Dr.-Ing. Marc Hirschvogel

Now at King's College, London
- SS 2013: tutorials on Engineering Mechanics 2 (MSE)
- Computational cardiovascular mechanics of the heart
- Monolithic coupling of 0D pressure-flow models and 3D structural dynamics
- Inverse methods, parameter estimation and optimization, surrogate modeling
- Optimization, modeling and control of a novel extravascular heart assist device, together with Adjucor GmbH
- Material modeling, volumetric growth and remodeling models for ventricular disease progression
- 0D models of gas transport and dissociation in the body
- Model order reduction for 3D-0D coupled cardiovascular problems
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals
- Hirschvogel, M.; Bassilious, M.; Jagschies, L.; Wildhirt, S.M.; Gee, M.W. (2017) A monolithic 3D-0D coupled closed-loop model of the heart and the vascular system: Experiment-based parameter estimation for patient-specific cardiac mechanics, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 2017, 33(8), http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cnm.2842
- Jagschies, L.; Hirschvogel, M.; Matallo, J.; Maier, A.; Mild, K.; Brunner, H.; Hinkel, R.; Gee, M.W.; Radermacher, P.; Wildhirt, S.M.; Hafner, S. (2017) Individualized Biventricular Epicardial Augmentation Technology in a Drug-Induced Porcine Failing Heart Model, ASAIO Journal 2017, 64(4), http://journals.lww.com/asaiojournal/Abstract/2018/07000/Individualized_Biventricular_Epicardial.8.aspx
- Hirschvogel, M.; Jagschies, L.; Maier, A.; Wildhirt, S.M.; Gee, M.W. (2019) An in-silico twin for epicardial augmentation of the failing heart, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 2019, 35(10), https://doi.org/10.1002/cnm.3233
Conference Contributions
- Hirschvogel, M.; Bassilious, M.; Jagschies, L.; Wildhirt, S.M.; Gee, M.W. (2016): Experiment-based parameter estimation for 3D-0D coupled patient-specific cardiovascular dynamics models, ECCOMAS European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Crete, Greece, June 5 - 10, 2016
- Gee, M.W.; Hirschvogel, M.; Wildhirt, S.M. (2015) Patient-Specific Cardiac Dynamics and Predictive Modeling for Cardiac Assist Device Engineering, 13th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 27-30, 2015, San Diego, California, USA
- Jagschies, L.; Hirschvogel, M.; Wildhirt, S.M.; Gee, M.W. (2015): A computational model for the investigation of a novel cardiac assist device, 3rd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference & 6th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Aachen, Germany, July 20 - 23, 2015
- Gee, M.W.; Hirschvogel, M.; Basilious, M.; Wildhirt, S.M. (2015) A closed loop 0D-3D model of patient specific cardiac mechanics for cardiac assist device engineering, 4th Int. Conf. on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering, Paris, France, Jun. 29 - Jul. 1, 2015
- Pfaller, M.R.; Nagler, A.; Bertoglio, C; Hirschvogel, M; Wall, W.A. (2015) Pericardial Boundary Conditions for Cardiac Mechanics Simulations, 4th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering - CMBE2015, P. Nithiarasu and E. Budyn (Eds.), Cachan, France, Jun. 29 - Jul. 1, 2015
- Hirschvogel, M.; Basilious, M.; Jagschies, L.; Wildhirt, S.M.; Gee, M.W. (2015) Towards reliability in patient-specific cardiac dynamics simulation and predictive modeling for cardiac assist device engineering, LACM 2015, 2nd International Workshop on Latest Advances in Cardiac Modeling, Munich, Mar. 12-13, 2015
- Hirschvogel, M.; Jagschies, L.; Wildhirt, S.M.; Gee, M.W. (2014) A large-scale patient-specific multi-physical finite element model of the heart, BMT 2014, 48th DGBMT Annual Conference, Hannover, Oct. 8-10, 2014
PhD Thesis
- Hirschvogel, M. (2018) Computational modeling of patient-specific cardiac mechanics with model reduction-based parameter estimation and applications to novel heart assist technologies
Supervised Student Projects
- Optimierungsverfahren zur Design- und Funktionsverbesserung eines neuartigen extravaskulären Herzunterstützungssystems (SA, Marina Basilious, finished)
- Modellierung eines Formgebungsprozesses einer geflechtartigen Metallstruktur zur optimalen Gestaltung eines Trägers für ein extravaskuläres Herzunterstützungssystem (SA, Annette Ding, finished)
- Passformanalyse von Trägergeometrien eines extravaskulären Herzunterstützungssystems (MSE FP, Mariella Kast, finished)
- Ein dimensionsreduziertes Modell des geschlossenen kardiovaskulären Systems gekoppelt an 0D- und 3D-Strukturmechanik-Modelle der Herzventrikel (MA, Marina Basilious, finished)
- A pseudo-2D finite element model of an epicardial bi-ventricular heart assist device (BA, Andreas Hörtner, finished), co-supervision
- A lumped-parameter closed-loop circulatory system model coupled to a 3D patient-specific 4-chamber heart model (BA, Florian Munzinger, finished)
- Strain-based volumetric growth laws for computational modeling of ventricular disease and insufficiency progression (BA, Luis Hopf, finished)
- Quantitative comparison of simulated ventricular deformation with motion CT imaging (MSE FP, Nils Hanich, finished)
- Parametrisierte Modellierung eines neuartigen Herzunterstützungssystems zur Simulation am menschlichen Herz-Modell (MA, Arthur Stubner, finished), co-supervision
- Modeling of hypoplastic left heart syndrome and the Norwood circulation (working title) (BA, Nils Hanich, finished), co-supervision
- 09/2012 - 12/2018 Research associate (doctoral cadidate) at the Mechanics & High Performance Computing Group (Fachgebiet Mechanik auf Höchstleistungsrechnern), TUM, Germany
- 06/2012 Diplom-Ingenieur (diploma), Mechanical Engineering, TUM, Germany