Dipl.-Tech. Math Andreas Nagler
Institute for Advanced Studies scholarship holder
Research Interest
The goal of my research is the development of a complex, physiologically realistic finite element model of the human heart cycle, where a more comprehensive description could be found here.
My particular field of interests are
- Medical image processing
- Inverse Analysis
- Anisotropic material behaviour
- Computational solid mechanics of ventricles and heart valve
Heyden, Stefanie, et al. "Material modeling of cardiac valve tissue: Experiments, constitutive analysis and numerical investigation." Journal of Biomechanics (2015).
Nagler, Andreas, et al. "Cardiac Fibers Estimation from Arbitrarily Spaced Diffusion Weighted MRI." Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 198-206.
Nagler, Andreas, et al. "Personalization of Cardiac Fiber Orientations from Image Data Using the Unscented Kalman Filter." Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. 132-140.
Best poster award, Funtional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (FIMH) 2013
Conference Abstracts and Presentations
- A. Nagler, C. Bertoglio, C. Stoeck, S. Kozerke, W. Wall, Cardiac fiber estimation from arbitrarily spaced diffusion weighted MRI, LACM, Munich, 12-13 March, 2015
- A. Nagler, C. Bertoglio, J. Hörmann, M. Pfaller, W. Wall, Detailed myocardial fibre architecture modeling and its relevance to cardiac mechanics, WCB, Boston, July 6-11, 2014
- C. Bertoglio, A. Nagler, W. Wall, A computational framework for detailed cardiac fibers modelling and estimation, CMBE Hongkong 16.-18. December 2013
- A. Nagler, C. Bertoglio, S. Heyden, L. Jagschies, W. Klug, M. Gee, M. Ortiz, W.Wall, Recent Progress in the advanced cardiac emulator, GACM, Hamburg, Sep 30 - Okt 2, 2013
- C. Bertoglio, A. Nagler, W. Wall, A computational framework for complex patient-specific cardiac fiber generation, 10-11 July 2013
- A. Nagler, M. Gee , W. A. Wall , W. Klug , M. Ortiz, Advanced Cardiac Mechanics Emulator (ACME), ECCOMAS, Wien, September 10-14, 2012
- SS 2014: Teaching assistant for Computational Bioengineering - Von der Bildgebung zur Simulation
- SS 2013: Course presenter for Computational Bioengineering - Von der Bildgebung zur Simulation
- SS 2012: Teaching assistant for Computational Bioengineering - Von der Bildgebung zur Simulation
- SS 2011: Teaching assistant for Computational Bioengineering - Von der Bildgebung zur Simulation
Supervised Student Projects
- Modellierung und Simulation der passiven mechanischen Eigenschaften von Herzmuskeln (2015, Semesterarbeit)
- Estimation of the electrical diffusivity distribution in cardiac tissue (2015 Bsc Thesis)
- Modellierung und Simulation der Elektromechanik in den menschlichen Vorhöfen (2013, Diploma-thesis)
- Modeling and Simulation of human cardiac valve dynamics (2013, Diploma-thesis)
- Komplexe Registrierung am Beispiel der Herzkammern(2012, MSE-project)
- Normalisierung von Tensorfeldern bei der Modelllierung des menschlichen Herzens(2012, MSE-project)
- Reorientierung von Faserrichtungen im Herzmuskel unter Deformation (2011, MSE-project)