Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Rauch

Research interests
- Computational modeling of cell migration
- Poromechanics
- Computational Multiphysics / Coupled Problems
- Fluid-Structure-Interaction (FSI)
- Fluid-Porous-Structure-Interaction (FPSI)
- Immersed Finite Element Methods
- Cell Mechanics
- Biochemical Signaling and Mechanotransduction
- Modeling of Chemical Reaction Networks
- Modeling of Biochemo-Mechano-Interactions
Supervised Student Projects / Theses
- A Nonlinear, Anisotropic Material Model for Cells Including Active Cytoskeletal Contractility,
Semesterarbeit, Jonas Eichinger, 2014 - Improving the Interface Accuracy and Benchmarking of a Dirichlet-Neumann Coupled Immersed Fluid-Structure Interaction Algorithm, Considering Compressible Structures,
Master Thesis, Jonas Eichinger, 2015 - Computational Models for the Interaction of Biochemical and Mechanical Processes during Cell Migration: Development, FEM Implementation, and Simulation,
Master Thesis, Johannes Hermann, 2015 - Immersed Finite Element Method for Fluid Structure Interaction on Deformable Fluid Meshes,
Semesterarbeit, Sebastian Fritsch, 2015 - Affinity vs. Non-Affinity of the Deformation of Cross-Linked Biopolymer Bundle Networks,
Bachelor Thesis, Esra H. Gündüz, 2015 - A Biochemo-Mechano Coupled Model for Chemotactic Cellular Growth,
Master Thesis, Bettina Müller, 2016 - A Finite Element Model for Endo- and Exocytosis of Proteolytic Enzymes during Mesenchymal Cell Migration,
Semesterarbeit, Roxana C. Künzel, 2016 - Implementation and Validation of a Partitioned Solver for Fluid-Porous-Structure-Interaction,
Semesterarbeit, Vincent Karas, 2016 - Finite Element Analysis of Cell Polarization in Cancer Metastasis,
Semesterarbeit, Fabian Bauer, 2016 - Added-Mass Instabilities in Finite Element Simulations of Fluid-Structure Interactions,
Bachelor Thesis, Daniel Paukner, 2016 - A Computational Finite Element Model for Anisotropy in Extracellular Matrices,
Master Thesis, Naeimeh Hosseini, 2016 - A Computational Biochemo-Mechano Coupled Finite Element Model for Cell Adhesion,
Master Thesis, Marcus Fackler, 2016 - Finite Element Analysis of Protrusion Formation in Response to External Stimuli,
Semesterarbeit, Felix Roesler, 2017 - Material models for Living Cells: Modeling, Implementation, and Finite Element Simulation,
Semesterarbeit, Melanie Porzenheim, 2017
Student Assistants
- Jonas Eichinger (2015)
- Vyshakh Unnikrishnan (2016)
- Patrick Killian (2016)
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals
- Rauch A.D., Vuong A.-T., Yoshihara L., Wall W.A.: A coupled approach for fluid saturated poroelastic media and immersed solids for modeling cell-tissue interactions; submitted.
- Vuong A.-T., Rauch A.D., Wall W.A.; A biochemo-mechano coupled, computational model combining membrane transport and pericellular proteolysis in tissue mechanics; Proc. R. Soc. A 473:20160812; doi:10.1098/rspa.2016.0812 (published March 8, 2017)
Peer-reviewed Proceedings Articles
- Rauch A.D., Vuong A.-T., Yoshihara L., Wall W.A. (2015): "A Novel Framework for a Comprehensive Computational Model for Mesenchymal Cell Migration in 3D Tissues", 4th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering, June 29 - July 1, 2015, Paris (France)
- Rauch A.D., Vuong A.-T., Yoshihara L., Wall W.A. (2017): "Towards a Comprehensive Computational Framework for the Finite Element Simulation of Biochemo-Mechano Coupled Processes during Cell Migration", ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multiscale Problems in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology, September 11-13, 2017, Vienna (Austria)
- since 2013, Member of International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE) and research associate at the Institute for Computational Mechanics (Lehrstuhl für Numerische Mechanik), TUM, Germany, Project: BioMat07 - Cell Migration Modeling http://www.igsse.tum.de/research/by-area/biomaterials.html
- 2013, diploma (Dipl.-Ing.), Mechanical Engineering, TUM, Germany