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Intrinsic thermoacoustic instabilities
Categorization of thermoacoustic modes in an ideal resonator with phasor diagrams
Interplay of Clusters of Acoustic and Intrinsic Thermoacoustic Modes in Can-Annular Combustors
A categorization of marginally stable thermoacoustic modes based on phasor diagrams
The Impact of Exceptional Points On the Reliability of Thermoacoustic Stability Analysis
Low-Order Modeling to Investigate Clusters of Intrinsic Thermoacoustic Modes in Annular Combustors
Thermoacoustic Spectrum of a Swirled Premixed Combustor With Partially Reflecting Boundaries
Intrinsic thermoacoustic feedback loop in turbulent spray flames
Determination of Acoustic Scattering Matrices from Linearized Compressible Flow Equations with Application to Thermoacoustic Stability Analysis
Identification of flame transfer functions in the presence of intrinsic thermoacoustic feedback and noise
Numerical study on intrinsic thermoacoustic instability of a laminar premixed flame
Convective Scaling of Intrinsic Thermo-Acoustic Eigenfrequencies of a Premixed Swirl Combustor
The Contribution of Intrinsic Thermoacoustic Feedback to Combustion Noise and Resonances of a Confined Turbulent Premixed Flame
Acoustic and intrinsic thermoacoustic modes of a premixed combustor