Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Popp

On Jan 01, 2018 I have moved to UniBw München.
Please click here to access my new website!
Latest News
Jan 02, 2018 - New Position at Universität der Bundeswehr (UniBw)
I have recently left TUM to take up a new position as Full Professor at the Universität der Bundeswehr (UniBw) München. Please visit my new website!
Oct 17, 2017 - Open Positions (Contact Mechanics and HPC)
With great excitement I can announce today that I will take up a new position as Full Professor at the Universität der Bundeswehr (UniBw) München in early 2018. I will build up a new research group for "Computer-Based Simulation" within the Institute for Mathematics and Computer-Based Simulation there. For this new group, I am currently looking for two doctoral candidates / postdocs for full-time positions (TVöD 13/14) in computational contact mechanics and HPC research, both also including teaching or HPC administration responsibilities. Fluency in German is essential for these positions. The envisaged starting date would be Jan 01, 2018 and the official job posting (in German) can be downloaded here. Please contact me as soon as possible for further details!
Aug 01, 2017 - New Research Grant (ZD.B Research Group)
My project proposal "EVARSim: A Simulation-Based Digital Toolchain for Surgery Planning and Risk Prediction in Endovascular Repair (EVAR) of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA)" at the Center Digitization.Bavaria (ZD.B) has been successful. I am very excited about building up a new group at TUM with the grant money (1.2M €)!
Oct 10, 2016 - CISM Course "Computational Contact and Interface Mechanics"
October 3-7, 2016 - Udine (Italy), with: M. Geers, J.-F. Molinari, A. Popp, J. Rojek, S. Stupkiewicz, P. Wriggers.
Please visit the CISM website for further information.