The CISM Advanced Course "Metal Additive Manufacturing: Fundamentals, Modeling, Materials, and Implementation” will take place at the International Centre for Mechanical Science (CISM) in Udine, Italy from October 18 - 22.
The course will be offered in hybrid form, i.e., participation is possible either in presence or online.
The registration is open now here . The registration deadlines
are September 18 for participation in presence and October 11 for online participation.
The lecturers are looking forward to welcome you in Udine!
Bianca Maria Colosimo (Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy)
Jürgen Eckert (Montan Universität Leoben, Austria)
Andrey Gusarov (Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN", Russia)
A. John Hart (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA)
Neil Hodge (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA)
Christoph Meier (Technical University of Munich, Germany)