Im MORLab entwickeln wir Softwarelösungen zur effizienten Analyse und Reduktion hochdimensionaler Modelle. Zusätzlich bieten wir Benchmarkmodelle , welche zum Testen von MOR Algorithmen genutzt werden können.
Name Description Link sss Toolbox Sparse state space toolbox for MATLAB sss sssMOR Toolbox Sparse state space and model order reduction toolbox for MATLAB sssMOR psssMOR Toolbox Parametric sparse state space and model order reduction toolbox for MATLAB psssMOR AMfe Module (Non-) linear finite element module for python, for mechanical systems, including model order reduction. Developed by Chair for Applied Mechanics AMfe MORpH Toolbox Software toolbox for structure-preserving model order reduction of port-Hamiltonian differential-algebraic equation systems MorpH
Name Description File Version 3D Cantilever Beam Parametric Benchmark Model of a 3D Cantilever Beam for MATLAB 27.11.2009