermischungsvorgängen. 16. DGLR-Fach-Symposium STAB, 2008 more…
Fischer, F. V.; Muralidharan, B.; Polifke, W.: Simulation of ternary mixing in a co-annular jet in crossflow. Int. Conf. on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, 2008 more…
Fischer, V.; Schwertfirm, F.; Manhart, M.; Polifke, W.: Statistical Distributions of Mixture Fractions Observed in DNS of Turbulent Ternary Mixing. 11th Int. Conf. on Numerical Combustion, 2006 more…
Gentemann, A. M. G.; Fischer, A.; Evesque, S.; Polifke, W.: Acoustic Transfer Matrix Reconstruction and Analysis for Ducts with Sudden Change of Area. 9th American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, 2003 more…
Polifke, W.; Fischer, A.; Sattelmayer, T.: Instability of a Premix Burner with Non-Monotonic Pressure Drop Characteristic. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 125 (1), 2003, 20-27 more…
Polifke, W.; Fischer, A.; Sattelmayer, T.: Instability of a Premix Burner with Non-Monotonic Pressure Drop Characteristic. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2001: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, GT 2001, 2001 more…
Polifke, W.; Hirsch, C.; Fischer, A.; Sattelmayer, T.: Instabilität eines Vormischbrenners mit nicht-monotoner Druckverlust-Kennlinie. 20. VDI Flammentag (VDI Bericht 1629), 2001 more…