Dr.-Ing. Moritz Thon

Now working at MTU Aero Engines AG
- Email: thon(at)mhpc.mw.tum.de
Short Curriculum Vitae
Since 2018 MTU Aero Engines AG, Munich, Germany
Developer at Rotor Integrity
2016 – 2019 Technical University of Munich, Germany
Master of Science in Management
Thesis: First-Mover and Second-Mover Advantage under Uncertainty
2013 – 2017 Technical University of Munich, Germany
Research and Teaching Associate, Mechanics and High Performance Computing Group
Ph.D. in Engineering
Project: A Multiscale Model of Atherosclerosis of the International Graduate School
of Science and Engineering
Thesis: Multiphysics Modeling and Quantification of Early Atherosclerosis
2008 – 2013 Technical University of Munich, Germany
Master of Science in Mathematics
Thesis: The Theorems of Faber and Privalov
Honors and Awards
2019 Invited plenary lecture at Annual Meeting and Conference of the Society for Mathematical Biology
2019 Award for excellent Master's Thesis in economics
2018 Lee A. Segel Prize for best original research paper in 2 years published in Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
2018 Summa Cum Laude for Ph.D. Thesis
2016 Vodafon best poster award at Forum of the International Graduate School of Science and Engineering
2008 Award of the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung for outstanding Abitur results
Academic Experience
Research Interests and Projects
- Computational cardiovascular mechanics
- Multiphysics problems
- Fluid-structure interaction
- Porouse media problems
- Scalar transport problems
- Growth and remodeling
- Windkessel models
- Membrane transports
- Mathematical Biology
- Mathematical modeling
- inflammatory and immunological processes
- Biomechanical aspects
- Parameter estimation
Peer-Reviewed International Journal Articles
- Thon, M.P., Myerscough, M.R., Gee, M.W. (2019): A Spatially Resolved and Quantitative Model of Early Atherosclerosis, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, DOI http://doi.org/10.1007/s11538-019-00646-5
- Thon, M.P., Ford, H.Z., Gee, M.W., Myerscough, M.R. (2018): A Quantitative Model of Early Atherosclerotic Plaques Parametrized Using In Vitro Experiments, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, DOI http://doi.org/10.1007/s11538-017-0367-1, Winner of Lee A. Segel Prize 2018
- Thon, M.P., Hemmler, A., Glinzer, A., Mayr, M., Wildgruber, M., Zernecke-Madsen, A., Gee, M.W. (2018): A Mulitphysics Approach for Modeling Early Atherosclerosis, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, DOI http://doi.org/10.1007/s10237-017-0982-7
- Glinzer, A., Xiaopeng, M., Prakash, J., Kimm, M., Lohöfer, F., Kosanke, K., Pelisek, J., Thon, M.P., Vorlova, S., Heinze, K., Eckstein, H.-H., Gee, M.W., Ntziachristos V., Zernecke, A., Wildgruber, M. (2017): Targeting elastase for molecular imaging of early atherosclerotic lesions, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, DOI http://doi.org/10.1161/ATVBAHA.116.308726
International Conference Contributions with Abstract
- Thon, M.P., Gee, M.W., Hugh, Z.F., Myerscough, M.R.: Towards a Quantification of Atherosclerosis, invited plenary lecture, Annual Meeting and Conference of the Society for Mathematical Biology 2019, Montreal, Canada, July 22 - 26, 2019
- Thon, M.P., Gee, M.W., Hemmler, A., Mayr, M.: A Multiphysics Approach for Early Atherosclerosis Progression, invited minisymposium, Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing 2017, Lugano, Switzerland, June 26 - 28, 2017
- Thon, M. P.; Gee, M. W.: A Multiphysics Approach for Atherosclerosis Progression, invited minisymposium, 4th European Trilinos User Group Meeting, Garching, Germany, March 2 - 4, 2016
- Thon, M. P.; Gee, M. W.: A fluid-structure-scalar-scalar interaction model with application to early atherosclerosis progression, invited minisymposium, 6th International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Venice, Italy, May 18 - 20, 2015
Poster Contributions (Selected)
- Glinzer, A.; Thon, M. P.; Wildgruber, M.; Zernecke, A.; Gee, M. W.: A Multiscale Model of Atherosclerosis, IGSSE Forum, Germany, June 16 - 18, 2016, Winner of Vodafone Best Poster Award
- Glinzer, A.; Thon, M. P.; Wildgruber, M.; Eckstein, H. H.; Gee, M. W.; Zernecke A.: Establishment of a 3D-Model of the murine aortic arch, 4th Munich Aortic Conference, Munich, Germany, December 5 - 6, 2014
- World of Engineering (MSE) (WS '16/17, SS '17)
- Engineering Mechanics 2 (MSE) (main assistent: SS '14, '15; side assistent: SS '16, '17)
- Engineering Mechanics 1 (MSE) (main assistent: WS '13/14, '14/15; side assistent: WS '15/16, '16/17)
Supervised Student Projects
- Investigating the Influence of Varying Wall Thicknesses to Cardiovascular Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations, Bachelor's Thesis (SS '17)
- A Mathematical Model of Atherosclerotic Plaques, MSE Research Internship (WS '16/17)
- Time Adaptivity for Scalar Transport Problems, Bachelor's Thesis (WS '16/17)
- Morphing of an ex vivo murine aortic arch to an in vivo state, MSE Research Internship (SS '16)
- Reconstruction of a murine aortic arch, MSE Research Internship (WS '15/16)
- Modeling and Simulation of Key Players in Atherosclerosis Progression: Reaction and Chemotaxis in Scalar Transport, Term Paper (SS '15)
- Dynamics of the Gyroscope - Modeling and Numerical Treatment, MSE Research Internship (SS '15)
- Biochemical Modeling and Simulation of Atherosclerosis: Scalar Tansport in Fluid-Porous-Structure Interaction, Master's Thesis (WS '14/15)