On June 8, 2016, at the ECCOMAS Congress in Crete, Dr. Alexander Popp was elected as new chairman of the Young Investigators Committee of the European Community for Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS). Together with Dr. Stefanie Elgeti (RWTH Aachen) as co-chairperson, he will lead the committee that has been created in order to promote the main goals of ECCOMAS among young researchers and to encourage activities of young ECCOMAS members. With the number of young investigators working on computational methods in applied sciences significantly increasing over the last years, the ECCOMAS Young Investigators Committee (EYIC) has become a very important and dedicated coalition of young researchers across Europe. The EYIC is composed of currently 21 members representing the different national and regional associations within ECCOMAS and has a term of four years.
Website: http://www.eccomas.org/vpage/1/0/Committees/YIC-General