Amadeus Gebauer, M.Sc.
- Room 1209
- Email: amadeus.gebauer(at)
- Phone: +49 (0) 89 289 15255
- Link to Google Scholar
Research Interests
- Cardiac mechanics modeling
Growth- and remodeling of cardiac tissue; Cardiac active tissue mechanics - Medical image processing
- Parallel and high performance computing
- 4C - A Comprehensive Multi-Physics Simulation Framework
- Finite Elemente (WS 19/20)
- Finite Elemente (WS 20/21)
- Finite Elemente Praktikum (SS 2021)
- Finite Elemente (WS 21/22)
- Numerische Festkörpermechanik (WS21/22)
- Finite Elemente Praktikum (SS 2022)
- Finite Elemente (WS 22/23)
- Numerische Festkörpermechanik (WS22/23)
- Introduction to recent research topics in computational mechanics (WS22/23)
- Finite Elemente Praktikum (SS 2023)
- Finite Elemente (WS 23/24)
- Numerische Festkörpermechanik (WS23/24)
- Introduction to recent research topics in computational mechanics (WS23/24)
- Finite Elemente Praktikum (SS 2024)
- Finite Elemente (WS 24/25)
Supervised Student Projects
- Computational Modeling of the Frank-Starling Mechanism in Cardiac Active Tissue Mechanics, Term-Paper, 2019.
- Continuum-Mechanical Modeling of the Human Shoulder with a Focus on the Constitutive Description of Skeletal Muscle, Master's Thesis, 2020. In cooperation with Maximilian Grill
- Developing a Framework for Harminic Lifting of Fibers on Patient Specific Artery Geometries, MSE Research Internship, 2021. In cooperation with Janina Datz.
- Comparison of Closed-Loop Windkessel Models for Hemodynamics in Cardiac Mechanics Simulations, Bachelor's Thesis, 2021.
- Assigning Myocardial Fiber Orientation using Harmonic Lifting and Quaternion Slerp, Term-Paper, 2021.
- Predictive Computational Modeling of Cardiac Growth and Remodeling using a Membrane Formulation, Bachelor's Thesis, 2022.
- Numerische Modellierung der Implantation eines pulmonal-arteriellen Drucksensors und der Interaktion zwischen Sensor, Gefäß und Strömung zur Abschätzung des Risikos der Thrombenentstehung, Term Paper, 2022.
- A patient-specific model of cardiac growth and remodeling, Master's Thesis, 2022.
- Comparison of tetrahedral and hexahedral meshes for simulations of the heart and the vascular system, Term Paper, 2022.
- A reduced dimensional computational model of cardiac growth and remodeling, Bachelor's Thesis, 2023.
- A Patient-Specific Computational Model of Cardiac Growth and Remodeling, Term Paper, 2023.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals
- Gebauer AM, Pfaller MR, Szafron JM, Wall WA. Adaptive integration of history variables in constrained mixture models for organ-scale growth and remodeling (2024). Int J Numer Meth Biomed Engng.(DOI: 10.1002/cnm.3869)
- Gebauer AM, Pfaller MR, Braeu FA, Cyron CJ, Wall WA. A homogenized constrained mixture model of cardiac growth and remodeling: Analyzing mechanobiological stability and reversal (2023). (DOI: 10.1007/s10237-023-01747-w)
- Brandstaeter S, Gizzi A, Fuchs SL, Gebauer AM, Aydin RC, Cyron CJ. Computational model of gastric motility with active-strain electromechanics (2018). Z Angew Math Mech. 1-21. (DOI: 10.1002/zamm.201800166)
- Reidmen A, Nolte D, Brown A, Gebauer A et al. A software benchmark for cardiac elastodynamics (2025). Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2024.117485)
International Conference Contributions:
- Gebauer AM, Pfaller MR, Braeu FA, Wall WA. (2021) Homogenized Constrained Mixture Model for Predicting Cardiac Growth and Remodeling. Modelling the Cardiac Function. (Youtube)
- Gebauer AM, Pfaller MR, Braeu FA, Cyron CJ, Wall WA. (2022). A homogenized constrained mixture model of cardiac growth and remodeling. 7th International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering. (Proceedings)
- Gebauer AM, Pfaller MR, Wall WA. (2023). A constrained mixture model of sarcomere turnover in cardiomycytes for organ-scale cardiac growth and remodeling. (Poster)
- Gebauer AM, Pfaller MR, Wall WA. (2024). Adaptive integration for constrained mixture models of organ-scale growth and remodeling. ECCOMAS.
- Since 2019 Research Associate at the Institute for Computational Mechanics (Lehrstuhl für Numerische Mechanik), Technische Universität München, Germany
- 2019 Master of Science (M.Sc.), Mechanical Engineering, Technische Universität München, Germany