An Introduction to Vibroacoustics (de, SS)
Engineering Mechanics 3 (de, WS)
Computational Acoustics (de/eng, WS+SS)
Experimental Vibroacoustics (engl/de, WS)
Machine Learning in Engineering Mechanics (engl, SS)
Contemporary Philosophy for Engineers (de, WS)
Sound Radiation (eng/de, SS)
Introduction in Philosophy for Engineers (de, WS+SS)
Vibroacoustic FE Simulations in Virtual Prototyping (de/engl, WS+SS)
Numerical Acoustics in Python (de, WS+SS)
Practical Aspects of Technical Acoustics (de, SS)
What shall I do? Ethics for Engineers (de, SS)
Vibro-acoustic signal processing (de, WS)
Vibroacoustic Simulation - Statistical Energy Analysis and Hybrid Methods (eng, SS)
Philosophy of Technics. Man, Machine and Artifial Intelligence (de/engl, WS)