Sebastian Pröll, M.Sc.

- Room: MW1207
- Email:
- Phone: +49 (0) 89 289 15264
- Technische Mechanik I (WiSe 20/21, WiSe 18/19)
- Technische Mechanik II (SoSe 19, SoSe 21)
- Numerische Methoden für Ingenieure (WiSe 19/20)
- Praktische Softwareentwicklung (WiSe 22/23, SoSe 2022, selected topics in WiSe 19/20, SoSe 20, WiSe 20/21, SoSe 21, WiSe 21/22)
Research interests
- Numerical modeling of additive manufacturing processes, especially powder bed fusion additive maunfacturing on the part-scale
- Thermo-structure-interaction and material modeling
- High-performance computing, matrix-free methods
- Development of scientific research software, regular contributor to the deal.II library
- Sebastian D. Proell, Peter Munch, Wolfgang A. Wall, Christoph Meier. A highly efficient computational framework for fast scan-resolved simulations of metal additive manufacturing processes on the scale of real parts, 2023 (arxiv:
Articles in peer-reviewed international journals
- Sebastian D. Proell, Wolfgang A. Wall, Christoph Meier. A simple yet consistent constitutive law and mortar-based layer coupling schemes for thermomechanical part-scale simulations of metal additive manufacturing processes, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 8 (24), 2021 (DOI: 10.1186/s40323-021-00209-1)
- Arndt, D., Bangerth, W., Blais, B., Fehling, M., Gassmöller, R., Heister, T., Heltai, L., Köcher, U., Kronbichler, M., Maier, M., Munch, P., Pelteret, J., Proell, S., Simon, K., Turcksin, B., Wells, D. & Zhang, J. The deal.II Library, Version 9.3. Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 2021,
- Christoph Meier, Sebastian L. Fuchs, Nils Much, Jonas Nitzler, Ryan W. Penny, Patrick M. Praegla, Sebastian D. Proell, Yushen Sun, Reimar Weissbach, Magdalena Schreter, Neil E. Hodge, A. John Hart, Wolfgang A. Wall: Physics‐based modeling and predictive simulation of powder bed fusion additive manufacturing across length scales. Surveys for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM Mitteilungen), 2021,
- Sebastian D. Proell, Wolfgang A. Wall, Christoph Meier.: On phase change and latent heat models in metal additive manufacturing process simulation. Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 7 (1), 2020 (DOI: 10.1186/s40323-020-00158-1)
Supervised student projects
- Efficient equivalent heat sources for accurate predictions in powder bed fusion additive manufacturing process simulation, Term paper, 2021
- Visualizing buildup of parts in metal Additive Manufacturing, ViP, 2020
- Development of a micro-structure-informed elasto-plastic constitutive law for metal melting and solidification processes, Master's thesis, 2020
- Enriched finite element solution spaces for the temperature field in metal additive manufacturing process simulation, Term paper, 2020
- Visualization of a three-dimensional thermal simulation of metal additive manufacturing, ViP, 2019
- Thermo-mechanical material models for simulation of consolidation and melting in Metal Additive Manufacturing, Bachelor's Thesis, 2019
- since 2018 Research Associate at the Institute for Computational Mechanics (Lehrstuhl für Numerische Mechanik), Technische Universität München, Germany
- 2018 Master of Science (M.Sc.), Mechanical Engineering, Technische Universität München, Germany
- 2015 Bachelor of Science (M.Sc.), Mechanical Engineering, Technische Universität München, Germany