Doctoral Workshop at Toulouse
ISAE - Institut Supérieur de l'Aeronautique et de l'Espace, Toulouse
The fifth workshop in our doctoral college was organized by Denis Matignon and his team at ISAE Toulouse. It took place from Monday, 25 March (arrival on Sunday) until Wednesday, 27 March 2024.
45 participants had three exciting days with doctoral presentations, lab visits and interactive sessions, a keynote on sustainable aviation by Laurent Joly, and a “SEXI” talk on impact in scientific communication by Yulia Akisheva. Thanks to the French-German University and BayFrance for their support!
Group Photo

Registration and local information
Find here the link to the local website with instructions for registration, travel and accomodation:
Doctoral presentations and interactive sessions
Interactive session are an important component of our doctoral workshops. During the last workshop in Karlsruhe, participants proposed that doctoral presentations could prepare the discussion in the interactive sessions. Therefore, this time, we invite you to prepare (short) presentations that introduce to a problem you wish to be discussed in the interactive session.
Besides, as for the previous workshops, we will prepare an online tool (access link via e-mail), where you are encouraged to post your wishes and ideas for the workshop (and the doctoral college in general) and the interactive sessions.
Mobility aid for travel to a workshop
Those inscribed PhD students that cross a border to travel to a workshop of the doctoral college are entitled to a lump mobility aid of 200 € from the infrastructure means of DFH-UFA funding. This support must be declared in any travel application form or other forms related to travel cost reimbursement from your home institution to strictly avoid any double reimbursement.
If you want to benefit from this workshop mobility aid, please fill in and sign one of the forms below (in French, German or English), and send it as a PDF to cdfa-phs.rt(at) before the workshop. When you attended the workshop, you will obtain the mobility aid shortly after.
[Mobility Workshop, EN] [Mobilität Workshop, DE] [Mobilité Atelier, FR]
German participants, who apply for this workshop mobility aid, must fill in and send back as well the tax confidentiality form with your Steuer ID (not required from French and Dutch participants):