Eder, A. J; Silva, C. F; Haeringer, M.; Kuhlmann, J.; Polifke, W.: Incompressible versus compressible large eddy simulation for the identification of premixed flame dynamics. International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 15 (1), 2023, 16-32 mehr…BibTeX
Kuhlmann, J.; Lampmann, A.; Pfitzner, M.; Polifke, W.: Assessing accuracy, reliability and efficieny of combustion models for prediction of flame dynamics with large eddy simulation. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 10 mehr…BibTeX
Kuhlmann, J.; Marragou, S.; Boxx, I.; Schuller, T.; Polifke, W.: LES based prediction of technically premixed flame dynamics and comparison with perfectly premixed mode. Physics of Fluids 34 (8), 2022, 10.1063/5.0098962 mehr…BibTeX