Merk, M.; Schily, F.; Polifke, W.: A Jacobian-based framework for the derivation of comprehensive thermoacoustic jump conditions. Combustion and Flame 274 (274), 2025, 113958 more…BibTeX
Eder, A.J.; Merk, M.; Hollweck, T.; Fischer, A.; Lahiri, C.; Silva, C.F.; Polifke, W.: Model-Based Inference of Flame Transfer Matrices From Acoustic Measurements in an Aero-Engine Test Rig. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 147 (3), 2025, 031022 (10 Seiten) more…BibTeX
Merk, M.; Schily, F.; Polifke, W.: A Jacobian-based framework for the derivation of comprehensive thermoacoustic jump conditions. Combustion and Flame 274, 2025, 113958 more…BibTeX
Merk, M.; Eder, A.J.; Polifke, W.: An Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian framework for the consistent analysis of entropy wave generation. Combustion and Flame 262, 2024, 113334 more…BibTeX
Eder, A.; Merk, M.; Hollweck, T.; Fischer, A.; Lahiri, C.; Silva, C.F.; Polifke, W.: Model-based inference of flame transfer matrices from acoustic measurements in an aero-engine test rig. ASME Turbo Expo 2024 Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, 2024 more…BibTeX
Merk, M.; Buschmann, P.E.; Moeck, J.P.; Polifke, W.: The Nonlinear Thermoacoustic Eigenvalue Problem and Its Rational Approximations: Assessment of Solution Strategies. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 145 (2), 2023 more…BibTeX
Renner, J.; March, M.; Do, T.A.; Merk, M.; Hirsch, C.; Sattelmayer, T.: Flame Transfer Functions of the Lean Burnout Zone of an RQL Combustion Chamber - Dynamic Response to Primary Zone and Mixing Port Velocity Fluctuations. International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 15 (2), 2023, 105-116 more…BibTeX
Eder, A.; Fischer, A.; Lahiri, C.; Merk, M.; Staufer, M.; Eggels, R.; Silva, C.F.; Polifke, W.: Identification of the dynamics of a turbulent spray flame at high pressure. Symposium on Thermoacoustics in Combustion: Industry meets Academia (SoTiC 2023), 2023 more…BibTeX
Merk, M.; Buschmann, P.; Moek, J.; Polifke, W.: The nonlinear thermoacoustic eigenvalue problem and its rational approximations: assessment of solution strategies. ASME Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, 2022Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Expositionmore…BibTeX
Merk, M.; Silva, C.; Polifke, W.; Gaudron, R.; Gatti, M.; Mirat, C.; Schuller, T.: Direct Assessment of the Acoustic Scattering Matrix of a Turbulent Swirl Combustor by Combining System Identification, Large Eddy Simulation and Analytical Approaches. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 141 (2), 2019, 021035 more…BibTeX
Meindl, M.; Merk, M.; Fritz, F.; Polifke, W.: Determination of Acoustic Scattering Matrices from Linearized Compressible Flow Equations with Application to Thermoacoustic Stability Analysis. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics 27 (3), 2019, 1850027 more…BibTeX
Polifke, W.; Merk, M.; Silva, C.; Jaensch, S.; Gaudron, R.; Gatti, M.; Mirat, C.; Schuller, T.: Identification of Combustion Noise and Flame Dynamics of Confined Turbulent Flames. Part II: Identification of Flame dynamics and Combustion Noise Source Terms. 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 2019 more…BibTeX
Schuller, T.; Gaudron, M.; Gatti, M.; Mirat, C.; Merk, M.; Silva, C.; Jaensch, S.; Polifke, W..;: Identification of Combustion Noise and Flame Dynamics of Confined Turbulent Flames. Part I: Methodology. 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 2019 more…BibTeX
Merk, M.; Gaudron, R.; Silva, C.; Gatti, M.; Mirat, C.; Schuller, T.; Polifke, W.: Prediction of Combustion Noise of an Enclosed Flame by Simultaneous Identification of Noise Source and Flame Dynamics. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (37), 201937th International Symposium on Combustionmore…BibTeX
Häringer, M.; Merk, M.; Polifke, W.: Inclusion of higher Harmonics in the Flame Describing Function for Predicting self-excited Combustion Instabilities. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37, 201937th International Symposium on Combustionmore…BibTeX
Merk, M.; Polifke, P.: NoiseDyn: Identifikation des Verbrennungslärms und der Dynamik eingeschlossener turbulenter Flammen – Abschlussbericht. , Ed.: DFG: DFG, 2018, more…BibTeX
Polifke, W.; Merk, M.: Determination of Combustion Dynamics and Combustion Noise in a Confined Turbulent Swirl Combustor. In: Bastian, P.; Kranzlmüller, D.; Brüchle, H.; Brehm, M. (Ed.): High Performance Computing in Science Engineering. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften / LRZ, 2018, 162-163 more…BibTeX
Merk, M.; Jaensch, S.; Silva, C.; Polifke, W.: Simultaneous identification of transfer functions and combustion noise of a turbulent flame. Journal of Sound and Vibration 422, 2018, 432-452 more…BibTeX
Jaensch, S.; Merk, M.; Emmert, T.; Polifke, W.: Identification of flame transfer functions in the presence of intrinsic thermoacoustic feedback and noise. Combustion Theory and Modelling 22, 2018, 613-634 more…BibTeX
Merk, M.; Polifke, W.; Gaudron, R.; Gatti, M.; Mirat, C.; Schuller, T.: Measurement and Simulation of Combustion Noise and Dynamics of a Confined Swirl Flame. AIAA Journal 56 (5), 2018, 1930-1942 more…BibTeX
Merk, M.; Silva, C.; Polifke, W.; Gaudron, R.; Gatti, M.; Mirat, C.; Schuller, T.: Direct assessment of the acoustic scattering matrix of a turbulent swirl combustor by combining system identification, large eddy simulation and analytical approaches. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, 2018 more…BibTeX
Silva, C. F.; Merk, M.; Komarek, T.; Polifke, W.: The contribution of intrinsic thermoacoustic feedback to combustion noise and resonances of a confined turbulent premixed flame. Combustion and Flame 182, 2017, 269-278 more…BibTeX
Jaensch, S.; Merk, M.; Gopalakrishnan, E.A.; Bomberg, S.; Emmert, T.; Sujith, R.I.; Polifke, W.: Hybrid CFD/Low-Order Modeling of Nonlinear Thermoacoustic Oscillations. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (3), 2017, 3827-3834 more…BibTeX
Meindl, M.; Merk, M.; Fritz, F.; Polifke, W.: Determination of acoustic scattering matrices from linearized compressible flow equations. Int. Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics , 2017ICTCA 2017more…BibTeX
Merk, M.; Polifke, W.; Gaudron, R.; Gatti, M.; Mirat, C.; Schuller, T.: Quantitative Comparisons between LES Predictions and Experimental Measurements of Sound Pressure Spectra in a Confined Swirl Combustor. 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference 2017, 2017 more…BibTeX
Merk, M.; Gaudron, R.; Mirat, C.; Gatti, M.; Schuller, T.; Polifke, W.;: Numerical and experimental investigation of the noise level in a confined premixed swirl-stabilized combustor. Second Colloquium on Combustion Dynamics and Combustion Noise, 2016, 1 more…BibTeX
Merk, M.; Jaensch, S.; Polifke, W.: On Hydrodynamic Effects During Self-Excited Thermoacoustic Oscillations. 24th International Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2016ICTAM 2016more…BibTeX
Merk, M.; Jaensch, S.; Polifke, W.;: Concurrent identification of flame dynamics and combustion noise for turbulent flames. Second Colloquium on Combustion Dynamics and Combustion Noise, 2016, 1 more…BibTeX
Silva, C. F.; Merk, M.; Komarek, T., Polifke, W.: The Contribution of Intrinsic Thermoacoustic Feedback to Combustion Noise and Resonances of a Confined Turbulent Premixed Flame. Thermoacoustic instabilities in Gas Turbines and Rocket engines, 2016 more…BibTeX
Jaensch, S.; Merk, M.; Gopalakrishnan, E.; Bomberg, S.; Emmert, T.; Sujith, R I; Polifke, W.: Hybrid CFD/ low-order modeling of nonlinear thermoacoustic oscillations. 36th Int'l Symposium on Combustion, 2016 more…BibTeX
Jaensch, S.; Merk, M.; Gopalakrishnan, E.; Bomberg, S.; Emmert, T.; Sujith, R I; Polifke, W.: Hybrid CFD/ low order modeling of thermoacoustic limit cycles. Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio 40 - Summer Program Report 2015, 2015 more…BibTeX