Many scientific disciplines are essential in fighting the Corona virus and reducing the number of fatalities. The Institute for Computational Mechanics & Center for Computational Biomedical Engineering, headed by Prof. Wall, together with the TUM-spinoff company Ebenbuild (, are able to contribute with their internationally unique expertise in modeling the human respiratory system and by combining AI with medical imaging & other clinical data as well as with physics-based simulation. One of the driving forces for these research efforts was the search for a better understanding and an improvement of mechanical ventilation for patients suffering from acute respiratory failure (ARDS, i.e. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome). This is exactly what severe cases of COVID-19 are developing. Recent studies showed that 20- 30% of all ventilated COVID- 19 patients develop ARDS. Perhaps more importantly, it has been shown that among those patients who die from COVID- 19, over 90% had ARDS. Recently, a documentary on a German TV program (sorry, only in available in German) also highlighted parts of our efforts, watch here:
See also the announcement of TUM here:
as well as a press announcement of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy here: