Beiträge zu Konferenzen & Zeitschriften (1990 - 2011)
T. Kloiber, P. Kotyczka, "Passivitätsbasierte Regelung schaltender nichtlinearer Systeme", GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40 "Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik", Anif/Salzburg. 2011.
T. Wolf, H. Panzer: Krylov subspaces and Sylvester equations. Presented at the GAMM Workshop "Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra" with Special Emphasis on Model Reduction, Bremen, Sept. 2011
E. Pellegrini, K.J. Diepold, B. Lohmann: "3D-Modellierung und schaltende Regelung eines balancierenden Roboters unter Berücksichtigung der Stellgrößenbeschränkung" - GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40 "Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik", GMA-Fachausschuss 1.30 "Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik", Anif/Salzburg. 2011.
A. Unger, G. Koch, B. Lohmann, "Benchmark of semi-active suspension controllers in real-time application", AUTOREG 2011 Conference, Baden-Baden, Germany, 11/2011.
A. Unger, E. Pellegrini, K.-U. Henning, B. Lohmann, "A model for dynamic feed-forward control of a semi-active damper", 5th International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control Automation (IMAACA), Rome, Italy, 09/2011.
M. Deflorian and F. Klöpper: Schnelles Training neuronaler Netze zur Identifikation nichtlinearer dynamischer Systeme. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 59:75–83, 2011.
P. Philipp: Structure Exploiting Derivative Computation for Moving Horizon Estimation, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 4263-4268, San Francisco, USA, June 2011
P. Philipp, B. Lohmann: Moving Horizon Estimation for Nonlinear Networked Control Systems with Unsynchronized Timescales, Proccedings of the IFAC World Congress, 12457-12464, Milano, Italy, 2011.
P. Philipp: Exact State Sensitivity Calculation and its Role in Moving Horizon Estimation for Nonlinear Networked Control Systems, in Roppenecker, G. und Lohmann, B. (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Erlangen-Münchener Workshops 2009 und 2010. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2011, ISBN 978-3-8440-0210-2 pdf
T. Wolf: H-inf bound for linear port-Hamiltonian systems, in Roppenecker, G. und Lohmann, B. (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Erlangen-Münchener Workshops 2009 und 2010. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2011, ISBN 978-3-8440-0210-2 pdf
K. J. Diepold, R. Eid: Guard-based Model Order Reduction for Switched Linear Systems. In: Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Erlangen-Münchener Workshops 2009 und 2010, B. Lohmann and G. Roppenecker (ed.), pp. 67 - 78, Shaker-Verlag, 2011. pdf
T. Kloiber, Passivity-Based Design of Switched Nonlinear Control Systems. In: Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Erlangen-Münchener Workshops 2009 und 2010, B. Lohmann and G. Roppenecker (ed.), pp. 53 - 66, Shaker-Verlag, 2011.
K. Krenek, R. Eid, B. Lohmann: Model Order Reduction of Rotordynamical Systems. Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, 2011.
M. Deflorian and S. Zaglauer. Design of experiments for nonlinear dynamic system identification. Presented at the IFAC World Congress, 2011.
S. Spirk, G. Koch, B. Lohmann: Improving Suspension Control by an Optimal Control Component and Disturbance Compensation. Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, 08/2011.
A. Unger, F. Schimmack, B. Lohmann, R. Schwarz, "Application of LQ based semi-active suspension control in a vehicle ", 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, 08/2011.
E. Pellegrini, G. Koch, S. Spirk, B. Lohmann: A dynamic feedforward control approach for a semi-active damper based on a new hysteresis model. Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress 2011, Milano, Italy, pp. 6248-6253.
S. Spirk: Referenzmodellbasierte Regelung eines hybriden Fahrwerks - Strategien zur Stellgrößenaufteilung. In: Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Erlangen-Münchener Workshops 2009 und 2010, B. Lohmann and G. Roppenecker (ed.), pp. 1 - 11, Shaker-Verlag, 2011.
B. Berger, F. Rauscher and B. Lohmann: "Analysing Gaussian Processes for Stationary Black-Box Combustion Engine Modelling", Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, 08/2011.
T. Wolf, H. Panzer: Über Fehlerschranken bei der Modellreduktion mit Krylov-Unterräumen. Karlsruher Regelkreis 2011. Erlangen, Jul 2011.
K. J. Diepold, J. Schmidt-Colinet, B. Lohmann, B. Vogel-Heuser: Intelligent Probabilistic Recurrent Fuzzy Control of Human-Machine Systems. 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, 08/2011.
L. Johnson, K. J. Diepold, J. Mathieson: World Cup Soccer ABM Simulation: Demonstrating a Hybrid Multi-Scale CAS for Real-World Dynamics. In: Sayama, H., Minai, A. A., Braha, D. and Bar-Yam, Y. (eds.): Unifying Themes in Complex Systems Volume VIII: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Complex Systems, Boston, USA, 06/2011.
B. Berger and F. Rauscher: "Evaluation of Gaussian Processes for Black-Box Engine Modelling", Proceedings of the 6th Conference Design of Experiments (DoE) in Engine Development, Berlin, Germany, 05/2011.
M. Deflorian: Runge-kutta neural networks for identification of dynamic models at the testbed. In Proceedings of the 6th Conference Design of Experiments (DoE) in Engine Development, 2011.
S. Zaglauer and M. Deflorian: Bayesian d-optimal design. In Proceedings of the 6th Conference Design of Experiments (DoE) in Engine Development, 2011.
Nadine Jung, Anthony T. Patera, Bernard Haasdonk, Boris Lohmann: Model Order Reduction and Error Estimation with an Application to the Parameter-Dependent Eddy Current Equation. Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, Volume 17, Issue 6, 2011, pp. 561-582.
S. Spirk, G. Koch, E. Pellegrini, B. Lohmann: Dynamik- und energieoptimale Stellgrößenaufteilung für die Regelung eines hybriden Fahrwerks. Presented at the 8. Paderborner Workshop "Entwurf mechatronischer Systeme", Paderborn, Germany, 05/2011.
S. Spirk, G. Koch, E. Pellegrini, B. Lohmann: Dynamik- und energieoptimale Stellgrößenaufteilung für die Regelung eines hybriden Fahrwerks. In: Intelligente Technische Systeme - Entwurf mechatronischer Systeme, J. Gausemeier, F. Rammig, W. Schäfer, A. Trächtler (ed.), pp. 107 - 119, HNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe, Band 294, 2011, ISBN 978-3-942647-13-7.
M. Deflorian. On runge-kutta neural networks: Training in series-parallel and parallel configuration. In 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2010.
M. Deflorian, F. Klöpper and J. Rückert. Online dynamic black box modelling and adaptive experiment design in combustion engine calibration. In IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control, 2010.
K. J. Diepold, B. Lohmann: Transient Probabilistic Recurrent Fuzzy Systems. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Istanbul, Turkey, 10/2010.
G. Koch, S. Spirk, B. Lohmann: Reference model based adaptive control of a hybrid suspension system. Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control, Munich, Germany, 07/2010.
G. Koch, T. Kloiber, E. Pellegrini, B. Lohmann, "A Nonlinear Estimator Concept for Active Suspension Control", Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, Baltimore, USA, 06/2010.
E. Pellegrini, G. Koch, B. Lohmann: "Physical modeling of a nonlinear semi-active vehicle damper", Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control, Munich, Germany, 07/2010.
G. Koch, T. Kloiber, B. Lohmann, "Nonlinear and filter based estimation for vehicle suspension control", Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, USA, 12/2010.
T. Kloiber, G. Koch, B. Lohmann, "Modified Optimal Control of a Nonlinear Active Suspension System", Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, USA, 12/2010.
K. J. Diepold, F. J. Winkler, B. Lohmann: Systematical Hybrid State Modelling of Complex Dynamical Systems: The Quad-I/HS Framework. Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2010.
K. J. Diepold, W. Biedermann, K. G. M. Eben, S. Kortler, B. Lohmann, U. Lindemann: Combining Structural Complexity Management and Hybrid Dynamical System Modelling. The 11th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 05/2010.
F. J. Winkler, B. Lohmann: Design of a decoupling controller structure for first-order hyperbolic PDEs with distributed control action. American Control Conference (ACC), Baltimore, USA, 2010, pp. 2563-2568.
F. J. Winkler, K. Chen, B. Lohmann: Control Design of a Continuous Furnace with Separated Heating Zones. In the 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Bologna, Italien, 2010.
F. J. Winkler: Entwurf einer entkoppelnden Regelungsstruktur für Transportprozesse mit verteiltem Stelleingriff unter Berücksichtigung der Aktordynamik. Vortrag bei der Sitzung des GAMM-FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Berlin, 17. April 2010.
S. Studener, S. Roeckenwagner, B. Lohmann: Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Feedforward Control of an ∞-dimensional, time-variant Coating Process. Mathematical & Computer Modelling of Dynamcial Sytems , Vol. 16, No.4, 2010, pp. 307-325.
S. Studener, K. Habaieb, B. Lohmann, R. Wolf: Estimation of Process Parameters on a Moving Horizon for a Class of Distributed Parameter Systems. Journal of Process Control, Vol. 20, No.1, 2010, S.: 58-62.
Zongru Yang, Boris Lohmann: Modelling of the Driving Process of L-Shaped Metal Sheets. In 6th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling MATHMOD 2009, Vienna, February 2009.
G. Koch, "Wheel load adaptive control of an active quadricycle suspension system", In: Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Erlangen-Münchener Workshops 2007 und 2008, B. Lohmann and G. Roppenecker (ed.), pp. 95 - 107, Shaker-Verlag, 2009
P. Philipp, B. Lohmann: Gauss-Newton Moving Horizon Observer for State and Parameter Estimation of Nonlinear Networked Control Systems, Proc. of the European Control Conference 2009, Budapest, August 2009.
Zongru Yang, Sebastian Bürger, Boris Lohmann: Automatisierung des Treibens mittels Diskreter Dynamischer Programmierung, Automatisierungstechnik, Jahrgang 57 (2009) Heft 8, S. 377-385. pdf
P. Philipp, B. Lohmann: Zustands- und Parameterschätzung für nichtlineare Networked Control Systems, in Roppencker, G. und Lohmann, B. (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Erlangen-Münchener Workshops 2007 und 2008. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2009, ISBN 978-3-8322-8189-2. pdf
F. J. Winkler, B. Lohmann, Flachheitsbasierte Steuerung und Beobachtung von Transportprozessen mit verteiltem Eingriff. In: at – Automatisierungstechnik 57 (11), 2009, S. 522 - 563.
F. J. Winkler: Steuerung eines exothermen Plug-Flow-Reaktors mit flachheitsbasierten Methoden. In Roppenecker, G. und Lohmann, B. (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Erlangen-Münchener Workshops 2007 und 2008. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2009, ISBN 978-3-8322-8189-2.
F. J. Winkler, B. Lohmann: Flatness-based Control of a Continuous Furnace. 3rd IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC), Saint Petersburg, RUSSIA, July 8-10, 2009, pp. 719-724.
Buhl, M. und Lohmann, B.: Ljapunow-Funktionen-basiertes Führungsfilter Automatisierungstechnik, Band 57, 10/2009, S. 499-504.
F. J. Winkler, B. Lohmann: Anwendung von Methoden für zeitvariante Mehrgrößensysteme zur Regelung von Transportprozessen mit verteiltem Stelleingriff. GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40 "Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik", Salzburg, September 2009.
S. Studener, B. Lohmann: Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Simulation of the Thermal Fusing Process in Electrophotographic Printing. In the 6th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), Vienna, Austria, 02/2009.
G. Koch, E. Pellegrini, B. Lohmann: Zustandsadaptive Regelung eines aktiven Fahrwerks - Entwurf und Implementierung am Viertelfahrzeugprüfstand, In: Entwurf mechatronischer Systeme, J. Gausemeier, F. Rammig, W. Schäfer, A. Trächtler (ed.), pp. 43 - 56, Heinz Nixdorf Institut Verlagsschriftenreihe, Band 250, 2009. ISBN 978-3-939350-69-9
M. Deflorian and F. Klöpper: Design of dynamic experiments. In Proceedings of the 5th Conference Design of Experiments (DoE) in Engine Development, 2009.
B. Lohmann and R. Eid: Challenges in Model Order Reduction. In Oberwolfach Reports, vol. 6, Issue 1, 2009, pp. 636-638. Presented at the Oberwolfach Workshop "Control Theory: On the Way to New Application Areas", 22.-27.02.2009.
B. Lohmann and R. Eid: Efficient Order Reduction of Parametric and Nonlinear Models by Superposition of Locally Reduced Models. In Roppencker, G. und Lohmann, B. (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Erlangen-Münchener Workshops 2007 und 2008. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2009. pdf
G. Koch, E. Pellegrini, B. Lohmann: Zustandsadaptive Regelung eines aktiven Fahrwerks - Entwurf und Implementierung am Viertelfahrzeugprüfstand, Presented at the 6. Paderborner Workshop "Entwurf mechatronischer Systeme", Paderborn, Germany, 04/2009 - The paper received the Best Paper Award -
M. Bachmayer, B. Berger, J. Rudolph, H. Ulbrich: "Numerical Study of Flatness Based Motion Planning for a Horizontally Moving Beam with a Point Mass". In the 6th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), Vienna, Austria, 02/2009.
K. J. Diepold, F. J. Winkler, B. Lohmann: Discrete-Modelling of Process Components Interactions Using the Design Structure Matrix. In the 6th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), Vienna, Austria, 02/2009.
K. J. Diepold, F. J. Winkler, B. Lohmann, S. Kortler: A Framework for DSM-Based Pre-Modelling Analysis of Complex Systems. The 11th International DSM Conference, Greenville, South Carolina (USA), 10/2009.
P. Philipp: Zustands- und Parameterschätzung für nichtlineare Networked Control Systems, in Roppencker, G. und Lohmann, B. (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Erlangen-Münchener Workshops 2007 und 2008. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2009, ISBN 978-3-8322-8189-2
M. Nassar Albunni, R. Eid, B. Lohmann: Model Order Reduction Of Electromagnetic Devices With A Mixed Current-Voltage Excitation, Proc. of the 6th MATHMOD, Vienna, February 2009.
R. Castane-Selga, R. Eid and B. Lohmann: On the stability of Krylov-based order reduction using invariance properties of the controllability subspace. In Roppencker, G. und Lohmann, B. (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Erlangen-Münchener Workshops 2007 und 2008. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2009.
B. Lohmann and R. Eid: Parametric Model Reduction by Krylov Subspace Methods. Presented at the Workshop GAMM-FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, München, 27. - 28.03.2009.
R. Castane-Selga and R. Eid: Preserving Stability in Krylov-based Model Reduction. Presented at the Workshop GAMM-FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, München, 27. - 28.03.2009.
A. Yousefi and B. Lohmann: A Compromise between Simplicity and Accuracy of Nonlinear Reduced Order Systems. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 334-343, 2009.
R. Castane-Selga, R. Eid and B. Lohmann: Stability Preservation in Krylov-based Model Reduction. Presented at the GMA-Fachausschuss 1.30 "Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik", Anif (Salzburg). 2009.
B. Lohmann and R. Eid: A New Framework for Order Reduction of Parametric Models by Superposition of Locally Reduced Ones. Presented at the Workshop on Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems, MoRePas 09, Münster, September 2009. pdf
Zongru Yang, Mathias Markert, Daniel Scherer, Matthias Golle, Stefan Weber, Hartmut Hoffmann, Boris Lohmann, Tim C. Lueth: A Human-Machine interactive Driving System. IEEE International Conference on Distributed Human-Machine Systems, 9-12 March, 2008, Athens, Greece.
Herrnberger, M., Mäder, D., Lohmann, B.: Linear Robust Control for a Nonlinear Active Suspension Model Considering Variable Payload. Proc. of 17th IFAC World Congress 2008, Seoul, South Korea, 2008.
J. Paschedag, G. Koch, B. Lohmann: Energy Saving Actuator Arrangements in an Actively Damped Engine Suspension System. Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress 2008, Seoul, South Korea, 2008.
Jörg Paschedag, Boris Lohmann: Error Convergence of the Filtered-X LMS Algorithm for Multiple Harmonic Excitation. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 16, Number 5, July 2008, pp. 989-999.
M. Nassar Albunni, Volker Rischmuller, Thomas Fritzsche, Boris Lohmann: Multi-Objective Optimization of the Design of Nonlinear Electromagnetic Systems Using Reduced Order Models. IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Athens 2008 and (extended version) accepted for publication in Transactions on Magnetics.
M. Nassar Albunni, Volker Rischmuller, Thomas Fritzsche, Boris Lohmann: Model-Order Reduction of Moving Nonlinear Electromagnetic Devices. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Volume 44, No. 7, pp. 1822-1829, July 2008.
Zongru Yang, Boris Lohmann: MPC in der Anwendung zum automatisierten Treiben. VDI/GMA Fachausschuss 1.4 "Theoretische Verfahren in der Regelungstechnik", Salzburg, Österreich, 22-24 September 2008.
Zongru Yang, Mathias Markert, Daniel Scherer, Matthias Golle, Stefan Weber, Hartmut Hoffmann, Boris Lohmann, Tim C. Lueth: Driving using Model Predictive Control.1st International Workshop on CoTeSys. Munich, 6-8 Oktober, 2008.
A. Akbari, B. Lohmann: GL_2 Detection of Front Wheel Disturbance. Proc. of IFAC World Congress 2008, Seoul, South Korea, 2008, pp. 10750-10755.
A. Akbari, B. Lohmann: Multi-Objective Preview Control of Active Vehicle Suspensions. Proc. of IFAC World Congress 2008, Seoul, South Korea, 2008, pp. 3398-3403.
A. Akbari, B. Lohmann: Robust Detection of Front Wheel Disturbance Using LPV H_Infinity. Proc. of 27th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC 2008), Innsbruck, Feb. 11-13.
A. Akbari, B. Lohmann: Output Feedback H_Infinity Preview Control of Active Vehicle Suspensions. Proc. of 27th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC 2008), Innsbruck, Feb. 11-13.
P. Philipp, B. Lohmann: State Estimation on Moving Horizon in the Presence of Varying Delay, Packet loss and Packet Overtaking, Presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Bremen, März 2008.
F. J. Winkler: Steuerung und Beobachtung von nichtlinearen Transportprozessen mit örtlich verteilten Parametern. Vortrag bei der Sitzung des GAMM-FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Duisburg, 25. April 2008.
F. J. Winkler: Steuerung und Beobachtung von Transportprozessen mit örtlich verteiltem Stelleingriff. Vortrag beim Karlsruher Regel-Kreis, Darmstadt, 16. Juni 2008.
G. Koch, K. J. Diepold, B. Lohmann: Multi-Objective Road Adaptive Control of an Active Suspension System. Proc. of 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MOVIC 2008), Munich, Germany, 2008.
G. Koch, K. J. Diepold, B. Lohmann: Multi-Objective Road Adaptive Control of an Active Suspension System. In Ulbrich, H. and Ginzinger, L. (Eds): Motion and Vibration Control. Springer Verlag Berlin 2008, pp. 189-200.
A. Yousefi and B. Lohmann: A Parameterization of Reduced Stable Models and Controllers. International Journal of Control, Volume 81, Issue 1, pp. 146-155, January 2008.
R. Eid, B. Lohmann: Time-Domain Interpretation of Moment Matching using Laguerre Series, Moment Matching Model Order Reduction in Time Domain via Laguerre Series. Proc. of the IFAC World Congress 2008, Seoul, South Korea, 2008.
R. Eid, B. Salimbahrami, B. Lohmann: Krylov-based Order Reduction using Laguerre Series Expansion. Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 2008, vol 14, issue 5, pp. 435-449
R. Eid, B. Lohmann: Krylov-based Time Domain Model Reduction using Laguerre series expansion. 79th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Bremen, April 2008.
B. Salimbahrami, R. Eid, and B. Lohmann: On the choice of an optimal interpolation point in Krylov-based order reduction, Proc. of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 2008.
B. Salimbahrami, B. Lohmann and A. Bunse-Gerstner: Passive Reduced Order Modelling of Second-Order Systems. Journal Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 407-420, January 2007.
R. Eid, B. Salimbahrami, and B. Lohmann:" Equivalence of Laguerre-based Order Reduction and Moment Matching", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 52, No. 6, June 2007, pp. 1104-1108.
Karimi, H.R.: A Successive Approximation Algorithm to Optimal Feedback Control of Time-Varying LPV State-Delayed Systems. Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 2007, 7(3), pp. 289-301
H.R. Karimi, B. Lohmann and C. Büskens: A Delay-Dependent Approach to Robust Filtering for LPV Systems with Discrete and Distributed Delays using PPDQ functions. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 170-183, April 2007.
H.R. Karimi, B. Lohmann and C. Büskens: A LMI Approach to Delay-Dependent Robust H-Infinity Filtering of LPV Systems with Discrete and Distributed Delays using PPDQ functions. In the Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2007.
A. Yousefi and B. Lohmann: Stabilizing Frequency Weighted Controller Reduction Approach, ISA Transactions, vol. 46, pp. 223–231, 2007.
Karimi, H.R., Lohmann, B.: Haar Wavelet-Based Robust Optimal Control for Vibration Reduction of Vehicle Engine-Body System. Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 89, No. 6, Springer, June 2007, pp. 469-478.
Akbari, A., Lohmann, B.: Static Output-Feedback H_Infinity Design for Vehicle Suspensions Based on an Iterative Linear Matrix Inequality Algorithm. European Control Conference, Kos, 2007, pp. 1249-1256.
H.R. Karimi, B. Lohmann and C. Buskens: A LMI Approach to H-Infinity Filtering for LPV Systems with Delayed States and Outputs. International Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, Vol. 7, No. 4, October 2007, pp. 351-368.
M. Herrnberger, M. Heller, R. Paul, S. Hecker, G. Sachs: Advanced Uncertainty Modeling and Robustness Analysis for the Basic Flight Control System of a Modern Jet Trainer. AIAA-2007-6668. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, Hilton Head, SC, August 20 – 23, 2007.
Stephan Studener: Dynamik und Regelung des thermischen Fixiervorgangs im elektrofotographischen Druckprozess: Modellbildung und Analyse. GMA-Fachausschuss 1.30 "Modellbildung, Identifizierung und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik", Salzburg, September 2007, ISBN 978-3-9502451-1-0.
M. N. Albunni and B. Lohmann, “Model order reduction of moving nonlinear electromagnetic devices,” GMA-Fachausschuss 1.30 "Modellbildung, Identifizierung und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik", Salzburg, September 2007, ISBN 978-3-9502451-1-0.
Buhl, M.: Schaltende Regler für Strecken mit Stellgrößenbegrenzung. GMA Fachausschuss 1.40, “Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik”., Salzburg, September 2007, ISBN 978-3-9502451-0-3.
A. Yousefi and B. Lohmann: Eine Parametrierung reduzierter stabiler Modelle und stabilisierender Regler. Automatisierungstechnik 55 (2007) Oldenbourg Verlag, pp.449-456.
Zongru Yang, Mathias Markert, Daniel Scherer, Matthias Golle, Stefan Weber, Hartmut Hoffmann, Boris Lohmann, Tim C. Lueth: Driving Using a Cognitive Method For Production of Customized Sheet Metal Parts. IFAC Workshop on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control,14-16 November, 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
R. Eid, B. Salimbahrami, B. Lohmann: Parametric Order Reduction of Proportionally Damped Second-Order Systems.Journal of Sensors and Materials, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2007, pp.149-164.
R. Eid, B. Lohmann: Time-Domain Interpretation of Moment Matching using Laguerre Series. GMA-Fachausschuss 1.30 "Modellbildung, Identifizierung und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik", Salzburg, September 2007, ISBN 978-3-9502451-1-0.
R. Eid: A Survey on Model Order Reduction of Linear Dynamical Systems. 2nd GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Munich, October 2007.
Karimi, H.R., Lohmann, B., Moshiri, B. and Jabedar-Maralani, P.: Wavelet-Based Identification and Control Design for a Class of Nonlinear Systems. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing (IJWMIP), vol. 4, no. 1 (2006), pp. 213-226.
Karimi, H.R., Lohmann, B., Jabedar-Maralani, P. and Moshiri, B.: Robust Dynamic Parameter-Dependent Output Feedback Control of Uncertain Parameter-Dependent State-Delayed Systems. Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 143-158, 2006.
A. Yousefi and B. Lohmann: Controller Reduction: An Observer Based Approach. 5th MATHMOD, Vienna, February 2006.
Karimi, H.R., Maralani, P.J., Moshiri, B.: Stochastic Output Feedback Control of a Class of a Class of Stochastic Uncertain State-Delayed Systems. ISA Transactions, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 201-213, April 2006.
Karimi, H.R., Lohmann, B.: Haar Wavelet-Based Robust Optimal Control for Vibration Reduction of Vehicle Engine-Body System. Journal of Electrical Engineering, Springer, 2006, online publication.
A. Yousefi and B. Lohmann: Reduced Order Controller for The Alstom Gasifier Plant. 14th Mediterranean Conference on Control Automation, Ancona (Italy), June 2006, pp. 1-6.
Paschedag, J. and Koch, G.: Comparison of Different Actuator Configurations for Active Isolation of Car Engine Induced Vibration Regarding Power Consumption. Proceedings of the thirteenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vienna, July 2-6, 2006.
Paschedag, J. and Schwarz, J. L. R.: Application of Feedforward Structures for Isolation of Car Engine Vibration. Proceedings of the thirteenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vienna, July 2-6, 2006.
Karimi, H.R., Lohmann, B.: A Computational Method to Robust Vibration Control of Vehicle Engine-Body Systems using Haar Wavelets. Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Munich, October 4 - 6, pp. 169-174.
A. Yousefi, A. Akbari and B. Lohmann: Low Order Robust Controllers for Active Vehicle Suspensions. Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Munich, October 4 - 6, pp. 693-698.
A. Yousefi and B. Lohmann: Order Reduction of Nonlinear Hydropneumatic Vehicle Suspension. Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Munich, October 4 - 6, pp. 1404-1408.
Karimi, H.R., Lohmann, B. and Buskens, C.: Robust Delay-Dependent H-Infinity Filtering for a Class of LPV State-Delayed Systems. Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Munich, October 4 - 6, pp. 1457-1462.
Karimi, H.R., Lohmann, B., Moshiri, B. and Jabedar-Maralani, P.: Haar Wavelet-Based Optimal Control of Time-Varying State-Delayed Systems: A Computational Method. Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, October 4 - 6, Munich, pp. 1528-1533.
Bouzid Seba, Jun Ni and Boris Lohmann: Vibration Attenuation Using a Piezoelectric Shunt Circuit Based on Finite Element Method Analysis. Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, no. 15 (2006), pp. 509-517.
G. Koch, G. Lichtenberg, A. Brandt, H. Werner, S. Simrock: Modelling and Identification of a Free Electron Laser RF System. Proceedings of the IEEE 2006 Conference on Control Applications, München, October 2006.
H.R. Karimi, B. Lohmann and C. Buskens: A Delay-Dependent Approach to Robust Filtering for LPV Systems with Discrete and Distributed Delays by PPDQ functions. Accepted to be presented in IEEE IECON 2006.
Herrnberger, M., Heller, M., Leitner, R. und Sachs, G.: Fortschrittliche Unsicherheitsmodellierung und Robustheitsanalyse für den Basisregler eines modernen Trainers. DGLR-2006-224. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2006, Braunschweig, November 2006, pp. 223-232.
M. Buhl: Schaltende Regler für Systeme mit Stellgrößenbegrenzung. Erlangen-Münchener Workshop 2006, Schloss Hirschberg, November 2006. In B. Lohmann/G. Roppenecker (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik, Shaker Verlag 2007, ISBN 978-3-8322-6286-0, pp. 13-25.
J. Paschedag, S. Hatzl: Anwendung adaptiver Störgrößenaufschaltungen zur Dämpfung von Kfz-Motorvibrationen im Mehrkanalfall. Erlangen-Münchener Workshop 2006, Schloss Hirschberg, November 2006. In B. Lohmann/G. Roppenecker (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik, Shaker Verlag 2007, ISBN 978-3-8322-6286-0, pp. 111-122.
Karimi, H.R.: A Computational Method for Optimal Control Problem of Time-Varying State-Delayed Systems by Haar Wavelets. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 235-246, 2006.
Karimi, H.R.: Dynamic Output Feedback Stabilization with H-Infinity Performance for a Class of LTIPD Systems Using PPDQ Functions. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, vol. 1, no. 4, 2006.
Karimi, H.R.: Robust Stabilization with H-Infinity Performance for a Class of Parameter-Dependent Systems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2006, article ID 59867, 15 pages, 2006.
Karimi, H.R.: Optimal Vibration Control of Vehicle Engine-Body System Using Haar Functions. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 714-724, 2006.
Salimbahrami, B. and Lohmann, B.: Order Reduction of Large Scale Second Order Systems using Krylov Subspace Methods. Linear Algebra and its Application, vol. 415, no. 2-3, pp. 385-405, 2006.
Eid, R., Salimbahrami, B. and Lohmann, B.: Order Reduction of First and Second Order Systems using Laguerre Series and Moment Matching. 5th MATHMOD, Vienna, February 2006.
Salimbahrami, B., Lohmann, B. and Bunse-Gerstner, A.: Passive Reduced Order Modelling of Second Order Systems by Back Conversion. 5th MATHMOD, Vienna, February 2006.
R. Eid, B. Salimbahrami and B. Lohmann: Equivalence of Laguerre-Based Model Order Reduction and Moment Matching. Presented at GAMM-SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Düsseldorf, July 2006.
B. Salimbahrami, R. Eid, B. Lohmann, E. Rudnyi and J. Korvink: Order Reduction of Second Order Systems with Proportional Damping. Presented at GAMM-SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Düsseldorf, July 2006.
B. Salimbahrami, R. Eid and B. Lohmann: Model Reduction by Second Order Krylov Subspaces: Extensions, Stability and Proportional Damping. Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, München, October 4 - 6, pp. 2997-3002.
H.R. Karimi, P. Jabehdar Maralani, B. Moshiri and B. Lohmann: Numerically efficient approximations to the optimal control of linear singularly perturbed systems based on Haar wavelets. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 82(4), pp. 495-507, 2005.
H.R. Karimi, P. Jabehdar Maralani, B. Lohmann and B. Moshiri:H-infinity control of parameter-dependent state-delayed systems using polynomial parameter-dependent quadratic functions. International Journal of Control, vol. 78, no. 4, March 2005, pp. 254-263.
Karimi H.R., Lohmann B., Jabedar-Maralani P. and Moshiri B.: A Wavelet-Based Approach For Optimal Control Of Second-order Linear Systems in Time Domain. International Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems,Vol. 11, No. 2, April 2005, 237–252
H.R. Karimi, B. Moshiri, P. Jabehdar Maralani and B. Lohmann: Stochastic control design for stochastic uncertain time-delay systems. 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, 2005.
H.R. Karimi, P. Jabehdar Maralani, B. Moshiri and B. Lohmann: Approximated optimal control of singularly perturbed systems via haar wavelets. 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, 2005.
A. Yousefi and B. Lohmann: Order Reduction and Structure Simplification for Nonlinear Systems. IFAC World Congress, Prague, 2005.
H.R. Karimi, P. Jabehdar Maralani, B. Moshiri and B. Lohmann: Successive Leveraged Wavelet-Galerkin Algorithm for Sub-Optimal Control of Nonlinear Systems. 8th SIAM Conference on Optimisation, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2005.
H.R. Karimi, B. Moshiri, P. Jabehdar Maralani, B. Lohmann: New Wavelet Applications for System Identification and Control of Linear and Non-linear Systems. 1st Iranian Symposium on Wavelet, February 2005.
H.R. Karimi, P. Jabehdar Maralani, B. Lohmann and B. Moshiri: H-infinity control of parametric systems using multi-parameter dependent quadratic functions. 13th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 05), Zanjan, Iran, May 2005.
H.R. Karimi, B. Moshiri, P. Jabehdar Maralani, B. Lohmann: Optimal control of singularly perturbed systems via Haar wavelets. 13th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2005), Zanjan, Iran, May 2005.
Seba, B., Nedeljkovic, N., Paschedag, J. and Lohmann, B.: H-infinity Feedback Control and FXLMS Feedforward Control for Car Engine Vibration Attenuation. Journal of Applied Acoustics, Volume 66, Issue 3, March 2005, Pages 277-296.
H.R. Karimi, B. Moshiri, P. Jabedar Maralani and B. Lohmann: H-infinity control of linear parameter-dependent state-delayed systems. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Control Applications 2005, Toronto, Canada, pp. 1540-1545.
M. Herrnberger, G. Sachs, F. Holzapfel, W. Tostmann and E. Weixler: Simulation Analysis of Autonomous Aerial Refueling Procedures. AIAA-2005-5866. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, San Francisco, CA, 2005.
J. Lienemann, A. Yousefi, J. G. Korvink: Nonlinear Heat Transfer Modeling. Special issue on Dimension Reduction of Large-Scale Systems, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (LNCSE), Berlin/Heidelberg, v. 45, pp. 317-326, 2005.
H.R. Karimi, B. Moshiri, P. Jabehdar Maralani, B. Lohmann: Adaptive H-infinity Control for a class of LPV Systems. Proceedings of the Joint 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC'05), pp. 7918-7923, Seville, Spain, December 2005.
H.R. Karimi, B. Moshiri, P. Jabehdar Maralani, B. Lohmann:Robust Stability and Disturbance Attenuation of Uncertain Parameter-Dependent Systems. Proceedings of the 25th - 26th Colloquium of Automation, Salzhausen, November 2005, pp. 12-22.
B. Seba, J. Ni, B. Lohmann: Piezoelectric Shunt circuit design Based on Finite Element Method for Vibration Attenuation in the car chassis and Beam structure. Proceedings of the 25th - 26th Colloquium of Automation, Salzhausen, November 2005, pp. 126-137.
Lienemann, J., Salimbahrami, B., Lohmann, B. and Korvink, J. G.: A File Format for the Exchange of Nonlinear Dynamical ODE Systems. In: Dimension Reduction of Large-Scale Systems, P. Benner, V. Mehrmann and D. C. Sorensen (ed.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2005, ISBN 3540245456, pp. 317-326.
Seba, B. and Lohmann B.:Identification and Robust feedback controller for vibration attenuation in the car chassis subframe using two piezoelectric actuators, 27th Automatisierungstechnisches Kolloquium in Salzhausen, November 2005.
B. Salimbahrami, B. Lohmann: Folding State Space Models into Second Order Structures. Erlangen-Münchener Workshop 2005, Schloss Hirschberg, November 2005. In B. Lohmann/G. Roppenecker (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik, Shaker Verlag 2007, ISBN 978-3-8322-6286-0, pp. 51-62.
M. Herrnberger: Kombination von Störgrößenaufschaltung und Rückführregelung für die Aktive Schwingungsdämpfung. Erlangen-Münchener Workshop 2005, Schloss Hirschberg, November 2005. In B. Lohmann/G. Roppenecker (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik, Shaker Verlag 2007, ISBN 978-3-8322-6286-0, pp. 89-110.
Karimi, H.R., Maralani, P.J., Moshiri, B. and Lohmann, B.: Haar Wavelet-Based Optimal Control of Time-Varyiöng Systems: A Computational Method. 2005 ICSC Congress on Computational Intelligence Methods and Applications, 15 - 17 December, 2005, pp. 1-6, Istanbul, Turkey.
B. Salimbahrami, B. Lohmann, T. Bechtold and J.G. Korvink: A Two-Sided Arnoldi Algorithm with Stopping Criterion and MIMO selection procedure, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, Vol. 11, March 2005, pp. 79-93.
B. Salimbahrami, B. Lohmann, A. Bunse-Gerstner and R. Grotmaack: Reducing Second Order Systems by an Integrated State Space and Back Conversion Procedure. IFAC World Congress, Prag, Czech Republic, 2005.
B. Salimbahrami and B. Lohmann: Stable Reduced Order Modelling of Large Scale Systems using Prescribed Poles. IFAC World Congress, Prag, Czech Republic, 2005.
L.Y. Ji, B. Salimbahrami and B. Lohmann: Interpolation Points in Model Reduction: Justification, Two Schemes and Error Bound. IFAC World Congress, Prag, Czech Republic, 2005.
B. Lohmann and B. Salimbahrami: Reduction of Second Order Systems using Second Order Krylov Subspaces. IFAC World Congress, Prag, Czech Republic, 2005.
Salimbahrami, B. and Lohmann, B.: Second Order Krylov Subspace for the Reduction of Second Order Systems. Proceedings of the 25th-26th Colloquium of Automation, Salzhausen, November 2005, pp. 1-11.
Khaki-Sedigh, A., Ataei, M., Lohmann, B., Lucas, C.: Adaptive Calculation of Lyapunov Exponents from Time Series Observations of Chaotic Time Varying Dynamical Systems. Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, Vol. 4, 2004, pp. 145-159.
Ataei, M., Lohmann, B., Khaki-Sedigh, A., Lucas, C.: Model Based Method for Estimating an Attractor Dimension from Uni/Multivariate Chaotic Time Series with application to Bremen Climatic Dynamics. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 19 (2004), pp. 1131-1139.
Lohmann, B.: Der autonome Rollstuhl EASY und seine hierarchische Steuerung. Tagungsband der 8. DFMRS-Fachtagung, Bremen 2004, ISSN 0944-694X, pp. 79-91.
Lohmann, B.: Feedforward und Feedback-Strukturen zur aktiven Vibrationsdämpfung. Tagungsband der 8. DFMRS-Fachtagung, Bremen 2004, ISSN 0944-694X, pp. 231-233.
H. R. Karimi, B. Lohmann, P. Jabedar Maralani, B. Moshiri: Nonlinear Systems Identification and Control Design Using Adaptive Wavelet Network. 6th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Control Systems, pp. 651-656, Stuttgart, September 2004.
Seba, B., Nedeljkovic, N. and Lohmann, B.: Actuator/Sensor Placement Optimization for Vibration Control Based on Finite Element Model of the Car Chassis. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 115 (May 2004), No. 5, p. 2575.
Seba, B., Ni, J. and Lohmann, B.: Modeling, Identification and Vibration Control of the Beam with Piezoceramic Actuation. 9th International Conference on New Actuators, Actuator 2004, June 2004, Bremen.
Karimi H.R., Lohmann B., Moshiri B. and Jabedar-Maralani P.: A Computational Method for Parameter Estimation of Linear Systems Using Haar Wavelets. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 81, No. 9, pp. 1121-1132, 2004.
Karimi H.R., Lohmann B., Moshiri B. and Jabedar-Maralani P.: A Wavelet-Based Approach for Optimal Control of Second-Order Linear Systems. 12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED04, Kusadasi, Turkey, June 2004.
H.R. Karimi: A Computational Method for Optimal Control of Linear Systems Using Haar Wavelets. Workshop on Wavelet and Multifractal Analysis, Corsica, France, July 2004.
H.R. Karimi, B. Lohmann, B. Moshiri and P. Jabehdar Maralani: A Haar wavelet-based approach for optimal control of linear systems in time domain, SIAM Annual Meeting 2004, Portland, Oregon.
Paschedag, J.: Modeling and Aspects of Applicability of Reaction Mass Actuators. 26. Kolloquium der Automatisierungstechnik in Salzhausen, November 2004.
Seba, B. and Lohmann, B.: Shunting Circuit for Vibration Attenuation in the Beam Structure Based on Finite Element Modelling. Kolloquium der Automatisierungstechnik in Salzhausen, November 2004.
Buttelmann, M. und Lohmann, B.: Optimierung mit Genetischen Algorithmen und eine Anwendung zur Modellreduktion. Automatisierungstechnik (at) 52 (2004), Heft 4, S. 151-163. pdf
Lohmann, B. und Salimbahrami, B.: Ordnungsreduktion mittels Krylov-Unterraummethoden. Automatisierungstechnik 52 (2004), S. 30-38. pdf
A. Yousefi, B. Lohmann, M. Buttelmann: Row by Row Structure Simplification, Proceedings of the 2004 American Control Conference. Boston, Massachusetts June 30 - July 2, 2004.
A. Yousefi, B. Lohmann: Balancing & Optimization for Order Reduction of Nonlinear Systems. Proceeding of the 2004 American Control Conference. Boston, Massachusetts June 30 - July 2, 2004.
Salimbahrami, B. and Lohmann, B.: A Simulation Free Nonlinear Model Order Reduction Approach and Comparison Study. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems (MCMDS), Vol. 10, Numbers 3-4, September-December 2004, pp. 317-329.
B. Salimbahrami, J. Lienemann, B. Lohmann, J.G. Korvink: A Simulation Free Reduction Scheme and Nonlinear Modelling of an Electrostatic Beam. 10th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposium on Large-Scale Systems: Theory and Applications, Osaka, Japan, pp. 747-752, July 2004.
Salimbahrami, B. and Lohmann, B.: Structure Preserving Order Reduction of Large-Scale Second Order Systems. 10th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposium on Large-Scale Systems: Theory and Applications, Osaka 2004.
A. Bunse-Gerstner, B. Salimbahrami, R. Grotmaack, B. Lohmann: Existence and Computation of Second Order Reduced Systems using Krylov Subspace Methods. Presented at MTNS, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, July 2004.
Yousefi, A. and Lohmann, B.: Structure Simplification of Reduced Order Nonlinear Systems unsing Efficient Fitness Functions and Search spaces. Presented at 10th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposium on Large-Scale Systems: Theory and Applications, Osaka 2004.
B. Lohmann, B. Salimbahrami: Structure Preserving Reduction of LargeSecond Order Models by Moment Matching. Proceedings Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM), Vol. 4, Issue 1, December 2004, pp. 672-673.
B. Salimbahrami, B. Lohmann: Krylov Subspace Methods for the Reduction of First and Second Order Large-Scale Systems. Proceedings of 8th DFMRS Conference, Bremen, February 2004, ISSN 0944-694X, pp. 236-251.
Salimbahrami, B. and Lohmann, B.: Stopping Criterion in Order Reduction of Large Scale Systems Using Krylov Subspace Methods. Proceedings Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM), Vol. 4, Issue 1, December 2004, pp. 682-683.
A. Yousefi, J. Lienemann, B. Lohmann and J. G. Korvink: Nonlinear Heat Transfer Modelling and Reduction. At the 12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Kusadasi, Turkey, 2004.
Salimbahrami, B. and Lohmann, B.: Order Reduction of Large Scale Second Order Systems. 26. Kolloquium der Automatisierungstechnik in Salzhausen, November 2004.
Labibi, B., Lohmann, B., Sedigh, A.K., and Jabedar Maralani, P.: Robust decentralised stabilisation of large-scale systems via eigenstructure assignment. Int. J. of Systems Sciences, Vol. 34, No. 6, 15 May, 2003, pp. 389-393.
Labibi, B., Lohmann, B., Sedigh, A.K., and Jabedar Maralani, P.: Decentralized Stabilization of Large-Scale Systems via State-Feedback and using Descriptor Systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 33, No. 6, November 2003, pp. 771-776.
Labibi, B., Lohmann, B., Sedigh, A.K., and Jabedar Maralani, P.: Robust Decentralised Control of Large-Scale Systems via H-infinity Theory and using Descriptor System Representation. Int. J. Systems Sciences, vol. 34, no. 12-13, October 2003, pp. 705-715.
B. Labibi, Y. Bavafa Toosi, A. Khaki-Sedigh and B. Lohmann: A Novel Method for Decentralized Robust Exponential Stabilization of Large-Scale Systems. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2003, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 71-82.
Lietmann, T. und Lohmann, B.: Image-Based Visual Servoing zur autonomen Navigation einer mobilen Plattform. Automatisierungstechnik (at) 51, 2/2003, S. 86-95. pdf
Ataei, M. and Lohmann, B.: Determination of Embedding Dimension using Multiple Time Series Based on Singular Value Decomposition. Proceedings of the 4th MATHMOD, Vienna 2003, pp. 190-196.
Lohmann, B.: The Autonomous Wheelchair "EASY" and its Hierarchical Control. Proceedings of the 4th MATHMOD, Vienna 2003, pp. 817-824.
J. Deutscher, B. Lohmann: Flatness Based Asymptotic Disturbance Rejection for Linear and Nonlinear Systems. European Control Conference (ECC) 2003.
Deutscher, J. and Lohmann, B.: Flatness Based Disturbance Decoupling for Nonlinear Systems with Application to Tracking Control. Proceedings of 48. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany, 2003, Session 11.4.
Ataei, M., Khaki-Sedigh, A., Lohmann, B. and Lucas, C.: Determining Embedding Dimension from Output Time Series of Dynamical Systems - Scalar and Multiple Output Cases. Proc. of Second International Conference on System Identification and Control Problems (SICPRO 03). Moscow 2003, pp. 1004-1013.
Ataei, M., Khaki-Sedigh, A., Lohmann, B.: Estimating the Lyapunov Exponents of Chaotic Time Series Based on Polynomial Modelling. 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2003) Rotterdam 2003, pp. 174-179.
Ataei, M., Khaki-Sedigh, A., Lohmann, B., Lucas, C.: Estimating the Lyapunov Exponents of Chaotic Time Series: A Model Based Method. European Control Conference (ECC) 2003.
Labibi, B., A. Khaki Sedigh, P. Jabedar Maralani, B. Lohmann: Solving Weighted Mixed Sensitivity H-infinity Problem by Decentralised Control Feedback. European Control Conference (ECC) 2003.
Labibi, B., A. Khaki Sedigh, P. Jabedar Maralani, B. Lohmann: Solving weighted mixed sensitivity H-infinity problem by decentralized control feedback via modifying weighting functions and using descriptor system representation. 4th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Milano (Italy), on 25-27th June, 2003, Session WA01.
Seba, B., Nedeljkovic, N., Lohmann, B.: Car-Engine vibration isolation using different approaches of feedback control and performance comparison based on analytical investigations. Proc. of 10th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Stockholm, July 2003, pp. 861-868.
B. Labibi, Y. Bavafa-Toosi, A. Kahaki-Sedigh, B. Lohmann: A Novel Approach to Linear Decentralized Robust Performance Stabilization of Large-Scale Systems. European Control Conference 2003.
Ataei, M., Lohmann, B., Khaki-Sedigh, A., Lucas, C.: Model Based Method for Determining the Minimum Embedding Dimension from Chaotic Time Series - Univariate and Multivariate Cases. Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, Vol. 6 (2003), No. 4, pp. 842-851.
Vortisch, J.: Parameter- und Zustandschätzung mit Zustandsschätzern auf bewegtem Horizont. In Lohmann/Gräser (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Automatisierungstechnik, Shaker Verlag 2003, S. 24-35.
Ataei, M.: Model based adaptive calculation of Lyapunov exponents from chaotic time series. In Lohmann/Gräser (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Automatisierungstechnik, Shaker Verlag 2003, S. 36-42.
Seba, B. and Lohmann, B.: Finite Element Modelling of the Car Chassis and Actuator/Sensor Positioning for Vibration Control. Automatisierungstechnisches Kolloquium in Salzhausen, November 2003.
Salimbahrami, B. and Lohmann, B.: A Simulation Free Nonlinear Model Order Reduction Approach and Comparison Study. Proceedings of the 4th MATHMOD, Vienna 2003, pp. 429-435.
Salimbahrami, B., Lohmann, B., Bechtold, T. and J.G. Korvink: Two-sided Arnoldi Algorithm and Its Application in Order Reduction of MEMS. Proceedings of the 4th MATHMOD, Vienna 2003, pp. 1021-1028.
B. Lohmann and B. Salimbahrami: Introduction to Krylov-Subspace Methods in Model Order Reduction. 24. In: Lohmann, B. und Gräser, A. (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Automatisierungstechnik. Ausgewählte Beiträge der internat. automatisierungstechnischen Kolloquien Salzhausen 2001 und 2002. Shaker-Verlag, Aachen, 2003, S. 1-13.
T. Bechtold, B. Salimbahrami, E. B. Rudnyi, B. Lohmann and J. G. Korvink: Krylov-Subspace-Based Order Reduction Methods Applied to Generate Compact Thermo-Electric Models for MEMS. Proc. of 6th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems (MSM), San Francisco, 2003.
B. Salimbahrami, J. Lienemann: Krylov Subspace Methods in Order Reduction of Nonlinear Systems. 25. Automatisierungstechnisches Kolloquium in Salzhausen, November 2003.
Labibi, B., Lohmann, B., Sedigh, A.K., and Jabedar Maralani, P.: Output Feedback Decentralized Control of Large-Scale Systems using Weighted Sensitivity Functions Minimization. Systems & Control Letters 47 (2002), pp. 191-198.
Labibi, B. and Lohmann, B.: Decentralised Quantitative Feedback Design of Large-Scale Systems. Preprints of 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona 2002, T-Th-A13.
Seba, B. and Pietrzko, S.: Active Noise Control of a Double Glazed Window. Active 2002 Conference, ISVR Southampton, England, June 2002.
Vortisch, J. and Lohmann, B.: A Gauss-Newton Moving Horizon Estimator and Reduced Order Realizations in Comparison to EKF. Proc. of IEEE Internat. Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, Szczecin, Poland, Sept. 2002, pp. 1251-1256.
Augustin, B., Lietmann, T. and Lohmann, B.: Image-Based Visual Servoing of a Non-Holonomic Mobile Platform Using a Pan-Tilt-Head. Proc. of IEEE internat. Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, Szczecin, Poland, 2002, pp. 941-946.
Lohmann, B.: The Autonomous Wheelchair EASY and its Feedback Control Components. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Autonomous and Mobile Systems, Fraunhofer Institut für Fabrikbetrieb und Automatisierung (IFF), Magdeburg 2002, pp. 31-35.
Salimbahrami, B.: Krylov Subspace Algorithms in Order Reduction of LTI-Systems. 24. Automatisierungstechnisches Kolloquium in Salzhausen, November 2002.
Nedeljkovic, N. und Paschedag, J.: ANC - Grenzen der Regelgüte und Aspekte der Implementierung. 24. Automatisierungstechnisches Kolloquium in Salzhausen, November 2002.
Seba, B. and Lohmann, B.: Active Vibration Control of the Car Road Noise. Automatisierungstechnisches Kolloquium in Salzhausen, November 2002.
Buttelmann, M. and Lohmann, B.: Two Optimization Methods for Solving the Problem of Structure Simplification of Non-Linear Systems. Proc. of IEEE internat. Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, Szczecin, Poland, 2002, pp. 1257-1262.
Buttelmann, M., Lohmann, B., Vinogradski, M., Nedeljkovic, N. and Svaricek, F.: Online Identification of Active Absorbers in Automotive Vibration Control. Preprints of 3rd IFAC Workshop on Advances in Automotive Control, Karlsruhe 2001, pp. 197-202.
Hisseine, D. and Lohmann, B.: Robust control for a flexible-link manipulator using sliding mode techniques and nonlinear H-infinity design methods. Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Seoul, Korea, pp. 3865-3870.
Lietmann, T., Bornstedt, B. and Lohmann, B.: Visual servoing for a non-holonomic mobile robot using a range-image camera. Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC) 2001, Porto, Portugal, pp. 1134-1139.
Lietmann, T., and Lohmann, B.: On the stability of visual servoing using a 3D-camera. Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC) 2001, Porto, Portugal, pp. 1140-1144.
Labibi, B., Lohmann, B., Sedigh, A.K., and Jabedar Maralani, P.: Design of decentralised high-gain error-actuated controllers for large-scale systems. Int. J. of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 21 (2001), Part 4, pp. 282-287.
Lietmann, T., and Lohmann, B.: 3D-Visual Servoing zur autonomen Navigation einer nichtholonomen mobilen Plattform. In Levi, P. und Schanz, M. (Hrsg.): Autonome Mobile Systeme 2001 (AMS), Springer-Verlag, 2001, ISBN 3-540-42552-7, S. 22-28.
Nedeljkovic, N. und Lohmann, B.: Aufbau und Entwurfsmethoden der aktiven Schwingungsdämpfung im Kraftfahrzeug. 7. DFMRS-Jahrestagung, Bremen 2001, Forschungsbericht der Deutschen Forschungsvereinigung für Mess-, Regelungs- und Systemtechnik, S.49-60.
Buttelmann, M. and Lohmann, B.: Strukturvereinfachung bei der Ordnungsreduktion nichtlinearer Systeme. In Lohmann, B. und Gräser, A. (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Automatisierungstechnik. Shaker-Verlag, Aachen, 2001, S. 11-22.
Buttelmann, M. and Lohmann, B.: Non-linear model reduction by genetic algorithms using a system structure related fitness function. Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC) 2001, Porto, Portugal, pp. 1870-1875.
Buttelmann, M., Kieren, M. und Lohmann, B.: Trajektoriengenerierung und Bahnregelung für nichtholonome, autonome Fahrzeuge. In Schmidt, G., Hanebeck, U. und Freyberger, F. (Hrsg.): Autonome Mobile Systeme. Springer-Verlag 2000, S. 303-312.
Labibi, B., Lohmann, B., Khaki Sedigh, A., Jabedar Maralani, P.: High Gain Decentralized Control. Proceedings of the IASTED Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC), Innsbruck 2000, pp. 109-111.
Labibi, B., Lohmann, B., Khaki Sedigh, A., Jabedar Maralani, P.: A New Method for Decentralized Control of Large-Scale Systems. Proceedings of the IASTED Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC), Innsbruck 2000, pp. 105-108.
Labibi, B., Lohmann, B.: Sufficient Condition for Stability of Decentralised Control. Electronics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 588-590.
Hisseine, D. and Lohmann, B.: Modeling and Control of a Flexible Link Manipulator. Proceedings of 3rd MATHMOD (IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling), Vienna, Feb. 2000, pp. 879-882, ISBN 3-901608-15-X.
Labibi, B., Lohmann, B., Khaki Sedigh, A., Jabedar Maralani, P.: Decentralized Robust Control of Large-Scale Systems via Sensitivity Reduction to the Interactions. Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Volume 2, 2000, pp. 819-823.
Labibi, B., Lohmann, B., Khaki Sedigh, A., Jabedar Maralani, P.: A Sufficient Condition for Stability of Decentralised Control. Proceedings of the 8th Iranian Conference on Elec. Eng (ICEE 2000) pp. 75-78.
Labibi, B., Lohmann, B., Khaki Sedigh, A., Jabedar Maralani, P.: Decentralized Control via Eigenstructure Assignment. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics, Volume 3, 2000, pp. 2247-2251.
Lohmann, B., Labibi, B.: Decentralized Stabilization using Descriptor Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Volume 3, 2000, pp. 2252-2256.
Khaki Sedigh, A., Jabedar Maralani, P., Lohmann, B., Labibi, B.: Output Feedback Decentralised Control of Large-Scale Systems. Proceedings of the 8th Iranian Conference on Elec. Eng. (ICEE 2000), pp. 79-83.
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Hisseine, D. and Lohmann, B.: Nonlinear Tracking Control for a Lightweight Flexible Robot. Proc. IEEE internat. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics SMC 2000, Nashville 2000, pp. 3360-3365.
Buttelmann, M. and Lohmann, B.: Genetische Algorithmen für die Strukturvereinfachung nichtlinearer, ordnungsreduzierter Systeme. Tagungsband des 10. Workshop Fuzzy Control des GMA-Fachausscusses 5.22, Dortmund, 18. - 20. Oktober 2000, S. 140 - 149.
Lietmann, T. and Lohmann, B.: Docking Procedure for a non-holonomic mobile platform based on visual servoing. Proceedings of the 6th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO), Vienna 2000.
Lietmann, T. and Lohmann, B.: Docking-Manöver einer nichtholonomen mobilen Plattform mittels Visual Servoing. In Dillmann R., Wörn H., von Ehr, M. (Hrsg.), Informatik aktuell, Autonome Mobile Systeme 2000, S. 47-54, Springer-Verlag, 2000.
Buttelmann, M. and Lohmann, B.: Model Simplification and Order Reduction of Non-linear Systems with Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings of 3rd MATHMOD (IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling), Vienna, Feb. 2000, pp. 777-781, ISBN 3-901608-15-X.
Lohmann, B. und Buttelmann, M.: Flache Systeme: Einführung, Anwendung und Realisierung einer Regelung für mobile Plattformen. In Lohmann, B. und Gräser, A. (Hrsg.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Automatisierungstechnik. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 1999, S. 13-27.
Hisseine, D. and Lohmann, B.: Two Control Approaches for a Flexible Link Manipulator. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications, Santa Barbara 1999, pp.192-197.
Lohmann, B.: An Application in Postal Automation: Two Ways of Modeling a Transport Process. Proceedings of 2nd MATHMOD (ARGESIM-Report No. 11, ISBN 3-901608-11-7), pp. 449-453, Vienna, Feb. 5-7, 1997.
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